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Videogames Revieweer ... woes

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 10.11.2011 9:54pm
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[b]WOE 1  video game scores and hype [/b]

When videogame scores come out something just feels wrong. For the very few hyped games that get it what kind of standard does the industry reviewers have when something that gets an low 8.0 average is considered low (I could swear people were claiming the sky was falling when Twilgiht Princess get an 8.8 in Gamespot) ?  Have gaming reviewers been so blind with hugely hyped killer ap AAA titles that, by default, the game, by default, ought to get a 9 average?

Now we know many review scores normally use either a Grade Systmem, 5 Star Scale or 10 Point Scale (various increaments) but what's the point of using those scores if the bottom half of that scale is not being used? What's the point of establishing such a rating system when the mean for most anticipated titles is a high or mid 8?

The problem with this is that it sets the critical community of gaming as easily waned to advertising, marketing, and whatever perks they get seeing a preview of a game in conferences.

Roger Ebert said it best that "do not be afraid to give a negative review" that's because if you dont give one how can a reviewer provide a benchmark or standard?  

That's what I appreciate about movie critics ... ok many of us call them snobbish and intellectual snobs (they probably are) but at least they  provided a set of standards for themselves and are not afraid to call a bad for what it is. I mean if the movie industry relied on hype like vidoegame reviewers Transforemrs: Revenge of the Fallen would have probably got 99% in rottentomatoes and a 94 at metacritic.

But they don't movie critics, at least, know how to control themselves from the hype and takes things a bit more objectivley. Game Critics and Reviewers go ... MGS2!!! OMG this game is a 10 ... then 4 years later they back what they said.

But then its just a gaming score right? I mean what's important is the content. Which brings us to ...

Woe 2 Quote Whores

I was at neogaf recently and stumbled upon some quotes from the new Batman game

[size=100]OPM Australia - 10

"One of the best games ever made."

GameMaster UK - 9.7

"Brave, brutal, brilliant - the gold standard by which all future videogames should be judged."

Play3 - 9.2

"The best superhero game ever made."[/size]

Seeing these quotes and such I was thinking  to myself... "oh dear god ... the gaming industry has come a long way and reviewers still write quote whoring [email]cr@p[/email] like this ... over inflated scores and ridicolous hyperboles".

Now provided this is a small sample set and there are some good magazines and sites with quality writing in their reviews that actually provides insight to the overall gaming experience there are still a good chunck of reviewers that seem content in providing such outlandish claims.

Now, in the case of Batman, I am not saying it won't be amazing because it could but if it was and if someone were to ask me "what do you think of this game" .... I am not going to say "its one of the best games ever" and stuff like that. Yeah sure maybe if I was 10 and was still in my SNES/PSone fanboy days but that's the thing many reviewers are paid professionals and many of them write like they barley cracked puberty. 


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 10.11.2011 10:33pm

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

That's why I typically ignore the scores and just read the reviews, since they say more than a score.

That being said, people tend to focus more on the score itself and ignore the review, but keep in mind that not all hyped up titles always get a high score by default

Finally, it's still a matter of opinion.  If possible, rent the game and give it a try yourself.  If you like it, then to hell with the reviewers.

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 10.11.2011 10:43pm

Career GM

You know what I hate more than anything else? When a review does nothing but go on about the flaws of a game, what's wrong with it, and generally how unappealing it is... and then gives it a 7.5, 8, or even 9. This happens way to often, and disassociation between review content and scores is galling. It feels like way too many reviewers are afraid to own up to how they really feel about a game, either because it's whatever their parent company is shilling (this is why I stopped reading game informer), or because some reason teh scores are held to a radically different standard than actual review content. It's misleading and, you would think, unprofessional.

Granted, tradtional scoring of reviews is inefficent and outdated anyway, but that just makes this problem that much worse.

