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Gamestop makes new copies of XC, sells them Used for huge $.

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 09.04.2013 1:14pm
Thread Creator (Edited on 09.04.2013 at 1:41pm)

Formerly Furysetzer;feature=em-subs_digest-vrecs

Kinda pissed. I paid a hundred off of ebay for this damn game.

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 09.04.2013 1:43pm

Big Tall
Taller Than Tall

It happens with many games. Once new copies are discontinued, leftover stock gets moved to the used SKU.

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 09.04.2013 1:59pm

pew pew pew

And I'm sure Nintendo is probably fine with it. Gamestop made the deal that got Xenoblade brought over here in the first place. 

I don't know why everyone is going so ga ga over this game. Sure, it's decent enough but it's not worth anywhere near these prices. 

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 09.04.2013 10:27pm
Thread Creator

Formerly Furysetzer

And the point is missed completely. Watch the video. A company is printing BRAND NEW copies of the game, which Gamestop is claiming as used in order to drive up the price. It's not left over stock. It's not limited specifically to this one particular game. It's a corporate scam, and devalues the original title. Neither the publisher nor the developer ever sees any of the money for this shady practice.

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 09.05.2013 1:18am

So Sigh Ety

So gamestop marks up the price of used games to really high values, but they aren't allowed to mark up new game prices?  I don't know because I haven't gone to a game store 5 years or so, so this is new to me, but back then used games were always cheaper no matter how rare.  Sucks how things change sometimes.
Nintendo and other game companies need to pay attention and realize there's a huge market for games like this out there and start makuing more of them.

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 09.05.2013 2:00am

pew pew pew

Gamestop is the exclusive brick and mortar retailer of Xenoblade in the US. If you find it in any other store, it's 2nd hand. When Xenoblade came out, you had to buy it directly from Nintendo's website or through Gamestop. Everything else is 2nd hand. Once Gamestop has the copy in hand, Nintendo has already received their money. Gamestop is free to do with them what they want, as far as I know. This is why Gamestop wants you to preorder EVERYTHING - because they want the least amount of new stock in their stores as possible. They make no money from new stock. Their entire business is based on used stock. 

Gamestop basically funded the NA release of Xenoblade. That's why they get exclusivity. If they are continuing to shell out money to Nintendo to get reprints they can do what they want with them. It's the consumer's fault for paying these ridiculous prices. If Nintendo really wanted to stop it and get a bigger cut, they would once again sell the copies from their site like they were. 

This exact shit was happening in local Mom and Pop's that first year the Wii was out and so hard to find. The only reason you didn't see it more was because people were a lot more leery of paying more than $250 (or whatever it was) for a new Wii than the somewhat paltry $90 for a copy of Xenoblade now. Nintendo obviously didn't care then, and they don't care now, b/c they already got their money. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong. 

It is called Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price after all. 

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 09.05.2013 1:03pm
Thread Creator

Formerly Furysetzer

I'm pretty sure that the entire operation is between Gamestop and Game Quest Direct only, with the profit split down the middle. If you were in charge of a video game company, how would you feel if your IP was being ripped off by an outside source? I saw XC in a Gamestop Used for $70, which in a way is a service to people who can't get that particular game any other way. Although the customer is still being scammed with a title like that being marked up beyond MSRP. Remember that GQD is a company that deals in reproductions, so they aren't genuine discs from the manufacturer, and they're pretty much indistinguishable from the original product.

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 09.05.2013 3:48pm

pew pew pew

If you're right, then yeah it's not Gamestop paying Nintendo. But both the links he provides and his little rant specify in pervious cases that GQD is paying the publisher (in this case Nintendo) to reprint the games for them. In the previous cases this was Capcom and Atlus. So Nintendo is getting paid at that point.  Then, GQD takes the copies they bought and paid for and sells them to Gamestop, etc. Gamestop probably has to jack the prices just to get a profit. Which is probably why they are so tightly controlling the flow, so that they can still profit without the market bottoming out.

Obviously these are still "new in box" but I'm not even sure these can be considered "new" copies in the eyes of the retail world can they? They aren't coming straight from the publisher/manufacturer. The publisher is selling them to a third party, who is selling them to another third party. 

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 09.08.2013 10:10am
 (Edited on 09.08.2013 at 10:21am)


Gamestop is quite often the douchebag in the room, but in this case, the game wouldn't even be here without them. I hardly believe Gamestop is printing pirated copies, this is what is being claimed, and selling them without having paid for the rights. Not to mention that Nintendo with their heavyhanded way of protecting IP would let such a thing happen.

This is wholly besides the point that it's a game, not food. No one needs this. If $90 is too much, you don't pay it. If it doesn't get paid, the value and price goes down. But as it is CS, you paid more than what they're charging. As far as I can tell, Gamestop would be offering you a deal in comparison with what you thought it was worth paying, not a scam.

