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Cap'n Action 16-Year Memorial

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Is Cap'n Action Really Dead *Now?*

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 03.21.2019 5:35pm
Thread Creator

Dip Trip Flip Fantasia

The world was robbed of a sweet prince in April of 2003 when internet heartthrob Cap'n Action was straight up murdered by this forum as the result of his falsified death claim.

Hundreds were not in attendance for his funeral, in a fictitious land of make-believe, a mere 24-hours after his non-existant corpse had grown cold. 

This thread is memorial, sixteen years later, to comemmorate the life, death, and rebirth of Cap'n Action.

Please, pour a cold one one out as we remember this tragic loss.

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 03.21.2019 6:00pm

Fuck Shit Stack.

Was he the guy who faked his death or something? Such a long time ago.

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 03.21.2019 9:17pm

Not in the face!
The Alpha and the Omega

The mystery still remains unsolved. Too bad we lost Robert Stack.

I made this for you!

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 03.22.2019 1:00pm

The Hulk
Good Boy

I heard someone say "goodnight sweet prince" on tv the other day and had a little chuckle at the memory.  Sixteen years though, fuck!  Gone, but not forgotten.  Or gone.

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 03.22.2019 4:39pm

Firefightin' Administrator

For those who wish to remember...

Capn_Action is not dead. Or at least, he didn??t die how or where it is alleged he died.
So one way or another, someone is lying.
The first inkling of doubt was when I read LadyRin??s post on Tuesday, April 8, quoting his friend Dustin??s eulogy.  This appeared in the memorial thread ??Good Night, Sweet Prince You Live on In our Hearts? in Final Fantasy Universe??s General Chat:
"When one thinks of a role model It is often said that these are the people that take that extra step to better themself and more importantly those around them. Personaly I feel that a rolemodel is someone who sets an example of greatness to all those around him, whose actions gain the respect and admiration of all who witness them?"
Then on Wednesday, April 9, Angry Moogle quoted a previous post Capn_Action had made on FFO before he was banned.  The quote below also appears in FFU??s memorial thread:
"A role model is someone who's words and actions gain the respect of all those who whitness them." I also stated that a role model was not only someone who worked hard to better themselves but more importantly helped those around them to become better people.
These two quotes say the same thing.  Unless Dustin paraphrased Drew??s grandfather??s eulogy, this is strong evidence that the same person wrote both.
The second shred of doubt came when I realized just how quickly things had progressed following Drew??s death Monday night.
Some things about this did not seem right.  One, that he died on Monday from injuries sustained Saturday.  While this is entirely reasonable, a rush funeral producing hundreds of mourners a day later did not, no matter how popular Capn_Action is or was.
Shred #3: I signed up on Osprey Media Group through so I could peruse the death notices from April 1, 2002, through Wednesday in all the local newspapers in and around Peterborough.  Typing in the surname ??Benn? I was able to find only results with the name ??Bennett? and none of those fitting any story about a motor vehicle accident were from the last week.  In fact, many of those who had died with this name were elderly.  Another thing that stood out was that most of the funerals seem to take place three or more days after the death. 
Let??s go for #4: So I called the Peterborough Examiner, Peterborough??s main newspaper, on Friday morning, April 11, and spoke with a man at the newsdesk, at (705) 745-4641. There were no stories about anyone named Drew Benn or Drew Bennet or Drew Bennett being struck and injured by a vehicle while crossing the street.  There were no stories about anyone by that name dying on Monday, April 7, from injuries suffered during that accident.  There were no stories about anyone by that name having a rush-burial the very next day, Tuesday, April 8.  Also, no Trent University students had been killed recently, according to him.  Capn_Action was a student at Trent, according to LadyRin.
In fact, The Examiner has no stories whatsoever about any accidents involving or deaths resulting from pedestrians being struck by a vehicle.
How about 5?  I asked the man from The Examiner for the number of the local police department.  He was happy to give it to me as (705) 876-1212.  Calling the number he gave me (he misspoke), I reached Larkin Equipment, presumably based also in Peterborough.  It turns out that the man at the newsdesk had transposed the last two digits of the number, and the woman at Larkin provided me with the correct listing of (705) 876-1122.
The Peterborough Metropolitan Police force (if that??s the correct name, I didn??t catch it all while writing) also had no reports of anyone within the city being injured in a pedestrian vs. vehicle accident over the last ten days, much less killed outright or dying later from injuries sustained in such an incident.
[font]6th [/font]time??s the charm.  After getting off the phone with the police, I called Trent University??s Security Office to inquire if any of their students had been killed recently, and the officer there had no information regarding anyone being killed.  In fact, she told me that news like a student death often travels quickly around the campus, and she had heard nothing about any student accidents in the last week.
So what does this all tell us?  That the only thing tragic about this entire incident is that someone was willing to lie to a thousand people about something tragic.
Final Fantasy Online Administrator

