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Kickstarter Projects

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 07.11.2012 12:58am
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No-one's commented on these recently, was interested any opinions here.

1. Ouya - an Android based open source console for $99.

This thing is making a fortune at the moment in funding, more than $100K an hour as I write this. Some people are calling it this generation's Phantom, while others are saying it'll be a worthy competitor to the big three.  I actually see the appeal - if I'm at home I don't want to play a smartphone game on the phone, I want to play it on my TV! I'm very interested, but not enough to fund it.

2. Penny Arcade Sells Out - Penny Arcade will remove ads from their site.

PA handled this quite badly from a PR perspective. The goal of this project is to simply remove ads from the site, thus allowing more time to be put back into the site. This has led to a fairly negative backlash online. They'll easily make their targets, but they've taken a hit PR wise.

The goal has been expanded on greatly in the few hours as a change in how Penny Arcade want to do business, or as Ben Kuchera put it, "Hey guys and girls, let's take advertisers completely out of Penny Arcade. I'd rather work directly for you."

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 07.11.2012 1:43am

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

Im confused? Why did Bald and Pig-like get backlash?

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

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 07.11.2012 1:44am
 (Edited on 07.11.2012 at 1:58am)

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

Haven't they been saying that PA has been selling out since... ever?

Still, despite them wanting to take away ads, there's been quite a bit of backlash against this, which surprises me, really.

Of course, this is PA we're talking about.  I wouldn't be surprised if this turned into a giant joke of some kind.

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 07.11.2012 3:06am

Career GM

Honestly, the PA kickstarter is just really unattractive. Not because of the goal - I'd love adless PA. But most of their rewards tiers are almost nothing but stupid jokes and a whole lot of nothing, and with the amount of money they want to raise and what they want to do, that's a pretty big turn off.

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 07.11.2012 3:29am

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

I got a kick out of most of thier rewards but even if I wanted to do them I cant. Paying off debt is way more important that kickstarter shit. XD

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 07.11.2012 5:40am

Registered Member

I'm not sure if you just wanted to discuss just those two projects, or any Kickstarters, but I don't really care about either of those so I'm going with the former.

I've been really excited by the possibilites of Kickstarter games. I've directly supported five of them, and am looking forward to the releases of even more that have been made possible thanks to the system. Successful Kickstarter campaigns have allowed developers to start working on the types of resource intensive games that normally demand the backing of a publisher. It's a natural extension of the growing indie movement, and now that the 'gold rush' phase has ended it seems like it will be a sustainable (if niche) development model.

I obviously ended up supporting Double Fine Adventure, along with probably anyone else with a Kickstarter account that's even remotely interested in videogames. I have to admit that it's kind of slipped from my mind since then, but I'll definitely look forward to playing it.

I'm most excited about Wasteland 2, and was really heartened to see it end up getting so much support. It's especially awesome that they managed to get Chris Avellone on board. I was a bit young for the first game when it came out, but the legacy it spawned and the passion the sequel has inspired definitely has me expecting good things from the sequel.

More recently I was really excited that Dead State met all of its stretch goals except for one (including a last minute surge that got in cats and dogs!). Every time I think the zombie genre was getting stale, something like this or Telltale's The Walking Dead comes along to show that there's still a lot of interesting stuff that can be done in it.

I also supported The Banner Saga and Legends of Eisenwald, and am glad that both are supposed to release this year. I kept telling myself to stop pledging until I got at least one finished project, but at least I'll have a steady stream of lengthy game's I won't have to pay for for the next couple of years.

And as a final note, I was really happy to see this project get so much support while it's 'response' has been floundering.

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 07.11.2012 6:05am

Registered Member

Dive Kick.

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 07.11.2012 6:18am

Dr Squirrel
medicine woman

Definitely not good PR for PA...nor is it really what kickstarter is for. 

trust me, i'm a doctor

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 07.11.2012 7:33am

Deep Water Horizon

There's a couple of original ideas on Kickstarter that caught my interest, including Cloudberry Kingdom (customizable, "infinite", A.I. generated platformer).  For the most part, though, it seems the video games focus on old approaches to gaming that have gone away and people miss...which is all well and good, but they happen to keep missing the mark for me.  Not that they all sound bad, but there hasn't been anything like that that I would make any point of getting.

Currently playing: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Picross DS
Last played: Time Hollow (good)
Last watched: Agent Carter (very good)
Me on Favslist

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 07.11.2012 8:25am
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Ashilyn said:

Honestly, the PA kickstarter is just really unattractive. Not because of the goal - I'd love adless PA. But most of their rewards tiers are almost nothing but stupid jokes and a whole lot of nothing, and with the amount of money they want to raise and what they want to do, that's a pretty big turn off.

You're right, and you're not the only one that noticed. Their response doesn't help much though.

One concern brought up was that the reward tiers were disingenuous. "If there is any signifier of a shameless Kickstarter, it is 'I'll follow you on Twitter' as an actual reward tier," wrote twitter sleuth Superannuation.

Krahulik explained, "Those rewards are not designed to equate to the value of the pledge. You're pledging for an overall goal of an ad-free Penny Arcade and these other extra contents, right? The reward is just something that you get at that level. You're not literally spending $500 for me to follow you on twitter. That's ridiculous. You're spending $500 because you want to support this cause and you want to push it towards its goal. It just so happens that at that level I will follow you on twitter."

He also mentioned that a lot of Kickstarters fail because they're overzealous with their rewards. "A lot of Kickstarters run into problems - and I've heard this personally - where they make the rewards so awesome that all the money that they pay in for the budget they spend on rewards."

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 07.12.2012 2:17pm
 (Edited on 07.12.2012 at 2:26pm)

No answer, must be that deaf bitch.

I know that Kickstarters aren't about the rewards per se, but I will admit that my donations are based off the rewards.

A band I follow is doing a Kickstarter to fund their new (off label) album. I only donated the second tier because I already had the things they were offering for the next two tiers.

As far as Ouya goes, I don't know how there won't be lawsuits based off the fact that it is basically a haven for Emulation.

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 07.12.2012 6:48pm
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So's a PC but you don't see Nintendo suing Microsoft?

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 07.12.2012 7:58pm

aka Nick Walker/Disdain

orry, had to plug.

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 07.12.2012 9:27pm

No answer, must be that deaf bitch.

Zubis said:

So's a PC but you don't see Nintendo suing Microsoft?

If you don't think that Nintendo is going to take a keen interest in a CONSOLE (note, I did NOT say PC) that can play their games for free then you're crazy.

I'd post the many google links proving this, but I shouldn't have to.

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 07.12.2012 9:55pm

Career GM

Eh, they never cared when the Dreamcast could do it with practically no work. Or the PSP, also with very little work later in it's lifespan. Or that practically every modern cellphone ever can. I doubt they'll pay much attention to the Ouya.

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