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The unexpected best of final fantasy.

 05.08.2012 4:25am

World Warrior 21007

Whatever floats your boat. I just can't see how anyone could NOT want to strangle those two.

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 05.08.2012 4:51am

Give Life Back To Music

Snow is defnitely the more rage-inducing of the two.  I'm just pretty tolerant of stuff I guess.  I tend to like unpopular things.

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 05.08.2012 5:35pm

Registered Member

Snow's hawt.

At least in XIII - the mullet in XIII-2 is kinda hard to take.

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 05.09.2012 4:54am

Give Life Back To Music

You know that mullet's probably still underneath his hat in the first one.

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 05.09.2012 3:39pm

Registered Member

Heh...I actually never thought of that!  Did he never take the hat off?

I just don't GET the hair.  Like at the top it looks like chocobo feathers.

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 05.09.2012 4:11pm

Give Life Back To Music

Nope, never took off the hat.  But it looks the same where it's not covered so I figured that's just his hair. XD  Yeah, FF characters have pretty nonsensical hair, and Snow's is on the sillier end.

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 05.09.2012 4:24pm

Free Spirit
Zetta Member

I've actually grown to like Snow's look in FFXIII-2.  For some reason, it just looks less "hyper-realistic" and more "fantastic".  I dunno.  I hated it at first, too, but it's pretty cool now.  I liked Snow's look in FFXIII too.  Heck, I think I just like Snow.  He's a moron, but I can't help but smile whenever he goes crashing through whatever scene he's in like a water buffalo.  He's a character, I'll give him that.

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 05.09.2012 7:20pm

The Taru

XIII made me thoroughly upset. Any previous fun I had with the series was non existent in the game. It felt like the cheap quality of the knock off sequels SE has been pumping out finally made its way to a major titled game. Didn't play XIII-2 because of the previous.

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 05.11.2012 7:55am

Give Life Back To Music

FFXIII-2 is honestly the better game.  MUCH better game.  Most of the missing fun got put back in.

Free Spirit said:

I've actually grown to like Snow's look in FFXIII-2.  For some reason, it just looks less "hyper-realistic" and more "fantastic".  I dunno.  I hated it at first, too, but it's pretty cool now.  I liked Snow's look in FFXIII too.  Heck, I think I just like Snow.  He's a moron, but I can't help but smile whenever he goes crashing through whatever scene he's in like a water buffalo.  He's a character, I'll give him that.

Haha, definitely a character.  Even though he's a huge idiot at times, his go-getting and generally positive attitude is kind of infectious.   And yeah I'll agree he's got a cool look.  Moreso in the first game for me, even though I thought he looked like Seifer 2.0. XD

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 05.11.2012 8:22am

Dr Squirrel
medicine woman

I think of myself as an anti-nerd.  As opposed to being someone who plays video games and reads comic books and finds faults in EVERYTHING, I find faults in just about nothing.  I love most everything I've ever played.

I got thirty hours into FFXII before I realized I couldn't take this shit anymore.

It took me half an hour to reach that point in FFXIII.

I saw an extremely appealing looking techno landscape that I was only allowed to see for brief seconds at a time before being forced to see more blurry flashy combat. 

I saw a badass looking robot attack with guns and then inexpliciably engage in melee combat with me when it was doing just fine before. 

I saw a 15 year old girl die who was apparently a mother to a 12 year old child. 

I saw people dancing around while firing guns, as if that's supposed to be cool looking. 

I was put in battles where I could either read menus or see what the hell I was doing, and ended up failing to do either.

I saw a guy charging at armored soldiers with his fists and winning.

I saw a parody of Final Fantasy presented with a straight face.

What I did not see was a video game I'd enjoy playing.

trust me, i'm a doctor

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 05.11.2012 10:26pm

Crono can cross dimensions too!

I actually really enjoyed XIII and the only real negetives I had were the story's lost potential, Hope/Vanille, and that horrible pop song.  I didn't mind the linearity so much and the battle system was very addicting.  I still need to get XIII-2 though.

Currently Playing: Dark Cloud 2: 3 hours.
Also Playing: CT, FF VI, Solatorobo, Secret of Mana, Halo 4.
Just Finished: Fable II: 7 hours.

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 05.12.2012 4:16am

So Sigh Ety

Welcome Xavier, good to have you! I liked your post, but I gotta say I completely agree on everything you said until you started on FF13. I couldn't disagree any more. But, let's leave it at that. I just didn't like anything about the game. Didn't like a single character, hated the battle system, only liked two songs in the soundtrack, hated the linear world, and so on. Just wasn't my cup of tea. 

Never bothered to touch FF13-2 considering I quit FF13 mid way through. And for me to quit an RPG, it takes a lot. I've beaten probably 99% of every rpg ive played. I'm just one to stick around even if I'm not liking it that much, to see if it gets better or waht the story has to offer. Takes a special gem like FF13 to make me rage quit and never touch the game again.

I think the only other FF game I haven't beaten is FF2.  Oh, and FF Heroes of Light. Yeah, these are the only other ones. 

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 05.12.2012 6:45pm

Registered Member

Xavier said:

?Ultimately, I think it comes down to this: the Final Fantasy that we grew up on has become dated and the system has changed. Thus it makes FF XIII just not "feel" like a Final Fantasy game (and rightly so), but had it not had the Final Fantasy tag on it, I bet it would have proven to have much higher reviews.

On the contrary ... FFXIII got very good reviews 8.0 to 8.5 Average in game rankings, if this was a game w/o the mainline FF name attatched to it hype would have been considerably less and it probably would have gotten lower review scores.

If Lost Odyssey (a traditonal RPG) was FFXIII I am pretty sure Lost Odyssey would have scored much higher review scores.

FFXIII's problem is not that it's game mechanics were so deviated from the mainline FF, it was because what they changed about it was just bad or poorly designed. I believe it was Square-Enix who said they didn't see FFXIII as an RPG but something like an FPS. Of course what Squre-Enix didn't realize is that FF fans were looking for an RPG.

I really have no problems FFXIII deviating from the status quo of mainline FF games if the result was good. Heck FFXII was completely diffrent from previous FF games and I loved that game and the recpetion, while also has its share of critics, was much better than that of FFXIII.

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 07.01.2012 2:19am

Comes and goes like the wind...

It's weird, FFXIII really did grow on me after a little while, but I think it was just the combat which I eventually started to get engaged in that kept me going. I still found the story to be very difficult to follow and it didn't help that a lot of the in-game terminology really sounded the same (ie: l'cie vs fal'cie?). The story may have been good; it may have been bad, but I just found it wasn't presented in a way that was easy to understand.

In the end I just couldn't get over the train track the game put you on, I really thought every complaint I heard prior to playing the game was some exageration, but it really just felt like it was designed as a train track of "random" battles spliced together with some cutscenes.

I started FFXIII-2 and am actually interested in getting into it as it sounds like they really made an effort to resolve a lot of the issues, but lets just hope the next numbered FF release we get is something that I can recommend to people to get them into the series, cause FFXIII is a tough game to convince people to play in order to show them how great the series is.

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 07.01.2012 3:41am

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

At least it was better than FFXII. *Shrug*

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

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