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Nomura no longer directing FF15.

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 09.25.2014 12:24am

The Taru

I wonder if the girl with the feathers in this tech demo is related in some way to the guy (who I assume is the main villian) who also has feathers in the E3 2013 trailer.

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 09.25.2014 12:35am

Fuck Shit Stack.

I completely forgot about that tech demo.
But I doubt it, its more or less just a short film tech demo to show what Squenix is capable of for their next gen final fantasys and probably has nothing to do with the main game.

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 09.25.2014 12:40am

It's you guys' fault

Top one's Agni's Philosophy, isn't it?  Yeah it's totally unrelated.  I think they had a poll, at one time, asking if you'd like to see that turned into a game, which seems to indicate it would be a separate game if it were made.

Also wow, Agni's Philosophy came out two years ago?  Jesus.


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 09.25.2014 12:45am


The FF Wiki I was looking at had the blonde lady from the trailer listed as the Antagonist.

If this were true it would up my interest in the game quite a bit.  It would hearken back to Lunar: Silver Star Story.

Also, I want to know more about this woman:

Liberal/Progressive/Feminist rantings aside, I haven't completely bailed out on this game.  I'm just not excited about it--I already wasn't, and the trailer didn't do it any favors.  Hopefully it gets good reviews, at which point my interest might rev up again.

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 09.25.2014 12:47am

Terran Angel

Reido:  (This is at your older post about why you find the game boring.  I took a dinner break in the middle of typing this >.>  )

Yeah, I have no issue with any of that.  FFXV's cast looks bland as all get out to me, too.  Mostly because they look like something straight out of the most cliched anime imaginable.  The main character alone makes me roll my eyes.  The road trip angle doesn't really do anything for me either.  IF I get a PS4, I'll probably get it, to see how it turns out.  But the jury's still out on whether or not I'm even getting one.

Rhaegar said:

Fine, such stories are for the realm of fanfiction or personal journal entries. Not stories you plan to release to the entire world as a AAA title in a billion-dollar industry, whose audience is very much diverse. (To the point where adult women have surpassed teenage boys as a gamer demographic, actually.) And as an RPG in which you play multiple characters.

See, I think such stories are for EVERYWHERE.  Whether someone is writing for, or a videogame, or a movie, or a novel.  The writer should have the freedom to tell the story they want to tell.  Apparently, you disagree.

That comparison to The Sopranos is also rather disingenuous. Excluding a significant demographic, which FFXV is demonstrably doing and we have the evidence right in front of us, is NOT the same as imagined slights from a TV show based on the coincidential nationality of a few characters which in no way represent all Italians. Not that FFXV is going to be the caliber of video game that The Sopranos was a TV show, anyway.

This is why the Sopranos comparison is apt.  You think that S-E is excluding females from playing or enjoying FFXV.  They are doing no such thing.  A lack of playable females doesn't mean that women can't play the game or can't enjoy the game.  No more than I required playable males to enjoy X-2's gameplay.  Or that I require bisexual males to enjoy ANY FF game.  David Chase wasn't out to denigrate Italians, and S-E isn't out to exclude women.  The very fact that you want to send S-E a "message" by way of the game being a financial disaster for not having any playable females is the same thing as the people who wanted The Sopranos to be boycotted and lose ratings to send HBO a "message" about stereotyping Italians.

In both cases, you and those "concerned critics", are ignoring the content of the media in question and focusing solely on your interpretation of the optics.  Not only are you judging a book by its cover, you're then wishing for the failure of the author based on the cover.  It's reminiscent of the Christian fundamentalists who say not only is their opinion correct, but those who disagree must be punished.

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 09.25.2014 1:11am

World Warrior 21007

I just don't think that FFXV, whatever it's trying to tell with a multiple playable cast with no diversity, has any place in 2015.

By the way, didn't you also argue it was OK for D&D to cut Arianne Martell out of Game of Thrones Season 5? That would figure.

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 09.25.2014 1:33am
 (Edited on 09.25.2014 at 1:40am)

Terran Angel

Rhaegar said:

I just don't think that FFXV, whatever it's trying to tell with a multiple playable cast with no diversity, has any place in 2015.

So, like I said, the cover of the book is what matters to you, not the words on the pages.  Got it.

By the way, didn't you also argue it was OK for D&D to cut Arianne Martell out of Game of Thrones Season 5? That would figure.

I also argued Quentyn Martell should be cut.  And Victarion Greyjoy.  And Euron Greyjoy.  By my calculations, that's a gender ratio of 3:1, with males bearing the brunt, in terms of who I want cut from Game of Thrones.  Does that also "figure"?

