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A Thread About Comics

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 11.24.2011 10:20am

Terran Angel

Is it weird that I'm loving all the Superman-related books, yet I have to force myself to read the four Batman-related ones I'm hesitantly following?

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 11.25.2011 5:00am

Registered Member

Not really.  I haven't been reading the Superman books but the Batman ones suck right now.  I like Batman a lot (I think it's some of the best it's ever been) but the other three are just terrible.  I do still follow Dark Knight, though, because it's at least hilarious about it.

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 12.15.2011 10:52pm

Terran Angel

Bitches don't know about my Uncanny X-Force.  But you should, because it kicks ass.  I actually teared up at one point in the latest issue.

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 12.16.2011 2:48am

Registered Member

Oh,  yeah, the Dark Angel Saga pretty much elevated X-Force to the best Marvel comic right now.

Fantomex is just too good.

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 12.16.2011 2:56am
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

Everyone on Earth needs to be reading Demon Knights. No one has an excuse not to. Period.

"Of Christ's twelve Apostles Judas alone proved to be traitor. But if he had acquired power, he would have represented the other eleven Apostles as traitors, and also all the lesser Apostles whom Luke numbers as seventy." - Leon Trotsky

I have a blog. This is its URL. You should read it. It's about education and skepticism and books and it has a lot of pictures of Batman and Robin in it:

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 12.19.2011 12:51am

Sysadmin of my brain

Batman #3
Enjoying Scott Snyder's plot.  I can't stand though the artist's Bruce Wayne.  He looks like a pudgy baby with small eyes and huge jaw.  His Batman though is very good.

Huntress #2
Still liking the art as far as Huntress, but Helena was kind of fat and her face indistinct in one scene and in another, I didn't care for the artist's take of Helena as biker chick. The artist must prefer her having a mask.  The story is still only so-so.  Levitz is plodding along in a six parter that ought to be fast paced with plenty of action and revelation considering this is Huntress's 52 debut.

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 12.21.2011 7:56pm
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

You are insane. Capullo is amazing on Batman.

Also: Read Demon Knights.

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 12.21.2011 9:01pm

Registered Member

I'm not sure how I feel about Capullo's art on Batman.  Some things he draws amazingly well, but other things I'm not a fan of (mostly his Bruce Wayne face).  I think it's more good than bad, though.  He draws Gotham City REALLY well.

Scott Synder may just be my favorite Batman writer of the last few years.  I don't think anyone short of Greg Rucka can even come close.

Today was a really good day for comics.  Batman was amazing as expected.  Wolverine and the X-Men continues to amuse.  Uncanny X-Force was able to keep up its quality after the Dark Angel saga.  And a good number of books that came out are just the best they've EVER been.  I've never had as much fun with Birds of Prey as I am now that Swierczynski is writing it (no surprise, he's one of my favorite authors).  I've always hated Wonder Woman until the reboot, and the same goes for Supergirl.

I think I'm done with Red Hood and Catwoman, though.  I tried to like them because they have good artists but sometimes that's not enough to compensate for bad writers.

I'm completely unsure how I feel about Leviathan Strikes.  On the one hand, great to see Stephanie as Batgirl again and Cameron Stewart is an amazing artist.  On the other hand, I wish somebody else could have written her last story in the role.  Like Bryan Q. Miller.  I didn't think the second story was very good.  In fact it was outright boring.  But as a huge fan of that character, the ending made me happy.  Still, despite not liking Batman, Inc I'm glad they're letting Morrison finish that story.  It would have been the biggest dick move possible to both him and fans of his Batman to say "you spent five years writing this and now you can't end it."

Also, after four months, I'm starting to notice that the DC reboot is kind of weak when it comes to actual superhero comics.  I like some of them - Supergirl, New Guardians, and Stormwatch - but it feels like DC's real strength right now is in its other titles.  Batman is being played more like a detective comic than a superhero one (which is when Batman is more interesting), Wonder Woman is doing the whole mythology thing instead, plus stuff like Resurrection Man (DC's best comic right now, IMO), Swamp Thing, Animal Man, Demon Knights, Voodoo, Justice League Dark, and all the other weird shit comics are what's really grabbing me.  It feels like Marvel is doing superheroes better right now, and DC is branching out into different stuff which, honestly, I like more.

