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Game of Thrones Season 8

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 05.20.2019 4:37am

Fuck Shit Stack.

It was better than the LOST finale.

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 05.20.2019 5:11am


Id82 said:

It was better than the LOST finale.

Not on any planet that I've been to. Well, there was that one... but I fucking hate that planet. =P

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 05.20.2019 5:21am
Thread Creator

World Warrior 21007

Id82 said:

It was better than the LOST finale.

That's an awfully low bar to clear. So low it's underground. And I still don't agree that it cleared it.

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 05.20.2019 5:21am

Fuck Shit Stack.

Eh I don't hate it as much as the majority. It's not the best ending I've seen, but it wasn't the worst. It was just. Meh.

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 05.20.2019 5:35am


I'm pretty satisfied with where things ended up. I don't really get the hate, but to each their own, I guess.

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 05.20.2019 6:40am

Not in the face!
The Alpha and the Omega

Again, where they went and how they got there was fine, but they really needed another season to get there. Everything happened way too quickly.

I made this for you!

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 05.20.2019 5:22pm
 (Edited on 05.20.2019 at 6:06pm)


I'm not as much against where they went, because then I would just be complaining that things didn't end the way I wanted.  How they got there is the problem, for me.  I'll just erase everything that happened between Drogon flying off with Daenerys and Jon with Ghost from my memory because it was a whole lot of stupid.

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 05.20.2019 8:28pm

Terran Angel

Supposedly, HBO offered D&D more episodes, even more seasons, but they turned them down.  I guess they're really excited to start working on their Star Wars trilogy.

I had a lot of issues with that finale.  A lot of issues with this season in general.  I think what they did to the character of Dany was abysmal.  I'm not opposed to a Mad Queen storyline, but it would have to have been setup years in advance.  Not just the last couple episodes.  And yeah, she's done brutal things before, but those were in an all together different category.  Foreshadowing =/= character development.  Especially since the show itself has portrayed her as a heroic savior up until this last season.  It wasn't just in Dany's head.

I'm also not wild about Jon's ending, but that's more personal opinion.  Same as
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Branbot 9000 becoming King, Drogon melting the throne then picking up Dany's corpse and flying away, etc.

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 05.21.2019 12:30am
Thread Creator

World Warrior 21007

IIRC, GRRM himself said he wanted 10 seasons or more, while Dumb & Dumber wanted only 7 and had to be talked into doing 8.

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 05.22.2019 7:40pm


Some more in-depth thoughts on the finale:

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The episode confirmed pretty quickly that I was right about the burning of King's Landing being coldly premeditated, so I felt vindicated on that.
I like how Jon and Tyrion having to betray Daenerys had echoes of both Tywin and Jaime turning against the Mad King, and also of Aliser Thorne's choice to betray and murder Jon.   Uncomfortable, in a very Game of Thrones way.  I like it.

I love how the last scene of the series takes after the first scene.

I'm on board with Bran ending up in charge, as it's a return to the benevolent negligence of Robert Baratheon's reign.  A competent small council runs most things, and things are generally peaceful.   I also like how the first POV character in the books (named) is the one who ends up as king.

Sansa as Queen in the North, Arya off for new adventures, and Jon free to roam with the wildlings like he wanted.  It all works for me.

I do wish Arya had been given more to do in the finale.  Also not sure what the white horse was all about in the previous episode.

Now, I do agree that things have been moving a bit too fast.  They probably needed another episode or two for each of the last two seasons, to let things breathe more and move a bit more naturally.   Any more than that, say, one to two entire seasons, and the show just ends up in a holding pattern.  See Smallville.  

Again, I liked it overall.   It's a bummer that I'm apparently only one of a few who did, but such is life.  It's not the first time that's happened, and it likely won't be the last.

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 05.22.2019 9:39pm
Thread Creator (Edited on 05.22.2019 at 9:49pm)

World Warrior 21007

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
The explanation Dany gave to Jon for why she burned King's Landing was completely illogical and lame. Because she tried to make peace with Cersei, she said? Because Cersei was using the KL children's innocence as a shield, she said? If Cersei was Dany's target in the previous episode (presumably after Missandei was decapitated), what was stopping Dany from simply flying to the Red Keep directly and burning it to take out Cersei before she could escape? Innocents and children sure weren't going to stop a dragon from reaching the Red Keep.

I didn't much care for the way Jon's killing of Dany was set up, either. The show had never done a particularly good job of replicating the facets of Jon's character in the book. Book!Jon was certainly capable of duplicity, but Show!Jon was basically a clone of Ned Stark, which, again, made the way he killed Dany feel unearned.

Bran ... what did he do the entire season besides just sit around? They could've had him do SOMETHING with his alleged powers besides warg into a few crows at Winterfell. The Tyrion stories monologue was pretty lame, too. There were several people at the gathering of nobles who had more interesting stories to tell than Show!Bran.

Grey Worm being the driving force behind exiling Jon back to the Night's Watch was also pretty stupid, considering he left Westeros right after.

Aside from all the dumb shit mentioned above, the finale was really just fucking boring. Too much walking in slow motion, and most of it added nothing of value dramatically.

