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FFS Time Capsule

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 11.09.2011 12:14am
Thread Creator

Formerly known as 'Trekster'

I guess this is our home now, so I'll move the time capsule over here. For some of you, here are messages from the past. Also feel free to leave messages for yourselves one year in the future.

Enkidoh: How is everyone coping after Dad's unexpected passing? In particular, how is Mum coping? Have you found a job yet? And, finally, are you still living at home with Mum, or have you moved out to a place of your own?

Zohariel: Your goal for this year is to either be in full time education, doing a Masters, or safely ensconced in a career (although I would settle for a regular job). Also, move out already, jesus. Try living near the man who's been patient enough to wait for you for 3 years.

Rain:Have you graduated from school yet? Can you keep a job yet? Are you over your paralyzing fear of commitment? Is your house clean at all? Have you stopped drinking?
have you knocked anyone up yet? Have any of the above-listed questions/answers changed? Do you still live in Colorado fucking Springs?

Draco:'d that end up? Or are you drowning your sorrows in the bottom of the bottle? because if you are, stop it and get on with life
Where are you living this year
Did you at least attempt to learn a language?
Did your brother finally ask her out?
How was July 4th?

megz: Did you get a job with corrections? If not what did you do otherwise? You were thinking of doing a graduate diploma for teaching as well as doing advanced research methods so you could do your honours.
Did you move out at the end of summer like you wanted to? Did you move in with the bandits? It should be awesome and I very much hope that thats the case it'll be mint.
Also buy new denim shorts you dork, they have a fuckin' huge hole in the groin area.

LilBehemoth: Do you get to sleep at all anymore? What's she like? Did the hospital visits all go as planned?
Move to the woods if you haven't already.

Lexx: Please, for the love of God, tell me things got better. I know moving out is a pipe dream, but do you at least have a well paying job and a significant other? Please?

Crono2000: Did you end up getting married or is the girl still being lazy about it?
How's your Dad; did he ever bounce back?
Did you cut back on the drinking again? You dropped the ball on that this year.
Did you get a second dog yet? You better have.
Ever hang those goddamn curtains?
Switch campuses?

Nelfichu: Are you published yet?
Are you engaged yet
What was the last vacation you went on?
Have you gone out to California yet?
How's the scriptwriting going?

Man of the Sea: - Has the dating site taken off and are you fabulously wealthy as a result?
- You do still have a job, right?
- Are you still living in that nice 2-bedroom place, or have you moved on to bigger and better?
- Have ya found a nice girl to settle down with? There are plenty of nice girls your age, I don't see why you won't just pick one...
- Did you and your roommate ever finish that horror script or is it still just an outline lying around in your room somewhere?

Ulterior: Have you done any of the shit 2009 me though I should have finished a long long time ago? How's that working out for you.
Also have you moved on in your relationships or are you still in stasis
cause being single gets old after like, a week

(>">;): are you still living in the triplex? Where are you with this girl? Did you finally have the threesome were talking about so much right now? How did that crappy xbox 360 turn out? Do you still live with your mom?

Kal: Have you moved on and stop wallowing in self-pity ?

Kellios: -What studio are you at? And how did Homefront turn out?
-As with the previous two years, made it out west yet? Or somewhere else?
-There are two - you know them both - how did that turn out?
-How's she doing? Worse?
-Did you jump out of a plane yet?

Clowd Cole:  you back in school yet you lazy fuck?

Still liking the new position?
Still single?
Finally get that new car? If so, what kind.
Did you at least attempt to get published?
And finally, are you living on your own?
Failure to provide an answer for these will result in me coming over there and kicking your ass.

