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Corona Virus Chaos: Now with more fear and less beer

 03.18.2020 2:44am
Thread Creator

Yes, what of it?

With the world in a panic, how is the threat of the Corona virus messing up your neck of the world? The store I work at is out of everything. People haven't gone crazy, but you don't have time to get the other work you need to get done.

I also miss hockey. Irresponsible I know, but I didn't realize how much following sports took up my time.

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 03.18.2020 9:52am

Time Travelling White Mage

Lost it's mind, we stupid Aussies started the stupid toilet-paper panic-buying weeks ago, and now with threats of lockdowns/borders closing people are in even more of a panic buying up pretty much everything in stores that cannot be nailed down, it's ridiculous. And the most hilarious part? These people are all buying it on credit, which will come back to bite them in the arse hard when this whole sordid thing is over and the economy has tanked and they've been laid off, how will they pay for all that stuff they hoarded?

And the virus can be beaten, China has proven that with it's new infection rate now virtually at zero and those still undergoing treatment a mere handful, the world needs to take a breather and see this whole affair for what it truly is.

I wish I could just skip this year, I don't want to be in this year anymore!

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 03.19.2020 2:50pm

Fuck Shit Stack.

I've been working from home and feel extremely lucky that I work in an industry where that's possible. My family is hunkering down in our home and only going out to get supplies. It's hard to stay positive and optimistic when every where you look is a negative news source about how we're all doomed. I worry about my parents who are in their sixties, my mom has diabetes which increases one's chance of death from the disease. Luckily here in Ontario the infection rate is still relatively low and with everyone isolating themselves I hope we can squash it early.
They're saying this is going to be an issue for the next eighteen months, until the vaccine is ready for mass distribution. I hope we can curve this thing before hand because it's going to wreck the global economy like no one has ever seen. I also hope the panic buying calms down especially so people who actual need supplies can get them.

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 03.20.2020 3:38am

Sysadmin of my brain

I have health stuff that keeps me home most days, so sheltering in place is more of the same for me.  At another MB I post at, some guy posted a thread on the coronavirus hitting in Wuhan all the way back in January, urging people to do slow but steady prepping.  I've been doing that with what I need for a month already, so the panic buying has not affected me at all.  Just have to wait things out and see when my regular doctor appointments get back on schedule.

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 03.21.2020 4:01am
Thread Creator

Yes, what of it?

It is weird. I work at a store. It is kind of rural, in between larger areas. The toilet paper is always gone, but, it feels like it has calmed down for now, despite making twice as much as we did during non Corona times.

I wish I could get more time off, but I'm working there six days a week.

People have been really nice though, but that is the strange thing about the area.

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 03.21.2020 5:03am

Fuck Shit Stack.

Walking into a pharmacy to pick up a prescription feels so bizarre. Everyone is looking at each other suspiciously. It's quiet. I turned into an aisle and saw there were three people in it. So I went to the next aisle over. The workers seem on edge and the pharmacists look over worked and tired. I'm starting to hear about people I know getting infected. Scary uncertain times were living in.

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 03.21.2020 2:56pm
Thread Creator

Yes, what of it?

I have allergies, and I cough occasionally. You can sense the worry in the customers.

But I feel the most sorry for the people that are losing their jobs due to the closings.

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 04.06.2020 10:31pm

The Hulk
Good Boy

The mrs is a nurse working with covid patients so I'd be surprised if it passed us by tbh but no sign so far.  And now Boris is in intensive care, shit's getting really hairy.

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 04.08.2020 2:32pm

Time Travelling White Mage

I know, but it's clear in his case a lot of it was brought on by exhaustion dealing with the crisis lowering his immune response. Still, it shows no one is safe from this and just how dangerous this really is (and makes my earlier comments very naieve). Hope your wife and you both remain safe Hulk.

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 04.10.2020 5:54am
Thread Creator

Yes, what of it?


At work, we have to ration toilet paper to one roll a customer. People kept binge buying. Though, with all of the hand sanitizer use, can't that make viruses become more resistant to it in time?

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 04.15.2020 4:27am
Thread Creator

Yes, what of it?

[link=""]Players of FF14 hold a funeral procession for a friend who passed away due to covid 19[\link]

It's been a while since I tried to post a link...

It is good to see gamers banding together during all of this. A virtual procession for a fallen friend is touching.

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