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A Game of Themes

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 08.27.2011 12:03am
Thread Creator (Edited on 08.27.2011 at 6:58am)


<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Duel 4</span>

Star Ocean 2 - 78 votes

FFV - 57 votes

Star Ocean 2 wins!


<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Duel 5</span>

FFVII vs. Legend of Dragoon

Main Theme/Intro: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Main Theme</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">If You Still Believe</a>
Village 1: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Farm Boy</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Hoax Village</a>
Character: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Tifa's Theme</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Shana's Theme</a>
Battle: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Those Who Fight</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Battle 1</a>
Dungeon/Field: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Chasing the Black-Caped Man</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Silver Land</a>
Boss Battle: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Those Who Fight Further</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Boss Battle 1</a>
Village 2: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Wutai</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Spring Breath Town Ulara</a>
Character 2: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Cid's Theme</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Dart's Theme</a>
Dungeon Field 2: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Forbidden Land</a>
Special Battle: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Hurry Faster!</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=relmfu" target="_blank">Boss Battle 3</a>
Final Dungeon: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Judgment Day</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">The Divine Tree</a>
Final Battle: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">One-Winged Angel</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Last Battle 4</a>
Ending Theme/Credits: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Staff Roll</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Ending</a>
Wild Card: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Birth of a God</a> vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Ruined Seles</a>

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 08.27.2011 12:10am

Deep Water Horizon

Just a heads up: I don't know if anything we put on FFSociety right now is going to be kept in the long run. We're spamming it up in beta, and the last I heard, all the FFO content is being brought over.

Currently playing: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Picross DS
Last played: Time Hollow (good)
Last watched: Agent Carter (very good)
Me on Favslist

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 08.27.2011 12:26am
Thread Creator (Edited on 08.27.2011 at 6:57am)


Yeah, no problem, mostly just testing the formatting and such.

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 08.27.2011 1:10am

dangerous lady

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Main Theme/Intro: Gotta go with Main Theme, though If You Still Believe is a nice vocal track. I like the singer's voice.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Village 1: Hoax Village. Never liked Farm Boy, and the LoD song sounds nice.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Character 1: Shana's Theme is actually really pretty.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Battle: Those Who Fight.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Dungeon/Field: Neither one really grabs me, but Chasing the Black-Caped Man is a little better, I think.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Boss Battle: Those Who Fight Further, even if I'm a little sick of it now.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Village 2: I don't really need to listen to it to know I'm giving it to Spring Breath Town Ulara, simply because the Wutai theme makes me remember that irritating Yuffie sidequest where she steals my fucking materia and then messes up how I had it organized. That stupid brat.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Character 2: Cid's Theme, I guess. Not really into either.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Dungeon/Field 2: Forbidden Land. I never did like You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Special Battle: Hurry Faster annoys the shit out of me, so Boss Battle 3 gets it by default, pretty much.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Final Dungeon: I still hold that Judgment Day is one of the weaker FF final dungeon themes, but Divine Tree kinda bores me, so... Judgment Day it is.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Final Battle: Meh. One-Winged Angel, I suppose.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Ending Theme/Credits: I'll go with Ending because it's pretty and the synth doesn't make me wince. The horrible synth is a part of why I'm not overfond of VII's OST in general, I think.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">Wild Card: To be honest, I've always preferred Birth of a God to One-Winged Angel, it's more fun to listen to. So it gets my vote here rather easily.</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">---</span>

<span style="color: #3366ff;">This was an interesting match-up for me; I've never played LoD (and have heard many negative things about it), but meanwhile outside of a handful or two of songs I'm not a big fan of VII's OST. Which admittedly is partially due to low synth quality. So in this duel, I was truly neutral (well, okay, I was somewhat neutral last round too, as I like both OSTs a lot).

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 08.27.2011 7:55am
Thread Creator (Edited on 08.31.2011 at 6:37pm)


Main Theme/Intro: Main Theme. IYSB is a great vocal track and probably the best track on the LoD soundtrack.
Village 1: Farm Boy. Hoax is alright but lacks any development, like a lot of LoD tracks.
Character: Tifa's Theme.
Battle: Those Who Fight, easily.
Dungeon/Field: Chasing the Black-Caped Man.
Boss Battle: Those Who Fight Further.
Village 2: Spring Breath Town Ulara. I do like the Wutai theme, though.
Character 2: Cid's Theme. So very hard.
Dungeon Field 2: You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet.
Special Battle: Boss Battle 3.
Final Dungeon: Judgment Day. Glorious.
Final Battle: One-Winged Angel, and I actually prefer the original over any remake.
Ending Theme/Credits: Staff Roll. Shitty synth quality, but great track.
Wild Card: Birth of a God. I love the trio of battle themes at the end of FFVII.