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 03.22.2019 6:07pm


Easily the most epic thing I've seen take place on a forum.   I think I've still got that whole thread saved somewhere. >>

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 03.22.2019 7:08pm

Fuck Shit Stack.

I found a Drew Bennett on Facebook who lives in Burlington Ontario which is like two and a half hours a way from Petersborough. Could be our guy.

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 03.25.2019 1:07am

Terran Angel

I remember infiltrating FFU to try and see if they were in on it.  That was probably around the height of all the different FF forums with their drama and sniping at each other.  Fun times.

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 03.25.2019 4:27am

Sysadmin of my brain

Call, thank you for posting all that.

The cap'n is dead, but the person behind him is no doubt alive and well.

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 03.28.2019 7:52pm

Firefightin' Administrator

It was a morning well spent.

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 04.11.2019 4:20am

Sysadmin of my brain

What was Adella's place in relation to Cap'n Action?

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 04.12.2019 8:00pm

Firefightin' Administrator

Also, and I absolutely DO NOT remember where I got this (neither party is me, and I couldn't tell you who either party is).  I didn't have the patience to read it all again but it had something to do with us looking into it...I saved it into the same folder that my "investigation" was in.


Yahoo! Messenger: You are now logged into voice conference - gilad_givon-61247.
Yahoo! Messenger: aeris_cosplayer has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger: kou_leifoh21 has joined the conference.
aeris_cosplayer: I hate the yahoo noisies
kou_leifoh21: Hello Aeris
gilad_givon: Good.
gilad_givon: Now, let us begin.
gilad_givon: Kou, tell is your stroy.
kou_leifoh21: I am going to try to explain everything the best I can
aeris_cosplayer: okay who am I talking to?
kou_leifoh21: This is Capn Action
aeris_cosplayer: WHAT?
kou_leifoh21: First off I would like to say how terribly sorry I am that something in my personal life has caused you all so much pain.
gilad_givon: Go on.
kou_leifoh21: As you know My home was broken into a few weekes ago and my laptop was stolen
kou_leifoh21: What was strange about the theft was that only my possestions were taken
kou_leifoh21: At the time I didn't have a clue as to who would have broken in 
kou_leifoh21: That was untill last week when I logged onto my email account
gilad_givon: Where were you for week?
kou_leifoh21: I have been locked away in my room studying for exams
kou_leifoh21: between exams and work I wasnt online
gilad_givon: Alright, go on.
kou_leifoh21: I recived an email from one of my profs saying he was sorry to hear about me dropping out of school
aeris_cosplayer: school is gay anyway.
aeris_cosplayer: @_@ random thought k.
gilad_givon: LoL
kou_leifoh21: thankyou for keeping the mood light 
kou_leifoh21: anyways What has happend is that My Favorite Ex's new boyfriend didnt take well to the fact that I rearranged his nose in a scuffle a while back
kou_leifoh21: Aeris you were right on that one It was that guy who stole my computer
aeris_cosplayer: what?
aeris_cosplayer: ooh oh yeah
aeris_cosplayer: okay yeah this is capn action O_O
aeris_cosplayer: cuz no one else would know I thought that except him.
kou_leifoh21: yeah well this guy is messed he emailed my school saying I dropped out
aeris_cosplayer: I told Capn Action it was probably the boyfriend who broke in. @_@
kou_leifoh21: and now I find out he told you all I died in an accident
kou_leifoh21: wich is beyond sick
gilad_givon: This is bizzare...
kou_leifoh21: You know me guys 
aeris_cosplayer: how did he know who ladyrin is, and to sign up as lady rin.
aeris_cosplayer: and how is he coming from the same IP address as you?