EDIT: Thye had already dropped it to $80 and now with coupon, $65

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 09.08.2013 5:25pm

Career GM

Arckanghel said:

Gamestop is quite often the douchebag in the room, but in this case, the game wouldn't even be here without them. /

I hate seeing that defense. It's irrelevent. Yes, the brought the game over. Does that excuse horrible business practices and does that give them to right to price gouge, particularly when they're now selling what are probably new copies of the game for MORE than it would've cost to just import it if it had stayed overseas? Not at all.

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 09.09.2013 7:52pm
Thread Creator

Formerly Furysetzer

It's hard to tell whether Game Quest Direct paid Nintendo for the rights to do another production run or not. The whole thing makes me want to pirate something like this instead of paying near eBay level prices for it. As a consumer, I want to get a quality, affordable product, not to be treated like an ATM and a number, which is what is happening here. The attitude of let them do what they want is what lets them get away with scams like this.

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 09.10.2013 6:53am
 (Edited on 09.10.2013 at 7:04am)

So Sigh Ety

I must be the only one who blames NIntendo for this.  Is it really that hard for them to print more copies of the game and sell them at non gamestop stores? They know they will sell, so why didn't they do it after the initial run finished? Give me the fucking rights and 2 weeks and I can print a few thousand copies for goodness sake, and that includes buying empty Wii cases and making photocopies of the instructions and cover of the box.  Is Nintendo so overrun by beauracratic inefficiencies that they can't simply have a guy go "whoa, we can probably sell 50000 more of these.  lets make 50000 more!

Personally, I don't care too much what Gamestop does with this. Game wouldn't even be here without them. Yes they are taking advantage of the situation, but if it were all on Nintendo, this game wouldn't even have been seen by North American audiences, despite this massive demand for a game like this. They are clearly quite out of touch with what gamers want, Wii got to their heads - this is shown by the total lack of demand for the Wii U. They keep printing more Wii U's when they could be making some money printing free money (ie, printing more copies of Xenoblade)

I'm not defending gamestop, I just think if you are upset that you can't play the game without paying a lot, andw want to point a finger,- Nintendo could have put almost no effort to stop this by printing more copies of a game that is clearly in high demand since the day it came out.  Gamestop I can at least relate to, as a busines they are trying to make more money.  I don't agree with the practice, but if I twist my morals enough I can see their motivations. Nintendo on the otherhand, makes no sense why they didn't do a second run and distribute it in more stores....and it confuses the hell out of me. 

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 09.10.2013 8:03am


Ashilyn said:

I hate seeing that defense. It's irrelevent. Yes, the brought the game over. Does that excuse horrible business practices and does that give them to right to price gouge, particularly when they're now selling what are probably new copies of the game for MORE than it would've cost to just import it if it had stayed overseas? Not at all.

It's not a defense, it's a fact. There's a huge judgment here being made about a decision no one knows much about. What were the limits of their rights with Nintendo? How are these current copies into being? No one actually seems to know. Everyone seems to be just willing to throw mud. The fact is Nintendo and Gamestop made a deal, of which all the details are not known. The reasons behind half of it aren't known. And it's factual to say that Gamestop was the reason it ended up here.

There wasn't a kickstarter. It's not some lovefest, feel good manuever that brought the game here. The cold hard cash people paid for used games, paid to bring it here, to make the company that did more cold hard cash. The same as the people selling it on eBay. And frankly, what's the difference? Scarcity? Some magical ability to print more? There's literally no one as far as I know with the terms of the deal, limitations of copies or anything else around.

What is sure, is that either Nintendo et al got their payment from Gamestop to do what they did, or legal action would be happening or will be happening. If Gamestop paid tons of money for the rights to print as many as they wanted, it's a different situation. If they paid to print X copies and now paid to print Y copies, there's no difference between them acting upont he market scarcity and random person on eBay.

If you think Gamestop should burn for this, so should every greedy gamer that denied others the experience at an MSRP price. Gamestop isn't some sort of saintly order, but at least be objective about this action and think it through without some conspiracy theory that contains zero pieces of proof.

And honestly an import price lower than the current offer ($65 as of my writing as far as I know)? That's preposterous. Find me an import site that at any point was delivering the game to a US door for less than $65, or really less than $80.

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 09.11.2013 1:57am

Shortening His Posts

Your parents gave birth to you and are the sole reason why you are even here... therefore they can do whatever they want with you.

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 09.11.2013 2:24pm


My only concern is that, if they are new, they should be sold as new.  Keep the price jacked up, that's just supply and demand, but I don't know why they are so afraid to go above the MSRP for new games?  There's a reason there's an 'S' in there.

But I have no problem with Gamestop setting whaetever price they want.  They'll lower it when people stop paying so much for the game and they want to move the remaining units.  Should Gamestop ignore what they see on ebay?  This is a smart move. 

If you have a Core i5 or better CPU just Dolphin the thing if you're too cheap.  I won't judge you.;)

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