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A Serbian Film

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 12.02.2011 7:28pm
Thread Creator

I'm Catbug!

I know we talked about this movie back on FFO, but I'm just wondering if anyone ever got around to watching it or not.

I finally did last month, and I think I'll regret watching it 'til the day I die. It was, without a doubt, one of the if not the most vile, sickening, offensive, repulsive, upsetting movies I've ever seen, and believe me when I say that I've seen quite a few of that kind of movies.

Chock full of violence, gore, sexual violence and reprehensible inhuman acts, the film supposedly carries an overlying message that the director set out to tell, and I struggled to keep it in my mind while I watched it, because I suppose it's there in dribs and drabs but frankly it's buried under all the filth.

I don't usually speak out this much against films that I dislike, unless it was a terrible, awful movie. This one was terrible and awful, but because of content not quality. There's no arguing it was a well-made film, but ugh, it makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about it. I felt scarred for a few days after finishing watching it.

It's so awful I made my boyfriend promise that he'd never watch it. Initially we were going to watch it together but that fell through so I watched it on my own, and was so repulsed by what I saw that I didn't want him subjecting himself to what's shown on screen during this film.

If you haven't seen it, I'm sure you think this glowing review will pique your curiousity to the point of wanting to see A Serbian Film. Well, as one rewiever put it, you only think you want to see this movie, but you really, really don't. And I found out the hard way that I really, really shouldn't have. 

PS: I realize I sound a bit melodramatic, but hey, I just feel rather strongly about this.

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 12.02.2011 10:16pm

I've been there, hombre.

I didn't really have the stomach for Antichrist (which I've heard people describe as an artistic masterpiece), so I've been giving A Serbian Film wide berth for quite some time now. The Wikipedia synopsis told me all I needed to know... and I really didn't need to know any of that.

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 12.04.2011 1:49am

another blue ribbon

I don't understand why people watch these films, besides in a masochistic bragging rights kind of way. The Wikipedia summary sounds like a laundry list of all the things which would probably damage me to witness. I get that there might be artistic merit to forcing the audience to confront a darker side of the human psyche, but most of the time for me that doesn't involve things like 2 hours of rape.

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 12.04.2011 12:40pm

Indiana Jerico
Sinfully Delicious v2

I read the review and some descriptions and no, I will never ever watch it. The reviews themselves already repulsed me. Newborn infant rape? No, there are things some people are just not meant to watch.


"Plans? What plans? I'm making this up as I go!"

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 12.04.2011 12:52pm

Big Tall
Taller Than Tall

^ Agreed. It's rediculous to me that "films" like this even get made.

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 12.05.2011 3:51am

Terran Angel

>read thread
>wonder how disturbing the movie could actually be
>read synopsis on wikipedia

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 12.05.2011 7:18am

I'm going to try SCIENCE!

I'm not even going to read the wiki entry on it. God knows even doing that much for Antichrist and the Human Centipede movies was a mistake.

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 12.05.2011 1:39pm

another blue ribbon

Lars von Trier is another director that should probably be institutionalised rather than allowed to make any more movies.

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 12.05.2011 2:49pm
Thread Creator

I'm Catbug!

Yeah, Antichrist was pretty hard to take, but compared to A Serbian Film, it's high art.

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 12.05.2011 3:31pm


Yeah, just read the plot on Wiki, got to the newborn rape part and after nearly being sick, decided not read any more. Suffice to say I won't be watching that film.

Great men aren't everywhere, just where it counts.

If you ever see me online playing Halo, join me please.

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 12.05.2011 4:28pm


banned in my country, unsurprisingly.
Not banned on the internet...

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 12.05.2011 5:15pm

Registered Member

It IS possible to enjoy this movie. You just have to be very dedicated to being edgy for edgy's sake... I do know a person who thinks it's a great film. 

That being said, I don't think I'll ever watch it. I don't get teh point of these movies. Surely you can make a statement about Italian Fascism that is more poignant than 120 Days of Sodom... clearly you can make a point about the darkness inside the human mind that is more accessible than A Serbian Film. Films like this are edgy for the sake of being edgy, and thus any talk of artistic merit, or any underlying points they try to illustrate are lost in the extremity of their content. Therefore they are ineffective films.

I love you, everything burrito.

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 12.05.2011 10:43pm

another blue ribbon

I think a lot of filmmakers are satisfied to make films like this and call it "art" because it provokes a reaction, but a 5-year-old can provoke a reaction. I haven't seen either film, but the synopsis of Antichrist makes it seem as if it could genuinely make you think about the symbolism in the subject matter (even while Charlotte Gainsbourg is cutting off her clitoris and smashing Willem Dafoe's balls). A Serbian Film on the other hand sounds like the director thought "Let's make the most disturbing, indecent film possible. How do we do that? Newborn porn!" and did it for the attention (and the lulz).

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 12.06.2011 3:12am

Ceci n'est pas une lobster is all I have to say on Serbian Movie.


"Of Christ's twelve Apostles Judas alone proved to be traitor. But if he had acquired power, he would have represented the other eleven Apostles as traitors, and also all the lesser Apostles whom Luke numbers as seventy." - Leon Trotsky

I have a blog. This is its URL. You should read it. It's about education and skepticism and books and it has a lot of pictures of Batman and Robin in it:

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 12.06.2011 3:28am

Southern Comfort
silently judging all of you

I see it as an extended version Aristocrats joke.  The punchline is, you actually endured every vile thing the writer and director threw at you because you thought there was going to be a point.

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