aeris_cosplayer: and why are you in kingston and not petersborough
aeris_cosplayer: >
kou_leifoh21: because he was using my dial up access from the laptop
aeris_cosplayer: it would still show up as a different IP address unless it was coming from your house.
kou_leifoh21: well I am not compleatly blamless here
kou_leifoh21: My name isn't Drew Benn
gilad_givon: ?
kou_leifoh21: I also havent gone to trent for a while
aeris_cosplayer: IP address means location.
aeris_cosplayer: arg. *kicks AIM*
kou_leifoh21: I don't know about that
aeris_cosplayer: ARG
kou_leifoh21: is thier a way to alter it 
kou_leifoh21: what happend?
aeris_cosplayer: nothing aIM is gay and kicked me in the midst of my wonderful crackheaded 8:30 AM converation with a 14 year old.
gilad_givon: AIM tends to close windown sometimes
aeris_cosplayer: Person named capn action you are BSing.
kou_leifoh21: lol
aeris_cosplayer: there is absolutely no way to fake IP addresses.
aeris_cosplayer: unless there is a proxy.
aeris_cosplayer: a proxy is a random IP address
aeris_cosplayer: you can't fake where you're coming from unless I guess you're an uberhax0r l33t
aeris_cosplayer: just come clean and I won't hate your guts for making me cry for 3 days straight and have nightmares and throw up.
kou_leifoh21: an uber what?
gilad_givon: Hacker
kou_leifoh21: ahh
kou_leifoh21: Why would I do this though
kou_leifoh21: I admit I lied about my name but who doesnt online
aeris_cosplayer: I dont' know.
aeris_cosplayer: some people online have identity crises
aeris_cosplayer: some people online want to be loved.
aeris_cosplayer: so they fake their death to see how much they are loved.
aeris_cosplayer: some people online want attention.
aeris_cosplayer: I don't know.
aeris_cosplayer: people online are unpredictable, because they are simply text.
aeris_cosplayer: WTF *glances outside* O_O;
kou_leifoh21: Did you get that feeling from me?
aeris_cosplayer: I get that feeling now.
aeris_cosplayer: how do you explain dustin and ladyrin?
aeris_cosplayer: WarAngel and I are the only ones who know about this so far.
kou_leifoh21: One Dustin never signed up
gilad_givon: And the fact you all type with the same errors and same style.
aeris_cosplayer: Seriously, we will not tell anyone about this.
aeris_cosplayer: I won't blab all the crap I found.
aeris_cosplayer: and I've already banned JJBf or opening his fat mouth.
gilad_givon: This is confidential - but by God, if this your doing..
aeris_cosplayer: Kali is treading on thin ice as well.
aeris_cosplayer: jesus god just tell us.
gilad_givon: Don't lie.
kou_leifoh21: I didn't fake my death
aeris_cosplayer: LadyRin and aias come from your IP address.
aeris_cosplayer: it's not fakable.
aeris_cosplayer: they also use emails
kou_leifoh21: wich would make sence since I am a sympatico user
aeris_cosplayer: I know you never died because Kyle called the Kingston police and asked about you.
aeris_cosplayer: and asked about an area named Sherbrooke.
kou_leifoh21: and if you have the user name and password you can make more email accounts
kou_leifoh21: This was a mistake
kou_leifoh21: Please don't ban anyone over this
aeris_cosplayer: what?
aeris_cosplayer: JJB is banned for flapping his jaw.
gilad_givon: JJB was banned because he's an ashole. 
aeris_cosplayer: ya
aeris_cosplayer: that too
aeris_cosplayer: Dh is such a pinhead
aeris_cosplayer: searching for Drew Benn in Petersborough
aeris_cosplayer: so where di dyou find thsi Drew Benn person? on a matchmaker site?
aeris_cosplayer: cuz your info about his job was correct.
gilad_givon: What's your real name then?
aeris_cosplayer: someone named Kaworu called a "drew benn" and asked about his job and he said he worked for the enviromental something or other
kou_leifoh21: Alright one at a time
gilad_givon: Mine first
kou_leifoh21: Thier is a Drew Benn
aeris_cosplayer: who's identity you assumed, yes I know.
kou_leifoh21: man this is a horrible mess