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 10.11.2011 11:09pm

World Warrior 21007

Ashilyn said:

You know what I hate more than anything else? When a review does nothing but go on about the flaws of a game, what's wrong with it, and generally how unappealing it is... and then gives it a 7.5, 8, or even 9. This happens way to often, and disassociation between review content and scores is galling. It feels like way too many reviewers are afraid to own up to how they really feel about a game, either because it's whatever their parent company is shilling (this is why I stopped reading game informer), or because some reason teh scores are held to a radically different standard than actual review content. It's misleading and, you would think, unprofessional.
I was about to post exactly this. Even worse is when you see two games in the same issue, both with the same flaws described in detail, and then one of those games (typically the one with more hype) gets rated a full 2-3+ points higher than the other despite that.

Gaming journalism is Fox News-level retarded and unethical, plain and simple.

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 10.11.2011 11:26pm
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I guess the problem is that the industry is so fixated on scores. Perhaps it makes the most sense to abolish them and just have an independent website (like metacritic or rottentomatoes) to guage the overall conensus.

Plus scores are one thing ... problem is making sure critics don't get succomed to hype.

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 10.11.2011 11:42pm

So Sigh Ety

Reviews became obsolete once the internet was easily accessible. Just go on an internet forum and post "tell me what you like and don't like about this game" and then go on youtube and watch intro and gameplay videos of it, and you'll get the perfect idea of whether you'll like a game or not.

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 10.12.2011 5:43am
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Rhaegar said:

Ashilyn said:

You know what I hate more than anything else? When a review does nothing but go on about the flaws of a game, what's wrong with it, and generally how unappealing it is... and then gives it a 7.5, 8, or even 9. This happens way to often, and disassociation between review content and scores is galling. It feels like way too many reviewers are afraid to own up to how they really feel about a game, either because it's whatever their parent company is shilling (this is why I stopped reading game informer), or because some reason teh scores are held to a radically different standard than actual review content. It's misleading and, you would think, unprofessional.
I was about to post exactly this. Even worse is when you see two games in the same issue, both with the same flaws described in detail, and then one of those games (typically the one with more hype) gets rated a full 2-3+ points higher than the other despite that.

Gaming journalism is Fox News-level retarded and unethical, plain and simple.

I call foul in the Mass Effect review if you read the reviews for Mass Effect and The Last Remnant ... you would think both games would get the same review scores. Granted Mass Effect is a better game but giving it 9's or 8.5's ( I wouldn't give it that high) for the same flaws Remnant had but getting a 5.5's or 6's (it deserves a bit higher) is down right dubios.

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 10.12.2011 6:17am

Registered Member

Once I realized I could reliably guess the average metacritic score for almost any game months before its release, I stopped putting any sort of faith into game reviews. It's a pretty broken system. Gaming sites and magazines increasingly beholden to the companies they're tasked with reviewing for both advertising and access to preview content, and stories from people who've worked inside the system paint a picture of advertising having more say over scores than the editorial staff. Not that it matters much, since most video-game "journalists" fall right into the hype-train along with most of the gaming public and are more than eager to throw out perfect 10s to the newest Call of Duty in between putting the finishing touches on their editorial about how there isn't enough innovation in games these days and transforming press releases into news articles

Of course, as much as people whine about the system, most gamers seem happy to keep the status quo given the outrage that follows any time a AAA title scores less than a 9.whatever.

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 10.12.2011 7:17am


I think trying to judge games on objective merits is really silly when the experience of  each game is entirely subjective. There's nothing dubious about liking one game a hell of a lot more than another if they have similar, or even identical flaws. Because that's ignoring the positives of the games. If the negatives are all that defines how you see video games, get another hobby.

Like in the above example of ME vs. Last Remnant, I really liked ME1 and thought Last Remnant sucked. So I have no problems with those scores. That doesn't make your opinion any more or less valid than mine, but it doesn't mean that there's some great injustice in the gaming media for daring to have a different opinion from you.

As bad as game reviewers are these days, gamers are also some of the most whiny, entitled shits ever. I listen to the opinions of a few trusted sources and I also go by my own gut. Otherwise, I don't care what the gaming media or gamers on the internet think.

