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Tropes vs. Women 2: Here We Go Again

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 08.05.2013 2:54pm

another blue ribbon

Straight people make gay jokes knowing that 95% of society has their back. There are no straight jokes*. This is my main problem with gay jokes.

[size=100]*To my knowledge. There are probably straight jokes, but even gay comedians seem to spend most of their time taking the piss out of their own sexuality.[/size]

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 08.05.2013 4:43pm


Meanwhile as I look at this thread, I get the ad for the porny Warcraft knockoff that says "MALE GAMERS ONLY."

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 08.05.2013 5:28pm

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

Onyx said:

Meanwhile as I look at this thread, I get the ad for the porny Warcraft knockoff that says "MALE GAMERS ONLY."

I got an add for cremation.  I don't know what that's suppose to say about my history.

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 08.05.2013 6:09pm

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

Zo said:

Straight people make gay jokes knowing that 95% of society has their back. There are no straight jokes*. This is my main problem with gay jokes.

[size=100]*To my knowledge. There are probably straight jokes, but even gay comedians seem to spend most of their time taking the piss out of their own sexuality.[/size]

No one goes around equating being straight to being either lame, stupid or bad. I know it's annoying whenever I do it, but I always speak up whenever I hear anyone say 'gay' in a derogatory way.

Dr Squirrel said:

a woman giving her opinion passively is ignored, a woman giving her opinion assertively is an uppity bitch.  there is no middle ground.

and the only time samus' gender was obvious in super metroid was when you saw her in her underwear when she died.  which is even worse.

Well, that and the way that she allows the Metroid to retreat after it tries to kill her, and the generally motherly way that she treats it. And I don't know about you, but when Mother Brain kills the Metroid (SPOILERS), a large part of the satisfaction that comes with putting that bitch down is that she killed your baby.

"Of Christ's twelve Apostles Judas alone proved to be traitor. But if he had acquired power, he would have represented the other eleven Apostles as traitors, and also all the lesser Apostles whom Luke numbers as seventy." - Leon Trotsky

I have a blog. This is its URL. You should read it. It's about education and skepticism and books and it has a lot of pictures of Batman and Robin in it:

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 08.05.2013 11:30pm

A mental Dentist's office

Onyx said:

Meanwhile as I look at this thread, I get the ad for the porny Warcraft knockoff that says "MALE GAMERS ONLY."
I get Flo asking me to join Progressive.

I feel there's a hidden message here :^D

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 08.06.2013 2:52am

with a Z

I said it before and I'll say it again, she has a great point but is presenting it wrong. Youtube is full of 10-19 year old males who are the worst demographic to present this topic to. I'm not saying those are the only people who watch youtube, but that is your average viewer.

The internet itself is still a bad medium for this type of topic. and it doesn't even have to be a debate, it could be just a presentation and discussion. I would really like to see her talk with someone like Charlie Rose who is incredibly open minded and highly respected. He has had hunderds of guests of every type of person in this world. The viewers of that style of program are the ones who need to see this type of treatment to women characters in gaming and other forms of media, not the youth of America.

If the older demographic becomes aware and is WELL INFORMED then you will see strides being taken to alter what she is talking about. Important issues like this brought up by the right people will have a tricle down effect and gain the psoitive attention it needs. I also still strongly believe she has to use the funds given to her in a much smarter way and not over produce youtube videos. Again, great idea and stance on the subject, very poor execution. 

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 08.06.2013 4:38am




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 08.06.2013 6:21am

Registered Member

kjonez said:

I said it before and I'll say it again, she has a great point but is presenting it wrong. Youtube is full of 10-19 year old males who are the worst demographic to present this topic to. I'm not saying those are the only people who watch youtube, but that is your average viewer.

The internet itself is still a bad medium for this type of topic. and it doesn't even have to be a debate, it could be just a presentation and discussion. I would really like to see her talk with someone like Charlie Rose who is incredibly open minded and highly respected. He has had hunderds of guests of every type of person in this world. The viewers of that style of program are the ones who need to see this type of treatment to women characters in gaming and other forms of media, not the youth of America.

If the older demographic becomes aware and is WELL INFORMED then you will see strides being taken to alter what she is talking about. Important issues like this brought up by the right people will have a tricle down effect and gain the psoitive attention it needs. I also still strongly believe she has to use the funds given to her in a much smarter way and not over produce youtube videos. Again, great idea and stance on the subject, very poor execution. 
I don't know if I agree with you on how effective that method would have been, but it's not really a realistic route she could have taken anyway. In order to get invited on a show like that, she would have had to do something to make a name for herself so that someone like Charlie Rose would offer her an interview in the first place. You can't do a Kickstarter to get a seat across from Charlie Rose. Regardless of what you think of the Youtube series, it's what's going to open doors like that in the future.

She's already given quite a few interviews with numerous media sources, and I'm sure she'd be thrilled to do something you suggest. Considering the Kickstarter was specifically for a Youtube series, she couldn't have backed out of it and used the funds for something else anyway, and it's hard to think of another way of presenting things that would've raised nearly as much funds or attention.

Regardless, aside from the actual arguments in the videos themselves, I think this has already been a pretty effective campaign for a couple of reasons:

1. As a series of Youtube videos that's a long way towards completion, with the space between videos that there has been, it basically forces the conversation to continue every time a new one is released.

2. It's already converted most of the major gaming news sites and blogs to the pro-feminist side, and has made them much more likely to report on the kinds of things that have been mostly flat out ignored for decades.

3. Perhaps most importantly, the campaign for better portryals of women in games has already reached the attention of quite a few developers, and many have talked about how they're going to try harder in the future. If there's one group you want ideas trickling down from, the people actually making the games are the ones that you want to target.

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