Sanna:  if you don't get a better job than the shitty one you've had for 7 YEARS by this time next year, I'm going soooooo kick your ass.
Also, are you still with James?
You and Bob still not friends? Did he ever send your stuff back?...Because 2010 Sanna is getting really impatient about that, and is thinking about selling some of his stuff on Ebay. She probably won't do that, but it's reaaaaalllly tempting!
Are you still in school?
Are you still living at home? Present Sanna wants to move out, but can't afford it

Now for myself:
Trekster: A year ago you were looking at moving away and finding another job. Did that ever happen?
It sure did. You live in Oklahoma City now doing programming work. You enjoy your job and life in a city more. So that's good. Kudos to you on making things happen. You really do get an A for effort even if you get a C for results.
You've found a nice girlfriend by now, haven't you? You're 27, dude!
Shut up, past Trekster! I'm aware! Man, what a jerk. I'll have my revenge on you, though. In this next year you'll get your heart broken twice and lightly trampled twice more. So have fun with that.
Any disastrous events ahead of me that I should be aware of?
I know you really like her and in this next year, she will reach out to you and promise everything you want to hear. DON'T FALL FOR IT! Once she has you on her hook she will leave you for another man...again. You'll learn not to be fooled a third time, but the damage will be done.  Leave her alone. It's the only way your heart will heal. ...I really wish it were possible for you to receive that bit of advice. :(
Any wonderful events ahead of me that you don't want to spoil?
Wonderful? No.
Who would win in a fight Batman or The Terminator?
I think the Terminator would win round 1 and Batman would escape injured, but then come back for round 2 and finish the Terminator off.

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 11.09.2011 12:39am

Dip Trip Flip Fantasia

Lucent of 2011, this is the Lucent of 2012.

I told you not to turn on the machine!

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 11.09.2011 1:32am

Registered Member

grey_haven said:

Ulterior: Have you done any of the shit 2009 me though I should have finished a long long time ago? How's that working out for you.
Also have you moved on in your relationships or are you still in stasis
cause being single gets old after like, a week

Well I got a job. Also subject:single : nope.jpg

I love you, everything burrito.

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 11.09.2011 4:36pm

Crono can cross dimensions too!

Crono2000: Did you end up getting married or is the girl still being lazy about it? Nope; still lazy which is fine by me.
How's your Dad; did he ever bounce back? Nope, still in rehab waiting to pass.
Did you cut back on the drinking again? You dropped the ball on that this year.  Haha, yeah right. 
Did you get a second dog yet? You better have.  Nope, girl doesn't want a second anymore.
Ever hang those goddamn curtains?  Yes actually!  Victory!
Switch campuses?  Thank the stars, yes.  So much closer to home with zero traffic and no idiot bitch of a boss.

All in all it's been a good year.  If I had to ask myself for next year...

Does the concept of having kids still make you want to vomit?
Did you start hanging out with your kid sister more often now that she lives closer?
Refinance the house?

Currently Playing: Dark Cloud 2: 3 hours.
Also Playing: CT, FF VI, Solatorobo, Secret of Mana, Halo 4.
Just Finished: Fable II: 7 hours.

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 11.09.2011 5:48pm

I've been there, hombre.

Are you published yet? Nope. Had an agent for a bit, but that didn't pan out.
Are you engaged yet Nope. (*whew*)
What was the last vacation you went on? To California, bitches!
Have you gone out to California yet? See above.
How's the scriptwriting going? Quite well. Making money, can't complain.

Definitely a decent year for me. As for next year:

Do you have your Lotus yet? At least a new car?
Did you get a movie into a film festival yet? Wait, did you even finish a movie?
Still working at that same job? Oh come on, at least a raise?
Are you still in Colorado? Get your ass to Mars!

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 11.09.2011 6:58pm

Yikes and away!

Wow, thanks for grabbing all of our previous messages, Trek.

-What studio are you at? And how did Homefront turn out?
-As with the previous two years, made it out west yet? Or somewhere else?
-There are two - you know them both - how did that turn out?
-How's she doing? Worse?
-Did you jump out of a plane yet?

Huh, I feel accomplished.

I'm currently at Sledgehammer Games. We just launched MW3, which has been a blast so far. Homefront came out mediocre; lots of potential, and did not live up to the hype, but was still a fantastic experience, and we have gotten some love.

And yes, I did make it out to California. Still a little surreal.

Sigh, those two, and how utterly frustratingly close and yet so far. One seems completely out of the picture now despite the still apparent attraction. The other is now woefully very far away and I still don't have a good gauge.

She's much worse and it all went quickly. Just waiting for the end of it now.