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 12.21.2011 9:27pm
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

I'm totally with you on how the non-cape books that DC is publishing are the absolute best. Sure, Superman, Action Comics, Batman and a few others are as good as ever, the best books are only tengentially related to superheroics: Demon Knights, Animal Man, Swamp Thing and Justice League Dark.

Batman Inc was fantastic. The first part was undeniably great (I love Steph as Batgirl, but that's the first time she's truly been a badass), the second was still supremely fantastic. The best part of it was, to tell the full truth, seeing Batman beaten. That's the first time since Bane that Batman has ever been defeated, and it was refreshing. The biggest reason for why it's so refreshing is because it was written by the person who's blamed most often for making him into Batgod. He was physically beaten, psychologically beaten and intellectualy beaten. In every single realm that he stands supreme, he was taken down, and by someone that he suspected the least in terms of capability of beating him. And yes, the ending was a total surprise, but it was a surprise in the best way. You didn't see it coming, but it instantly made sense. As Leviathan said in the ending of the book, all of the clues were there for Batman to see and recognize. He just didn't recognize them for the first time. How satisfying was that look of surprise when he picked up the phone?

Just an amazing issue all around, and it does nothing to sate my hunger for more Morrison on Batman. Just great.

Not as good as Demon Knights, though. Which all of you should be reading. Read Demon Knights.

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 12.22.2011 2:19pm
 (Edited on 12.27.2011 at 4:43pm)

Sysadmin of my brain

judge_raz said:

You are insane. Capullo is amazing on Batman.

Also: Read Demon Knights.
Amazing at everything else on Batman, sure.  His take on Alfred was refreshing after seeing past interpretations.  But Capullo's Bruce Wayne face is just meh.

EDIT: When I see his Bruce Wayne face, I think of Maijin Buu or the big baby from Spirited Away...  Not good for a handsome playboy...

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 01.10.2012 9:55pm
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

Tomorrow is Demon Knights day! Everyone had better get their copy.

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 01.11.2012 9:59pm

Registered Member

Wow.  Resurrection Man just keeps on getting better.  That was a cool bait-and-switch with the backstory there.  Kudos to D&A on today's issue.  Fantastic treat for the fans of the first series. (Well, or it could just piss them off.  I'll have to talk to the other four people on earth who have read Resurrection Man, but I loved it.)  Fun way to handle the reboot, spending four issues making it look like it was a direct continuation from the first series save for one or two odd little discrepancies, then hitting you with an entirely different history.  I was pleasantly surprised and had a big grin on my face throughout the whole issue.

I'm not sure how much more I can really take of Geoff Johns's Green Lantern.  It feels like he's just going through the motions at this point.  Ever since Sinestro Corps it's like, a dozen issues, big crossover, a dozen issues, big crossover, and they've gotten progressively worse since Sinestro Corps (which is possibly my favorite DC event, I admit).  It looks like he's setting up for another big crossover now.  Doesn't help that after like seventy issues I still hate Hal Jordan.  I'll probably bail once it stops focusing so much on Sinestro.  Because as tired as I am of Johns's GL and especially Hal at this point, his Sinestro is amazing.

Also, obligatory praise of Wolverine and the X-Men goes here.  When's the last time a comic was just that fun?  With how dark X-Men usually is, it's nice to have an X-Men comic that doesn't take itself very seriously and is willing to just have fun.  It's also kind of a cool way to illustrate the differences between the two X-Men factions, with the main Wolverine book (WatXM) being incredibly fun and lighthearted and full of personality, while the main Cylcops one (Uncanny) feels really heavy and full of tension.  That's probably unintentional, but it's still cool how it worked out.

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 01.11.2012 10:19pm

Registered Member

Whoever thought of re-introducing Krakoa in the way it was done is an absolute genius.

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 01.12.2012 1:21pm
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

Yeah. Demon Knights was great too.

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 01.12.2012 4:33pm

Registered Member

That answers that question.

DCnU's (I think) first crossover is in may.  Couldn't even wait a full year.

Sounds like it's handling it correctly, though, with writers in charge instead of editorial mandate, letting any writer in the Batverse opt out if it doesn't jive with their story, and keeping all the stories self-contained so that you don't have to go around getting comics you wouldn't normally read just for the crossover.  All the points in that interview just make so much sense.  Marvel could learn a thing or two from that.  And for that matter, so could DC.

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