I have played LoD and the soundtrack just doesn't do much for me, in or out of context (other than If You Still Believe). FFVII has some great tracks that unfortunately get dragged down by the aforementioned synth quality, but still hold dear places in my heart.

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 08.27.2011 8:42am

World Warrior 21007

Main Theme Intro: Main Theme.

Village 1: Hoax Village. Never cared for Farm Boy.

Character: Tifa's Theme. Pretty lukewarm matchup, though.

Battle: Those Who Fight. Easy one.

Dungeon/Field: Chasing the Black-Caped Man.

Boss Battle: Those Who Fight Further. Another easy one.

VIllage 2: Spring Breath Town Ulara. I'll pile on the Wutai hate, too.

Character 2: Cid's Theme. Easiest one, and one of the relatively few FFVII tracks I genuinely love.

Dungeon/Field 2: You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet. Is it weird that I actually consider this one of the better tracks in FFVII?

Special Battle: Boss Battle 3. Hurry Faster gets on my nerves.

Final Dungeon: Judgment Day, even if I don't esteem it as much as some people do.

Final Battle: As painfully overrated as it is, One-Winged Angel still takes this one. LoD's is just flat-out uninspired.

Ending Theme/Credits: Staff Roll, I guess.

Wild Card: Birth of a God, and I agree with Luna about liking it more than OWA.


I'm not exactly the biggest fan of FFVII's soundtrack, but it wins pretty handily here. LoD's music just seems very uninspired for the most part (as is the game by all accounts).

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 08.28.2011 12:12am

maximus asinus
Registered Member

Main Theme Intro: If You Still Believe (LoD)

Village 1: Hoax Village (LoD) though I don't care for either.

Character: Tifa's Theme (FFVII) this one could have gone either way until the hook and then I remembered that I love this song.

Battle: Those Who Fight (FFVII) I actually almost didn't play LoD because I hated the battle track

Dungeon/Field: Chasing the Black-Caped Man (FFVII)

Boss Battle: Those Who Fight Further (FFVII) and I had a nostalgia flash back to the Guard Scorpion.

Village 2: I hate both tracks, I abstain myself from voting.

Character 2: Cid's Theme (FFVII)

Dungeon/Field 2: <span id="eow-title" title="The Legend of Dragoon OST - Forbidden Land" dir="ltr">Forbidden Land</span> (LoD)

Special Battle: Boss Battle 3 (LoD) because Hurry Faster annoyed me in the arena.

Final Dungeon: Again, I hate both tracks, I abstain myself from voting.

Final Dungeon: One Winged Angel (FFVII)

Ending Theme/Credits: Staff Roll (FFVII)

Wild Card: Birth of a God (FFVII)

<span class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble smarterwiki-popup-bubble-active" style="top: 346px; left: 182px; margin-left: -54px; margin-top: -60px; opacity: 0.25;"><span class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-body"><span class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-links-container"><span class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-links"><span class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-links-row"><a class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-link" title="Search Google" href=""; target="_blank"><img class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-link-favicon" src="" alt="" /></a><a class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-link" title="Search Surf Canyon" href=";amp;q=Birth%20of%20a%20God%20%28FFVII%29&amp;partner=fastestfox" target="_blank"><img class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-link-favicon" src="%3D%3D" alt="" /></a></span><span class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-links-row"><a class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-link" title="Search DuckDuckGo" href=""; target="_blank"><img class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-link-favicon" src="" alt="" /></a><a class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-link" title="Search Wikipedia" href=";amp;btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&amp;q=Birth%20of%20a%20God%20%28FFVII%29+wikipedia" target="_blank"><img class="smarterwiki-popup-bubble-link-favicon" src="" alt="" /></a></span></span></span></span></span>

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 08.28.2011 12:41am
 (Edited on 08.29.2011 at 9:19pm)

Deep Water Horizon

Main Theme/Intro: Main Theme FFVII

Village 1: Farm Boy FFVII

Character: Tifa's Theme FFVII

Battle: Those Who Fight FFVII

Dungeon/Field: Chasing the Black-Caped Man FFVII

Boss Battle: Those Who Fight Further FFVII

Village 2: Wutai FFVII

Character 2: Cid's Theme FFVII

Dungeon/Field 2: You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet FFVII

Special Battle: Hurry Faster FFVII

Final Dungeon: Judgment Day FFVII (is The Divine Tree supposed to sound like it's sung by a duck?)