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 10.12.2011 8:20am

Deep Water Horizon

I think "objectivity" in reviewing is the reason things ever got this bad.  There's no such thing as objective quality, but let's say there was.  Let's say that everyone who ever has or ever could exist agrees that fishing minigames suck.  Hell, let's even say that everyone ever thinks that a game's score should be deducted exactly 1.7/10 points for having a fishing minigame in it.

Well, if that's true, it doesn't matter if the critic is being objective or not.  Even if he was being subjective, he would still deduct 1.7 by sheer virtue of agreeing with everyone else.  If he likes fishing minigames but deducts the points "to be objective", it just shows that it isn't objective, because otherwise he wouldn't have a different opinion.

And how do gamers judge whether or not a review is objective?  By whether or not they agree with it.  Zelda: Twilight an 8.8?  Man, Zelda is awesome.  I haven't played the game yet, but I objectively determine it to be at least a 9.5.  If you don't agree after playing the game I haven't played, then you're being subjective and should be fired for it.  Critics are supposed to objectively tell us whatever we want to hear.

So what does this lead to?  "Well, I was going to give this game a bad review for being a boring waste of my time, but then the developers paid our website an objectively larger amount of money than anyone else.  See, we're being objective.  See?"

Critics shouldn't be objective.  They should be honest.

Currently playing: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Picross DS
Last played: Time Hollow (good)
Last watched: Agent Carter (very good)
Me on Favslist

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 10.12.2011 2:28pm
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Onyx said:
As bad as game reviewers are these days, gamers are also some of the most whiny, entitled shits ever. I listen to the opinions of a few trusted sources and I also go by my own gut. Otherwise, I don't care what the gaming media or gamers on the internet think.

A lot of them are people who complain their favoriate games or something gets a low score. When I mean low they get like a 8.8 or 9.1 ... and that's the problem critics have inflated scores so much that a score like that is going to piss off fans of that game.

As for the ME vs. The Last Remnant. Yeah a lot of people didn't like the former but based on the bashing The Last Remnant got, even though ME had nicer things on it, ME should have gotten the same penalty as  The Last Remnant.

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 10.12.2011 5:09pm


One problem with a lot of game scores is that 10 point grade scale. It's so fucking unnecessary and bloated, especially when a score in the 7's, which should be the score for a good, but not great game, is treated like it's bad by critics and gamers alike. And any score under 5.0 is worthless as when you get down that low, it's a bad game. We don't really need 5 numbers dedicated to different degrees of badness when they all mean the same thing: Don't buy this game.

And really, what's the fucking difference between an 8.8 and an 8.5? How do you measure something like that? How pedantic is that?

1UP has the right idea by assigning letter grades to everything. Bad games are given a D (not that good but has some merits) or an F (don't buy this game). Even with their recent acquisition by IGN (ugh), I still think they're the best source for reviews on the internet out of any of the media because they're one of the few sites without a retarded grading system. I also know a couple of people who write for the site via other forums and I can tell they're at least being honest and true to their opinions.

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 10.12.2011 6:24pm

Big Tall
Taller Than Tall

^ I definitely prefer a letter grade to the arbitrary 1-10 scale (though it's rare even truly awful games go below a 5). I'd even be alright with a thumbs up/thumbs down approach. As mentioned though, the best way to look at a game is screw around the the internet for a while and get some kind of consensus or sample.

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 10.12.2011 11:22pm

Crono can cross dimensions too!

Count me in as a person who goes with what the review says over the score itself.  I also know that my opinion isn't the same as everyone elses so even if a game gets something like a 60% I may still enjoy it because I'm partial to a series or just plain have high hopes.

Currently Playing: Dark Cloud 2: 3 hours.
Also Playing: CT, FF VI, Solatorobo, Secret of Mana, Halo 4.
Just Finished: Fable II: 7 hours.

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 10.13.2011 12:31am

Genitals are Funny

PC gaming magazine im subscribed to basicly say 'yeah we score but read the whole review, the score is there because we have to'

I have a bigger problem with games reviewers who don't play the entire game.

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