gilad_givon: True.
aeris_cosplayer: well you caused it :\
aeris_cosplayer: this is called spin control
aeris_cosplayer: which I have been TRYING to keep ahold of.
gilad_givon: And you can fix it.
aeris_cosplayer: yeah if Solidus wouldn't be so STUPID
kou_leifoh21: what
aeris_cosplayer: I'm like "capn action doesn't live in petersborough Dh is a pinhead."
aeris_cosplayer: he's all "WHAT PROOF DO YOU HAVE?" I'm like "uh his IP address you idiot. he's noly ever logged into FFU from Toronto and Kingston (Sherbrooke)"
aeris_cosplayer: and he's all "How what is your proof!" Uh WTF I just told you my proof
aeris_cosplayer: I'm not going to give the pinhead Capn Actions IP
aeris_cosplayer: >:\
kou_leifoh21: Im lost
gilad_givon: Too much technicality for me.
aeris_cosplayer: well we're lost too
aeris_cosplayer: so start explaining why ladyrin and aias are coming from your IP address yet they are not your friends
aeris_cosplayer: and start explainign who drew benn is.
gilad_givon: What is your REAL name?
kou_leifoh21: Ladyrin is my friend
aeris_cosplayer: so why's she lyin?
kou_leifoh21: Im not giving my real name if every person online is going to do a serch one me
aeris_cosplayer: *twitter* what's your real name?
aeris_cosplayer: we're not gonna tell anyone your name
aeris_cosplayer: I'm not a bitch liek that
aeris_cosplayer: I'm not giing out your IP either.
kou_leifoh21: okay Who posted that I was dead
aeris_cosplayer: jonjonfag
aeris_cosplayer: *is so witty*
aeris_cosplayer: ack
aeris_cosplayer: I mean
aeris_cosplayer: lady rin did
gilad_givon: LadyRin first posted you were hit by a car, then posed you were dead.
aeris_cosplayer: jonjonfag posted that you weren't dead.
aeris_cosplayer: ladyrin said you were hit by a car walking home from THE pool or the pool HALL
kou_leifoh21: this is soo messed up
aeris_cosplayer: your brain swelled
aeris_cosplayer: and you died.
gilad_givon: Aias\Dustin joined a while later.
aeris_cosplayer: 100 people came to your funeral
gilad_givon: Hundreds.
aeris_cosplayer: both LadyRin and Aias come from your IP address.
kou_leifoh21: wich cant be faked unless done professionally
aeris_cosplayer: yes
gilad_givon: Aias\Dustin said he came to FFU to meet Drew's\Capn's friends. He appeared real nice, if a lot like you.
aeris_cosplayer: and unless you're a govt' hacker
aeris_cosplayer: you can't fake it.
aeris_cosplayer: I feel like an idiot calling Kou "capn" >_> and I feel like an idiot calling him "drew"
kou_leifoh21: well I am as confused as hell
gilad_givon: Your REAL name, please? So we can start nice.
aeris_cosplayer: what's your name WA?
kou_leifoh21: It is Alex
aeris_cosplayer: Alex > Drew
aeris_cosplayer: kthnx
gilad_givon: I'm Gilad Luria Givon
aeris_cosplayer: wow cute *_*
aeris_cosplayer: I'm dell
gilad_givon: ?...
aeris_cosplayer: anyway
aeris_cosplayer: Alex.
aeris_cosplayer: why did you take Drew Benn's identity.
kou_leifoh21: picked a name out of a phone book
gilad_givon: Why?
aeris_cosplayer: how'd you know his job?
kou_leifoh21: I don't know about his job
aeris_cosplayer: yes you did
aeris_cosplayer: he works at some enviromental thingie
gilad_givon: Something for the ebviorment
aeris_cosplayer: and kaworu of FFO (whoever that is) called Drew Benn and asked him that
gilad_givon: You even told us about that in the Babble Board
aeris_cosplayer: and he was all "I work at blahlbhahblah environement thing"
kou_leifoh21: people called this poor guy
aeris_cosplayer: kaworu sounds like a dope too. cuz he didn't ask about capn action, ffu, or ffo apparently.
aeris_cosplayer: never fake your death online, because people really do care.
kou_leifoh21: I didnt fake my death
aeris_cosplayer: yes you did.
aeris_cosplayer: cuz you didn't want to be Drew Benn anymore.
aeris_cosplayer: you wanted to be Alex or whoever you are.
aeris_cosplayer: you wanted to be real to us
aeris_cosplayer: so you faked your death and decided to sneak back on under a different screen name.