Final Battle: One-Winged Angel FFVII

Ending Theme/Credits: I'll say Ending because I like it, to be nice, and because I don't want the hassle of comparing an ending mix to a single song. Legend of Dragoon

WIld Card: Birth of a God FFVII


I was a little worried, since most of my favorites from VII weren't in the competition, but Legend of Dragoon didn't pose much of a threat.

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 08.29.2011 5:12pm

Darth Howie

Main Theme/Intro: Main Theme from FFVII, If You Still Believe is vastly superior to most vocal themes I hear in games, though I can't stand that damn tenor sax
Village 1: Why Farm Boy of all the town theme? Because it's easily the worst? Gotta go with Hoax Village, bland as it is.
Character: Tifa's Theme, again, why not Aeris' Theme or Cid's Theme? You're handicapping FFVII, there.
Battle: Those Who Fight so much it's not even funny. I hated Battle 1 when the game came out and it's only gotten worse over time. It sounds like bonus stage music from a joke shooter, not a battle theme from an epic RPG.
Dungeon/Field: Tie. Both are pretty atmospheric.
Boss Battle: Those Who Fight Further, the best Legend of Dragoon Battle theme was Virage Battle by far. This is sadly generic.
Village 2: You know, I kinda prefer Spring Breath Town Ulara. it's really pretty interesting.
Character 2: Actually have to go with Dart's Theme, easily the best piece of music in this soundtrack
Dungeon Field 2: You Can Hear the Cry Of the Planet gives me the chills every time I play FFVII. Gotta go with that.
Special Battle: Boss Battle 3, I always thought this was called "Virage Battle" for some reason. Probably my second favorite track from Legend of Dragoon after Dart's Theme.
Final Dungeon: Judgment Day is my favorite final dungeon music of all time, so it beats this by FAR.
Final Battle: One Winged Angel, Last Battle 4 sounds like a bad Genesis title screen
Ending Theme/Credits: I Love FFVII's Staff Roll, LoD's ending sounds like a sappy pop song.
Wild Card: Birth of a God, no question.

Overall, FFVII is the better soundtrack. Legend of Dragoon's soundtrack is nothing special, much of it I remember after all these years for the WRONG REASONS, especially Battle 1. Oy.

Woe unto he who tries to be helpful, for upon him shall be lain the burdens of all.

- Squall 15:11

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 08.29.2011 6:34pm
Thread Creator (Edited on 10.04.2011 at 12:02am)


Village 1: Why Farm Boy of all the town theme? Because it's easily the worst? Gotta go with Hoax Village, bland as it is.
Character: Tifa's Theme, again, why not Aeris' Theme or Cid's Theme? You're handicapping FFVII, there.
I had to give LoD some kind of chance.

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 08.31.2011 7:26am

So Sigh Ety

Main Theme/Intro: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Main Theme</a> vs. <a>If you Still Believe</a> - Main Theme is one of the greatest pieces of music of all time. This ain't close, son.

Village 1: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Farm Boy</a> vs. Hoax Village - This one is closer than expected but Farm Boy Wins by a hair. Hoax village is nice and peaceful though.

Character: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Tifa's Theme</a> vs. Shana's Theme - Yeah, Tifa's theme is so beautiful and meaningful. A classic. Shana's Theme I tried to give a fair chance, and is pleasant to listen to, but doesn't have any real meaning to me, so I just can't justify picking it.

Battle: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Those Who Fight</a> vs. Battle 1 - LOOOVE Those Who Fight. MAN this song knows how to hype me up, and it only grew better as I heard it more. I can't believe nobuo made it sound so good and clean despite low synth capability, I don't even hear it in this one. Batle 1 is yuck though it does have some nostalgia going for it.

Dungeon/Field: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Chasing the Black-Caped Man</a> vs. Silver Land - Chasing Sephiroth is just sooo mysterious and establishes a great really don't know what surprises await. That tune gives me that feeling again. Silver Land is average.

