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 05.29.2018 4:04pm

Jericholic V2.0

I had the day off today so started a few topics and posted a few replies. There's literally no reason I can't post more. 

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 05.29.2018 11:46pm

Yep, still gaming

Okay, I'll do my part.

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 07.02.2018 10:29pm

Coffee Warrior

Hello Hello! I don't know why you say Goodbye, I say Hello!

You guys could try actually going outside and meeting up with each other or something. I myself am having trouble breaking into the music business because perfectionista anal retentive fuckwits have kind of taken completely over it, but you guys could like...

Fuck foruming and actually talk to each other in real life. Final Fantasy isn't against the goddamn law, you know.

I'm going far far away somewhere

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 07.03.2018 1:25pm

The Hulk
Good Boy

The state of it today, it bloody should be.

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 07.18.2018 2:30am

Exceptional narcissist

Is anyone actually posting here specifically about Final Fantasy though? Last time I checked it was all Trump and people realising they've done cock all in the last year.

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 07.19.2018 5:28am
Thread Creator

Fuck Shit Stack.

I think people would talk about final fantasy of there was something to talk about. I don't think it has the same feeling behind it anymore than it used to.
In my opinion it's been downhill since 9. 10 was still good, but you could see it was going in a different direction. It also doesn't help that a new final fantasy game comes out like every five years now. Where as 7 through 10 came out in the span of five years.

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 07.19.2018 11:27pm


If they were still doing what made us fall in love with the series in the first place, we'd definitely all still be talking about it.

Someone needs to go to Square Enix's headquarters, hold copies of FFIV-IX up in their faces, and say, "Here.  Do this."   Or maybe they'll decide to make XVI or XVII like something from the glory days, if only for the sake of being retro.

Of course, I'd settle for them just hiring people who can actually tell a story to work on the single-player games.  The MMOs manage it.

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 07.20.2018 1:51am

Jericholic V2.0

Anyone here play Octopath Traveler? I'm told that's got a nice retro-FFVIish vibe that taps into what made the older FF games so great. 

It really is a shame that Final Fantasy has become what it is today. I have been (slowly) playing through FFIX, and it still holds up. 

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 07.20.2018 2:51am
Thread Creator (Edited on 07.20.2018 at 2:58am)

Fuck Shit Stack.

Octopath is on my radar. Unfortunately work doesn't provide much time to play games atm.
Unfortunately square has been focusing all of their money on huge big budget titles that they don't want to experiment anymore. When final fantasy 15 starts up and says a final fantasy for fans and new comers, I'm thinking for fans, they'll most likely be disappointed from how far the games have deviated from the original formulas, and for newcomers they'll most likely be confused. A driving simulator with fetch quests?
I mean for fucks sake when you start up the game the first thing that happens is your car is broken down on the side of the road and you're slowly pushing it while a cover of Stand By Me is playing. I was like seriously? This is this games reactor core starting mission, this is this games Liberi Fatali? This is the quirky walking through Alexandria as Vivi, or Sin's attack on Zanarkand? I'm fucking pushing a car while a song that wasn't even composed by square enix composers is playing?

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 07.20.2018 1:40pm

Formerly Furysetzer

I played a little of the demo of Octopath. I'm a little hesitant on the $60 price tag, however.

If you want a bit of nostalgia on the earlier games, then I suggest Final Fantasy Record Keeper. It's FTP on phones, and they just added a story mode last month. They're called Record Dungeons, and basically, you go through the different games as guest characters, story scenes and all. Your equipment, abilities and levels are fixed, though. It's actually pretty fun.

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 07.21.2018 1:14am

Jericholic V2.0

Record keeper sounds interesting. I may have to pick it up. 

When final fantasy 15 starts up and says a final fantasy for fans and new comers, I'm thinking for fans, they'll most likely be disappointed from how far the games have deviated from the original formulas, and for newcomers they'll most likely be confused. A driving simulator with fetch quests? 
I mean for fucks sake when you start up the game the first thing that happens is your car is broken down on the side of the road and you're slowly pushing it while a cover of Stand By Me is playing. I was like seriously? This is this games reactor core starting mission, this is this games Liberi Fatali? This is the quirky walking through Alexandria as Vivi, or Sin's attack on Zanarkand? I'm fucking pushing a car while a song that wasn't even composed by square enix composers is playing?

I'll go back to yelling at clowds and telling people to get off my lawn in a second, but this about sums up my view on a lot of modern games. Revisiting classics on the SNES classic has opened my eyes to where modern gaming is. 

There's some awesome experiences out there in modern gaming that blow old stuff out of the water, but the vast majority of mainstream stuff is paint by numbers. 

Full disclosure, I haven't touched Final Fantasy XV so can't opine on that personally. 

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 07.21.2018 1:22pm

Formerly Furysetzer

With regards to FF15, the story is a mess because you only get half of it through the main game. The gameplay boils down to holding X to attack, Square to defend, and sometimes Triangle to teleport. Also, the open world is only the first half of the game. The 2nd half is very linear. Unless you get the season pass or the dlc chapters, the characters are kind of one dimensional. The graphics and sound are beautiful as always. The big bad was really cool, but the ending was a WTF why did they do that affair. That being said, the game is a fun experience if you have the time and money to burn.

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 07.23.2018 8:51pm

Hyperion Master

I recently tried FFXV and after playing it for a few hours decided it was 'alright'. I enjoyed it more then any other Final Fantasy I've tried since X.  The car crap gets annoying but at least riding the chocobo's is pretty fun.  It is a really nice looking game.  I was a bit disappointed that I can't change my character in battle though, don't really see why they couldn't have had a Star Ocean II like machanic that lets you cycle through the party on the fly.

And that, as they say, is that.

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