aeris_cosplayer: which is what Aias is.
aeris_cosplayer: that's actually you >:\
aeris_cosplayer: cuz there's no way it's a fake.
aeris_cosplayer: >:\
aeris_cosplayer: >:\
aeris_cosplayer: *beats drums*
kou_leifoh21: beats drums?
gilad_givon: Sedation for the lady, quick! 
kou_leifoh21: even if what you say is true. Why would I give up a good thing like being Capn Action
aeris_cosplayer: cuz you don't want to be him anymore
aeris_cosplayer: you're sick of being a fake person.
gilad_givon: You wanted to be yourself.
aeris_cosplayer: you want to be yourself because you care about your friends on FFU.
aeris_cosplayer: I knew someone who kept his false identity for 2 years before being found out.
kou_leifoh21: your right I do care about them
kou_leifoh21: thats why I am trying to sort this out
gilad_givon: By all means do.
kou_leifoh21: regardless if my name is Drew or not that dosnt change who I am to you everything I have said to you everytime I talked to you all that was me Capn Action
gilad_givon: You were a model? You had 30 women? Lost your virginity at 16? Had your ex beat you with a pool stick?
aeris_cosplayer: ~___~
aeris_cosplayer: why the hell would you flirt with 17 year old sonline if you're a playa and can get any women you want?
kou_leifoh21: well my ex never beat me with a pool stick
aeris_cosplayer: this is so frustrating
aeris_cosplayer: I feel I'm being lied to
aeris_cosplayer: I haven't slept yet
aeris_cosplayer: I've spent most of the night in the emergency pet clinic with my kitty
aeris_cosplayer: she was dehydrated and sick
kou_leifoh21: I am sorry to hear that
kou_leifoh21: but for the good of everyone I should leave
gilad_givon: No.
gilad_givon: You're not going anywhere.
aeris_cosplayer: for the good of everyone you should tell the truth.
aeris_cosplayer: you've caused a lot of tears
aeris_cosplayer: a lot of heart break
aeris_cosplayer: and a lot of sadness.
aeris_cosplayer: now you need to fix it.
kou_leifoh21: What do you want me to say you put all these words into my mouth
gilad_givon: Just tell us the truth. ALL OF IT
kou_leifoh21: That I used someone else name
aeris_cosplayer: ~__~
gilad_givon: Who you are, REALLY.
kou_leifoh21: well you both think Im some sad looser who did nothing but lie
gilad_givon: No.
gilad_givon: We're confused.
gilad_givon: And I want to here about you now.
kou_leifoh21: you know about me though
gilad_givon: The real you - or perhaps you really are a 22 year-old Canadian guy with a huge ego?
aeris_cosplayer: it's loser*
kou_leifoh21: thanks
aeris_cosplayer: no I think he is a 22 yaer old kingston resident with a case of insecurity.
kou_leifoh21: Listen, I knew trying to explain this wasnt going to work
aeris_cosplayer: most people assume identities online because they are insecure.
aeris_cosplayer: it isn't going to work because you are lying Alex.
aeris_cosplayer: all the evidence poitns towards a faked death.
kou_leifoh21: your right it was a faked death Since I am still here
aeris_cosplayer: well that's why it is faked and not real.
aeris_cosplayer: X_X;
gilad_givon: But who did it, and why?
gilad_givon: And why didn't you go on FFU?
gilad_givon: Why didn't you talk to anyone about it?
kou_leifoh21: And get bombarded with you asshole from hundreds of people 
gilad_givon: Huh?
gilad_givon: Who bombarded you?
gilad_givon: With what?
kou_leifoh21: well to tell the truth I never thought someone would say that I was dead
aeris_cosplayer: *sigh*
kou_leifoh21: 2 because I have been sorting out all the other damage this has done
kou_leifoh21: and now this is why I am here
aeris_cosplayer: Alex.
aeris_cosplayer: is that you in that picture?
aeris_cosplayer: or is that also drew benn?
kou_leifoh21: It's me
gilad_givon: That pretty guy. Spiked hair.
kou_leifoh21: yes
gilad_givon: Is that you?
kou_leifoh21: It is me
aeris_cosplayer: >:\
kou_leifoh21: this can't be fixed
aeris_cosplayer: take a picture of yourself holding up a sign that says "I'm sorry Adella" on it.