Boss Battle: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Those Who Fight Further</a> vs. Boss Battle 1 - Didn't even have to click these to decide, though I did listen to both thoroughly anyway, Those who Fight Further is one of my favorite boss themes of all time. Love that rock sound then mixed with the traditional VGM sound. Boss Battle 1 is,.. an abomination.

Village 2: Wutai vs. <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Spring Breath Town Ulara</a> - CLOSE ONE..I'm gonna give this one to Spring Breath Town. It's just the better song, and sounds much nicer. Don't know what Wutai's Theme is going for. YAY its not a clean sweep at least..

Character 2: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Cid's Theme</a> vs. Dart's Theme - Cid's THeme should be played when real astronauts go out into outer space. It's that epic and sounds just like that. Dart's theme should be played underground where mice live cuz it has nothing going for it.

Dungeon Field 2: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet</a> vs. Forbidden Land - Don't even know what to say but LOOOOOOVE Cry of the planet. What a unique and very dark sounding tune. It stll haunts me listening to this. Also a better Aeris death theme on replays, as it leads up to her death, how freakin spooky im getting goosebumps listening to it. Forbidden Land on the otherhand...uh..meh.

Special Battle: Hurry Faster! vs. <a href=";amp;feature=relmfu" target="_blank">Boss Battle 3</a> - These sound similar, and Boss Battle 3 is a little bit better. It's quite good and engaging, also it's memorable. I remember just how it went. Hurry Faster is sub par and somewhat annoying too so yay score another for LoD.

Final Dungeon: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Judgment Day</a> vs. The Divine Tree - Not even close Judgement Day is LEAGUES ahead here.

Final Battle: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">One-Winged Angel</a> vs. Last Battle 4 - lol. thats all im sayin here. tho Battle 4 is a nice catchy tune.

Ending Theme/Credits: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Staff Roll</a> vs. Ending- largely because it incorporates a few ff7 themes into it, I , I much prefer Staff Roll here! Ending is ehhh. I like the unique sound though.

Wild Card: <a href=";amp;feature=channel_video_title" target="_blank">Birth of a God</a> vs. Ruined Seles - WILD CARD BITCHES!! I dont remember Birth of a god much but dayam I love it! HYPES me up, much better quality of a song than Ruined.

There you have it Better than I expected - LoD won 2 votes ;)

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 08.31.2011 2:18pm

Crono can cross dimensions too!

This may be a little onesided since I'm currently replaying VII but I'll try to be fair. I'm sure some songs will lose just out of "sounds too synthy" though.

Main Theme; just like Spidey said. LoD's is pretty awesome too though; gotta give it credit. I actually don't remember that theme at all but dammit it's making me want to fire up my LoD playthrough again!

Farm Boy. Both are decent town tracks.

Tifa's Theme just puts me in the flashback scene early in the game. Mmm. Again though, props to LoD's because it's nice.

Finally one that's no challenge: Those Who Fight is still epic to me and I NEVER liked LoD's theme.

Black Caped Man. No contest.

Those Who Fight Further. God, FF VII has some of the best battle music.

Not a fan of Wutai so LoD gets it by default but still a good song.

Going with Cid's theme I like how Dart's theme sounds more like it belongs in a shmmup.

Cry of the Planet is so intense and dark but again, props to LoD's.

Going with FF VII because Boss Battle 3 sounds more like a dungeon theme then a battle theme.

Judgement Day

1WA. Ah-Duuuuuhhhh. LB4 sounds like the after battle music. LoD's a bit confused.

Staff Roll but I never thought the first parts really fit in for some reason.

Birth of a God. Again, I'm just too attached to VII's battle music.

LoD may have not won many (what, ONE?) here but it's still a much better soundtrack than I remember. Some of these are awesome tunes and I'll be replaying the intro over and over.

Spidey cut the brakes!

Currently Playing: Dark Cloud 2: 3 hours.
Also Playing: CT, FF VI, Solatorobo, Secret of Mana, Halo 4.
Just Finished: Fable II: 7 hours.

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 08.31.2011 11:56pm

So Sigh Ety

I agree Crono, LoD's soundtrack is much better than I remember it, and IMO a better quality of a OST than a game. Shame when that happens.

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 09.01.2011 3:42am

Cult of Personality
Insert witty remark here.

