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So 6 years in who won the war?

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 12.14.2011 5:46am


The Wii's ability to bring in a new market base is utterly dwarfed by the iPhone and Facebook.  As casual as the Wii is, the iPhone and Facebook games make it look more like this to the majority of consumers:

The Wii is barely more casual than the PS360 for the countless millions who play Farmville but would never seriously contemplate buying a console.  From both a sales and casual standpoint, Apple probably wins this generation.

In the Last Guardian thread, it was mentioned how developers are swarming to Apple and Facebook.  They are even starting to create selective history where Miyamoto has shaped gaming less than Steve Jobs.

You can see why some of us "hardcore" gamers are a bit off put by the casual revolution.

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 12.14.2011 5:11pm
 (Edited on 12.14.2011 at 5:23pm)

So Sigh Ety

How much money does Nintendo make off the Wii versus how much money apple makes off the games off their app store? I'd wager the former has more profits to be made.   How much of a cut does Apple take from a 2 dollar app? I think you are being short sighted by looking at sheer numbers. "Winning" from a financial perspective is about profits, not about sales.  It's really an apples to oranges comparison. I don't think PCs are at war with consoles, just like none of these are at war with Iphone games.  People are buying the cell phone to have a cell phone, and the games are a bonus. People are buying Wiis, 360s and PS3's solely to play games. I don't think it's a good comparison to make at all. Even if you tried to compare Apple profits to Nintendo profits, where do you draw the line at whether the profits game off video games or something else? Kind of hard to determine if that money made off iphone # 343242 was made because the person was attracted to the games, or because they wanted to surf the web while having airplane sex on their way to nebraska.  If you had a thread about who won the war in terms of which entertainment based company, sure, but it seems the purposes of this thread is the war between video games, in which case it might be best to compare profits made off software alone.

I mean, technically everytime you play a PC game, you are playing on Microsoft windows product (most likely) does that mean MS wins over Apple because if you combine 360 and the sale of every PC it's more money than what Apple does off the iphone? Oh wait, now you gotta count all the products apple sells. Too many apples and oranges. I think it's best to keep it simple and see who is the most profitable console, or the most profitable portable. Either that or compare strictly software profits alone, in that case you can compare consoles, PCs, iphones, ngages, or anything you desire. That data would be really hard ot come by though..

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 12.14.2011 5:54pm
 (Edited on 12.14.2011 at 6:00pm)

The Joker
Infernal Spawn of Evil

The total lifetime App Store revenue was $3.6 Billion by July this year. That might seem like an impressive figure, but it includes ALL apps (not just games) and it's still pocket change compared to traditional videogame market revenue. If we do a rough calculation for Wii, it had sold ~730 million games at that point which at an average RRP of $49.99 works out to $36.5 Billion, i.e. over 10 times as much.

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 12.14.2011 8:15pm


The 15 billion downloads figure is a lot more impressive. I'm not an Apple fan at all, but that's a shitload of downloads. The total revenue is lower because a lot of apps are either outright free or cost very little compared to a typical console game.

The Android marketplace has also seen a lot of downloads.

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 12.15.2011 1:06am

Registered Member

15,000,000,000 downloads? Cripes. With 200 million devices running iOS that's 75 apps per device.

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 12.15.2011 5:53am

So Sigh Ety

They probably are including app updates to that downloads hit, which is still a lot, but makes more sense.

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 12.16.2011 12:04am

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

Good points about the iPhone.

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