EDIT: I just went back and looked.  It turns out I argued those other characters should be cut at another forum -_-.  If you want, I can post in the GoT thread my reasoning for those cuts.

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 09.25.2014 1:37am

The Taru

Thirdtwin said:

So I read this wall of text, and I'm just, I don't know what you're trying to say here. Like, I'm not saying this to be insulting or down on you or something, I just want to understand where you're coming from. So I'm just going to try to ask a few questions to maybe clarify what you're getting at here, because I'm kind of curious as to what might be going on. (I have a theory, which I may state in a later post, but that's just going to muddy the waters for now)

I'll be happy to elaborate, even if it gives you ammo for your theory.

1) You think there is a problem with the "current idea of gender equality," but don't come right out and say what that problem is. Would you be willing to clarify?

My personal opinion of the mindset of current gender equality freedom fighters is they stop short of something important. In this way of thinking I know I am a minority but I'm very much against the idea of separation through race, culture, gender, sexual preference, etc)

I am a supporter of equal wages, rights, etc, but often cannot stand hearing a feminist speak... because there is usually something deep down in them that I sense that is over compensating. Mostly with story telling demands and how women are portrayed, I can't think of any equal rights/pay example where feminists have asked for too much.

2) Your statement regarding a "specific gender" is rather oblique. I.E. you do not name which gender is trying to prove superiority over the other. I have an even chance of being right or wrong if I ask, given you only present two choices, so: which gender do you feel is trying to prove its superiority?

This is interchangeable. Both genders have tried to dominate each other for superiority. It's stupid and just further division of the collective consciousness.

3) What do "phobias" have to do with candid discussion about gender and video games? Also, what do you hold are the "strong" and "weak" points of each gender?

This was a premeditated response to the possible annoying argument that women think men are afraid of being outdone. (IE: run the world better) And vise verse that woman think all men find them incapable. Not the discussion I'm willing to have.

Strong and weak points of each gender are held the same as the rest of the animals in the animal kingdom. That's a book I'm not going to write for you today. The statement was not in regards to intellectual or emotional capacity.

4) Are you aware that a "superiority complex" indicates a false front of superiority, whereby the person projecting superiority actually feels inferior deep down? Such that contrasting that with the "damsel in distress" concept as the theoretical empowered counterpart is actually incorrect? If you are, then why bring up two negative tropes in regards to portrayal of female characters?

That is exactly what I meant by superiority complex. It is my belief that if one does not feel equal or the same they deep down feel inferior and need to compensate, in this example: over compensate. The oppressed becoming the oppressor.

Why did I bring it up? Because you don't see feminist practice self control. Anything that is woman power, even if it is damaging, gets a green light. I guess to break it down in terms everyone can understand: two wrongs do not make a right. Creating a female attitude that believes it is Superior to males is reverse oppression and really just flips the chess board around.

5) Do you use tropes in the sense that TVTropes uses tropes?

I don't know what you are asking me here.

6) What are the best qualities that females "naturally" possess? And to what sense of "nature" do you refer? (As an aside I should think it would be very difficult to breed a quality into a person that has already been born, but if your experience indicates differently then far be it for me to criticize you!)

Once again I'll point you over to psychology and biology for the text book answers.

In regards to breeding. The word breeding can be used to as a synonym for raised, develop, promote, induce, and more. I was using it in the sense of upbringing/raised/childhood or personal development.

7) When you begin your all-caps rant: are you using "imaginative" (sic) as a negative? Certainly I think a quality of imagination would actually help people project into and empathize better with story characters. Or might you have meant "unimaginative?" Not to be a grammar nazi or anything, just that you seem to have said exactly the opposite of what you meant if that is the case. It helps in cases like this to maybe forgo ranting in favor of considering your argument with some distance and rephrasing based on what you actually mean.

I used imaginative as I intended. It was an accusation of a person rather being the person in the story instead of appreciating the person in the story. It was ranted correctly, but hard to see the point when you spend all efforts into dissecting it based on your viewpoint.

In any case I hope you do choose to respond, perhaps after taking a bit of a breather to reposition your thoughts into a more comprehensible framework. I'm interested in what you have to say, and how your dreams will aid the human race. Perhaps one day we may collaborate on further philanthropic achievement.

I'm not going to lie I lol'd. I enjoy good sarcasm as much as a person could so it was not lost on me! I have to apologize as I was not planning on nor had the time to right a college thesis written in such expertise and clarity that it could sway anyone. I mainly wanted to vent and carry on with my day.