aeris_cosplayer: then I'll believe you.
gilad_givon: LoL
aeris_cosplayer: if you won't do that, you're busted.
kou_leifoh21: well I dont have a scanner so it may take a day or two
aeris_cosplayer: use a digital camera
aeris_cosplayer: I'm sure one of your 100 friends who attended your funeral will have one.
kou_leifoh21: I dont have a digital camera
aeris_cosplayer: >:\
aeris_cosplayer: go to kinkos
aeris_cosplayer: tell um to take a pic of you it's for a internet girlfriend
aeris_cosplayer: they'll go "ooooh" in their nerdy kinkos way
gilad_givon: LoL
aeris_cosplayer: and take a pic of you
gilad_givon: Holding the sign!
kou_leifoh21: kinkos?
aeris_cosplayer: n/m
aeris_cosplayer: they prolly don't have ridiculously priced copy places like kinkos in canada.
aeris_cosplayer: Alex
kou_leifoh21: nope they don't but I will do that for you 
aeris_cosplayer: how many days shall I give you to take your "i'm sorry adella" pic?
aeris_cosplayer: what shall I do with "LadyRin" and "Aias"on FFuniverse?
aeris_cosplayer: you have yet to explain their existance.
aeris_cosplayer: mother of god it's 9:10 AM
kou_leifoh21: Well rin was my Roomate how she got tied up into this I don't know
aeris_cosplayer: .....that = bad answer
gilad_givon: You mean she's a part of this?
kou_leifoh21: what?
kou_leifoh21: I hope not
gilad_givon: You don't know?
gilad_givon: Look - you have 48 hours to get that pic.
kou_leifoh21: and then?
gilad_givon: And you told me the guy who stole your laptop is in jail - how is that possible?
aeris_cosplayer: and then we kill jooz!
aeris_cosplayer: mwahaha
gilad_givon: How can he be in jail so little time after being caught?
kou_leifoh21: well because he broke into my house and stole my laptop
kou_leifoh21: see now nothing Isay will ever be truthful
kou_leifoh21: It's over for me
gilad_givon: You widh it was over.
gilad_givon: You're giving up too quickly there champ
kou_leifoh21: so taking a picture with IM sorry Adella will redeam me
aeris_cosplayer: well it'll proove you're the guy in the pic
aeris_cosplayer: it won't proove what happened.
gilad_givon: Look - it will take a long time to figure this out.
kou_leifoh21: Look I am sorry this happend
kou_leifoh21: who is Grey volk
gilad_givon: Who?
aeris_cosplayer: unless the guy in the pic is your friend or something
gilad_givon: We want to see that good-looking guy in that pic with the silly sign. 
kou_leifoh21: okay 
aeris_cosplayer: I am hungry, tired, and irritated.
gilad_givon: Hang in there.
kou_leifoh21: what can I do to set your mind at ease then
aeris_cosplayer: I am going to bed
aeris_cosplayer: I am one mad cetra.
aeris_cosplayer: byebye no more tears for me.
gilad_givon: Farewell.
aeris_cosplayer: you successfully made Aeris cry 
aeris_cosplayer: doodoobrain!
Yahoo! Messenger: aeris_cosplayer has left the conference.
kou_leifoh21: well then
gilad_givon: You have time.
gilad_givon: And the chance.
gilad_givon: Do what you will..

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 04.13.2019 12:03am

Fuck Shit Stack.

aeris_cosplayer: school is gay anyway. 
aeris_cosplayer: nothing aIM is gay and kicked me in the midst of my wonderful crackheaded 8:30 AM converation with a 14 year old.
aeris_cosplayer: jonjonfag
aeris_cosplayer: I'm like "capn action doesn't live in petersborough Dh is a pinhead."

Wow she actually said this shit? Seems like such a nice person.

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 04.13.2019 2:05am

Not in the face!
The Alpha and the Omega

I'm a pinhead.

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 04.14.2019 4:03am

Sysadmin of my brain

Thanks for sharing that.  That was eye opening.  I almost want to believe Alex was telling the truth just because Aeris and the other guy were so pathetic in their interrogation.

And Dh, you may be a pinhead, but you made this for us. :)

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