As of this moment I haven't jumped out of a plane, but I'm doing so on Sunday =)

So, Kellios of 2012, here are some questions;
-Has it all ended yet?
-Still iving in California, or ventured somewhere else?
-What studio are you at now? Ship anything else? Full-time yet?
-Have you finally found a partner in crime yet?
-Please tell me you traveled out of the country.
-Reach that 135 goal yet?

You better, Kellios of 2012! Or there will be hell to pay.

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 11.09.2011 8:39pm

Terran Angel

Please, for the love of God, tell me things got better.  Yes, they did.
I know moving out is a pipe dream, but do you at least have a well paying job and a significant other? Please?  Almost, but no cigar.  But much like that dude with the solar sail in The Voyage Home, I have high hopes.

Lexx of 2012: Any closer to moving out?  Find a nice girlfriend/boyfriend?  Gots any monies?

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 11.09.2011 11:38pm
Thread Creator (Edited on 11.10.2011 at 1:19pm)

Formerly known as 'Trekster'

For me in 2012:
So the world is going to end soon. That's gotta suck, eh?
I've got a feeling that this comming year is my year, so I won't ask if you have a girlfriend. I'll ask how awesome is she?
Have you seen a ghost yet?
How was that Batman movie everybody is talking about?
What awesome things to I have to look forward to this year, besides the aforementioned girlfriend?
Also a year ago you resolved to travel more, even if it was by yourself. Did that happen?

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 11.10.2011 1:22am

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

Still liking the new position?
Still single?
Finally get that new car? If so, what kind.
Did you at least attempt to get published?
And finally, are you living on your own?
Failure to provide an answer for these will result in me coming over there and kicking your ass.

Actually, I have a new position now, old me.  Totally worth it.
Still single and still have that shitty card.
No, but researching Amazon and B&N for self publishing possiblities.
No, and thank god, given how broke I am.

For future me, are you out of debt yet?

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 11.10.2011 6:30am

Capital M before egz

Sup past me, I heard you had some questions for present you which will now be past you but hey!

megz: Did you get a job with corrections? If not what did you do otherwise? You were thinking of doing a graduate diploma for teaching as well as doing advanced research methods so you could do your honours.
The department of corrections didn't want you but you instead landed a job as a tutor - getting paid just as well might I add. You're still considering a graduate diploma in adult education and your current employer may just invest in you doing just that. Great job!

Did you move out at the end of summer like you wanted to? Did you move in with the bandits? It should be awesome and I very much hope that thats the case it'll be mint.
Well turns out one of the bandits couldn't handle living with you - because she's a stuck up religious bitch who can't keep her views to herself enough to coincide with me but that's okay. Past you was with Sophie and now you're not which sucks because you really loved her but we still talk so we might be able to patch that up - watch this space. The other two bandits are (probably not yet) banging each other except Dan lives in Auckland and K-dawg does not. The bandits live together though. You managed to move out before winter and lived on your own for months before Travis came back from Otago and wanted to flat with you. Yus MONEY!

Also buy new denim shorts you dork, they have a fuckin' huge hole in the groin area.
I bought two, so there.

So future Megz, what shall it be?

Hows the job going, given that funding is secure for next year and you have a permanent contract you're set for the moment!
What did you end up trimming the beard back to for Movember?
How's Korby doing? At the moment you're getting him 1 day most weekends which isn't too bad.
What became of you and Sophie, did you ever manage to make something work? I hope future you makes something happen!

Sugar. Short AND sweet.

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 11.10.2011 10:30am
 (Edited on 10.24.2012 at 5:33am)


Dear future (2012) me,

Are you a millionaire yet?
Almost. The year isn't over!

Dear future (2013) me,

Have you released both your projects yet?
Have you managed to lose that fat belly yet?
Are you married yet?
Did you delivered your a garden/beach wedding as promised to your then gf?

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 11.10.2011 6:41pm

Mind your P's and Q's

Dear Future Me,

This is past me apologizing for the mess. Please don't hold any grudges.

Present Me

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 11.14.2011 1:03am


I know I replied to this thread on FFO but I can't find it for the life of me.

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 11.14.2011 2:19pm

What a Tedious fight!

I can't find mine, either. I just hope by this time next year I'll be making more monies and/or I'll be in school again.

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 11.14.2011 2:21pm


Have I stopped wallowing ? Sure. All is cool now.


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