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 05.22.2019 10:05pm


Rhaegar said:

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The explanation Dany gave to Jon for why she burned King's Landing was completely illogical and lame. Because she tried to make peace with Cersei, she said? Because Cersei was using the KL children's innocence as a shield, she said? If Cersei was Dany's target in the previous episode (presumably after Missandei was decapitated), what was stopping Dany from simply flying to the Red Keep directly and burning it to take out Cersei before she could escape? Innocents and children sure weren't going to stop a dragon from reaching the Red Keep.

I didn't much care for the way Jon's killing of Dany was set up, either. The show had never done a particularly good job of replicating the facets of Jon's character in the book. Book!Jon was certainly capable of duplicity, but Show!Jon was basically a clone of Ned Stark, which, again, made the way he killed Dany feel unearned.

Bran ... what did he do the entire season besides just sit around? They could've had him do SOMETHING with his alleged powers besides warg into a few crows at Winterfell. The Tyrion stories monologue was pretty lame, too. There were several people at the gathering of nobles who had more interesting stories to tell than Show!Bran.

Grey Worm being the driving force behind exiling Jon back to the Night's Watch was also pretty stupid, considering he left Westeros right after.

Aside from all the dumb shit mentioned above, the finale was really just fucking boring. Too much walking in slow motion, and most of it added nothing of value dramatically.

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Cersei wasn't Dany's only target.  Dany knew she was going to make an example of King's Landing before she even went to bed the night before.  "Let it be fear, then."  Lords would know that they couldn't hide behind smallfolk, and I suppose in her twisted Targaryen head, the people would be free from being used as such.

And I don't know if I'd go so far as to call the way Jon killed her duplicity.  When Jon said he loved her, and that she would always be his queen, I honestly think he meant it.

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 05.22.2019 10:17pm
Thread Creator (Edited on 05.22.2019 at 10:25pm)

World Warrior 21007

Spoony said:

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Cersei wasn't Dany's only target.  Dany knew she was going to make an example of King's Landing before she even went to bed the night before.  "Let it be fear, then."  Lords would know that they couldn't hide behind smallfolk, and I suppose in her twisted Targaryen head, the people would be free from being used as such.

And I don't know if I'd go so far as to call the way Jon killed her duplicity.  When Jon said he loved her, and that she would always be his queen, I honestly think he meant it.

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Laying waste to the Golden Company, the Iron Fleet, much of the Lannister army, and destroying the scorpions (talk about a nerf from one episode to the next) wasn't fear-inspiring enough? Attacking the Red Keep directly and burning it in short order wouldn't have inspired fear? And then there's the detail that the people of KL would've needed to be alive to feel fear in the first place.

Jon still used Dany's love for him (and maybe his for her) as his main weapon. That's pretty deceptive any way you slice it. Again, Book!Jon, I could eventually see doing that ... after much further development in the final two books. Show!Jon, not so much.

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 05.22.2019 11:02pm


Rhaegar said:

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Laying waste to the Golden Company, the Iron Fleet, much of the Lannister army, and destroying the scorpions (talk about a nerf from one episode to the next) wasn't fear-inspiring enough? Attacking the Red Keep directly and burning it in short order wouldn't have inspired fear? And then there's the detail that the people of KL would've needed to be alive to feel fear in the first place.

Jon still used Dany's love for him (and maybe his for her) as his main weapon. That's pretty deceptive any way you slice it. Again, Book!Jon, I could eventually see doing that ... after much further development in the final two books. Show!Jon, not so much.

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She wasn't trying to inspire fear in the people of King's Landing.  She was trying to inspire fear in the people of Westeros.  The story would spread, songs would be sung (a la Rains of Castamere) and the whole continent would know that Daenerys razed an entire city full of disloyal smallfolk to the ground.  

That and the Jon part will undoubtedly be built up more in the books, especially considering they're both main POV characters.  Although I could see GRRM having the stabbing scene be Dany's POV just to fuck with us.    Goddamn, I hope he gets these things done.  I'm already dying to know how it's going to play out from inside these characters' heads.

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 05.22.2019 11:41pm
Thread Creator

World Warrior 21007

Spoony said:

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She wasn't trying to inspire fear in the people of King's Landing.  She was trying to inspire fear in the people of Westeros.  The story would spread, songs would be sung (a la Rains of Castamere) and the whole continent would know that Daenerys razed an entire city full of disloyal smallfolk to the ground.  

That and the Jon part will undoubtedly be built up more in the books, especially considering they're both main POV characters.  Although I could see GRRM having the stabbing scene be Dany's POV just to fuck with us.    Goddamn, I hope he gets these things done.  I'm already dying to know how it's going to play out from inside these characters' heads.

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
I think you're reading a lot into that "so it's fear, then" quote that wasn't really defined in the show as it was, and attributing intentions to Dany that weren't defined in the show. And she may have meant "fear" in Ep. 5, but in the finale when explaining her actions to Jon she pretty much made it all about Cersei, which is very inconsistent writing on D&D's part. Like a whole lot of D&D's writing had been this season.

Regardless, I'm always going to maintain that Dany going from protecting the living from the dead, all the way to mass slaughter of innocents in a span of two episodes was so rushed as to not be believable in the context of the show. As Lexx alluded to, Dany was always ruthless with her punishments, but up until the penultimate episode it was mostly to truly bad people, or to people who were actively insubordinate. And it's not like her punishments were beyond the pale compared to other characters. Jon hanged a little boy and decapitated an insubordinate without a trial. Arya (in the show) baked pies out of Freys. Ned in Book/Season 1 decapitated someone simply for desertion.

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