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Main Theme/Intro: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Main Theme</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">If You Still Believe - </span><span style="color: #ffffff;">I might get lynched by FF7 fans, but I have to go with LoD on this one. Main Theme is good, but since I generally listen to my soundtracks at night I have to go with If You Still Believe.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Village 1: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Farm Boy</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Hoax Village - Hoax Village. By a mile and a half.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Character: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Tifa's Theme</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Shana's Theme - Both themes are really good, but I have to go whith Shana's Theme on this one which is funny cause I hated her character. A LOT.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Battle: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Those Who Fight</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Battle 1 - Those who fight a thousand times over. The battle music in LoD wanted me to pound my face into a brick wall. Repeatedly.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Dungeon/Field: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Chasing the Black-Caped Man</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Silver Land</span><span style="color: #ffffff;"> - Supringly I have to give the nod to Silver Land here. Chasing the Black-Caped Man is classic, but I forgot how good Silver Land is.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Boss Battle: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Those Who Fight Further</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Boss Battle 1 - Nope, battle music in LoD still sucks a lot. Those Who Fight Further eaily gets the win.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Village 2: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Wutai</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Spring Breath Town Ulara - Honestly I can't choose one over the other. I didn't really know where the Wutai was trying to go, and Spring Breath Town Ulara annoyed the shit out of me. No contest.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Character 2: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Cid's Theme</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Dart's Theme - Fuck you Dart, Cid is the goddamned man. And I agree with Spidey, Cid's theme should be playing in the shuttle when astronauts go into space.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Dungeon Field 2: <span style="color: #ffffff;">You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Forbidden Land - This is another close one for me. I enjoy both themes very much. I'm going to give the nod to You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet though, cause it just fits with the setting so freaking well.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Special Battle: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Hurry Faster!</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Boss Battle 3</span><span style="color: #ffffff;"> - Holy shit! A piece of LoD battle music that doesn't make my ears bleed! Seriously though, I definitely enjoy Boss Battle 3 more than Furry Faster!</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Final Dungeon: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Judgment Day</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">The Divine Tree - Judgement Day for sure. Everything about the piece just screams that some epic shit is going to hit the fan.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Final Battle: <span style="color: #ffffff;">One-Winged Angel</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Last Battle 4 - One-Winged Angel. Yeah, I open admit my dislike for Sephiroth but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a kick ass piece of music.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Ending Theme/Credits: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Staff Roll</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Ending</span><span style="color: #ffffff;"> - As generic as the name is, I'll pick listening to Ending rather than Staff Roll every time.</span></span>

<span style="color: #ffffff;">Wild Card: <span style="color: #ffffff;">Birth of a God</span> vs. <span style="color: #ffffff;">Ruined Seles - Not to crazy about either theme, but I would willing listen to Ruined Seles. I can't say the same for Birth of a God.</span></span>

I have to admit that despite my utter distate for the game, Legend of Dragoon had a pretty darn good soundtrack. I may have to go track down a copy so I can listen to all the tracks.

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 09.07.2011 5:51pm
Thread Creator (Edited on 09.07.2011 at 7:14pm)


<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Duel 5

FFVII - 92 votes

Legend of Dragoon - 30 votes

FFVII wins!


<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Duel 6

<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Baten Kaitos</span> vs. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Secret of Mana</span> (sponsored by Kal)

Main Theme/Opening: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">To the End of the Journey of Glittering Stars</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Fear of the Heavens</a>

Village 1: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Bellflower</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">The Color of the Summer Sky</a>

Dungeon/Field: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">To the Garden of the Moon Butterflies</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Distant Thunder</a>

Boss Battle: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Vitriolic a Stroke</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Danger</a>

Victory: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Coolant</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Calm Before the Storm</a>

Village 2: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Tenkai Flower Temple</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Phantom and a Rose

Dungeon Field 2: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Imperial Dynamics</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">The Wind Never Ceases</a>

Special Battle: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Condemnation of Darkness</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">The Sorcerer</a>

Village 3: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Gentle Wind</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">A Curious Tale</a>

Dungeon/Field 3: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Soft Labyrinth</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Star of Darkness</a>

Final Dungeon: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Survival from the Force</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Give Love Its Rightful Time</a>

Final Battle: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Violent Storm</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Meridian Dance</a>

Ending Theme/Credits: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Addressing Stars</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">The Second Truth from the Left</a>

Wild Card: <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Supreme Ruler of the Nine Heavens</a> vs. <a href=";amp;" target="_blank">Prophecy</a>

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