I'm obsessed with philanthropic achievements, so sarcasm aside, it's not a far reach.

Thanks pointing out the spelling error, I corrected it.

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 09.25.2014 1:48am

World Warrior 21007

Lexx said:

So, like I said, the cover of the book is what matters to you, not the words on the pages.  Got it.

Except in this case, the cover is going to have a major bearing on the content of the words. And I know it's going to suffer for it. Nothing you say is going to make me change my mind on opposing this game on principle.

I also argued Quentyn Martell should be cut.  And Victarion Greyjoy.  And Euron Greyjoy.  By my calculations, that's a gender ratio of 3:1, with males bearing the brunt, in terms of who I want cut from Game of Thrones.  Does that also "figure"?

EDIT: I just went back and looked.  It turns out I argued those other characters should be cut at another forum -_-.  If you want, I can post in the GoT thread my reasoning for those cuts.

Arianne is far more important to her locale's characterization and to the overall plot than the Greyjoys and Quentyn are to theirs, so, again, false equivalence. D&D also have a history of sexism that got annoying in the show and is really fixing to rear its ugly head for Season 5, so just like Square-Enix, I'm not giving them the benefit of any doubt.

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 09.25.2014 2:10am

The Taru

Rhaegar said:

Except in this case, the cover is going to have a major bearing on the content of the words. And I know it's going to suffer for it. Nothing you say is going to make me change my mind on opposing this game on principle.

Nobody is trying to change you. I'm specifically trying to flesh out how unreasonable you are. It's the equivalent of a child throwing a tantrum because things weren't, this one time, done your way.

EDIT for proper quote

Id82 said:

I completely forgot about that tech demo.
But I doubt it, its more or less just a short film tech demo to show what Squenix is capable of for their next gen final fantasys and probably has nothing to do with the main game.

Even if it is only a tech demo, that Luminous engine is cray cray!

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 09.25.2014 2:15am

World Warrior 21007

If wanting a diverse cast in a game being released in fucking 2015 â?? in a series that up until this point was better about diversity than most â?? makes me "unreasonable," then fuck it, I guess I'm unreasonable.

I'm also pretty sure I'm better than you.

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 09.25.2014 2:17am

Terran Angel

Except in this case, the cover is going to have a major bearing on the content of the words. And I know it's going to suffer for it. Nothing you say is going to make me change my mind on opposing this game on principle.

Of course not.  You're acting from a position of emotion, not reason.  Reason would say wait until you've read that book, watched that movie, played that game before judging it and cursing the people who made it.  Emotion says fuck it, I don't like what I see, so let's burn the place down.

Anyway, I've fallen down the rabbit hole of internet arguments enough to see there's no further point continuing this line.  I'll just finish by saying FFXV looks like it has a bland cast, but the world, atmosphere and art design look interesting.  I'm not sure about the gameplay, but I'll give it a shot if I ever get a PS4.

Rhaegar said:

Arianne is far more important to her locale's characterization and to the overall plot than the Greyjoys and Quentyn are to theirs, so, again, false equivalence.

I'll continue this in the Game of Thrones thread.

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 09.25.2014 3:01am

The Taru

A very old response to lack of females in the game

Also fun fact that Tabata, in his first main entry, said that he wants this to be the most critically acclaimed entry.

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 09.25.2014 6:56am
 (Edited on 09.25.2014 at 7:21am)

Deep Water Horizon

I suppose mine would be a middle line stance in this case: Square-Enix can make the game they want, and Rhaegar (and whoever else) can not play it if they want.

Now for me personally, it doesn't help. I like playable female characters, and this is coming at a time when I don't know which system(s) I'll get, never mind which games, and when I didn't like the last Final Fantasy I played (XIII). And really, there's far more games out there with potential than I'll ever get around to playing, so it doesn't take all that much to push something out of contention. So many games (and movies, and TV shows...) get passed over out of a lack of enthusiasm, where "this could be good" is about as fatal of a reaction as "this looks like a joke" or "I'm outraged by so-and-so" in the grand scheme of things. I watched Sopranos back in the day, and I liked it, but if it was coming out today it wouldn't even be on my radar.

Currently playing: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Picross DS
Last played: Time Hollow (good)
Last watched: Agent Carter (very good)
Me on Favslist

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 09.25.2014 8:19am

World Warrior 21007

Hey, I made it clear that I'm going to take my money elsewhere, and I'm not going to contribute to an ass-backwards design decision. And I also hoped that there were enough others out there who would likewise make that vote with their dollars. Unfortunately, some people felt the need to jump on my ass about that.

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