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Best Era for Final Fantasy

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What was the best and most enjoyable overall era for Final Fantasy?

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 09.23.2012 9:43am

Soul Hunter
Ambitious but rubbish

Why doesn't SQEX release games like Type-0 in consoles?  It's annoying as heck.

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 09.28.2012 2:00am

Yoshiyuki Ly

I'll join in as well. I'm one of the few who said PS2/GC era. That's when I was old enough to know better and feel like an *established* FF fan, not because all of my favorite games came out during that time.

FFI: Such a chore, honestly. I played the PSX era games first, so I failed to prepare myself for the simplicity of this one compared to what I was used to.

FFII: Same.

FFIII: Same x100.

FFIV: I actually enjoyed this one. Cecil's transformations, the vast world(s), the characters, story, and music all sucked me in. Great title, but I've only played it once.

FFV: Jury's still out on this one, and, again, I'm not too familiar with it, having only played it one time.

FFVI: I was resistant to its charms at first. Now, Celes is one of my favorite characters in FF history, Terra's Theme on piano is one of my go-to pieces when I sit down and play, and I love the story very much. Kefka feels like a true villain. Plus, Dancing Mad is one song I can listen to over and over and still feel inspired by. Amazing game.

FFVII: My first FF game, but not my favorite by a long-shot. As others have mentioned, it has not aged well... at the time I even thought the box-like characters were strange. Music sounded too quirky for my tastes at times, the characters needed more (yes, more) fleshing out, the world felt too small at times... I'm pretty critical with this one, I know, but it's also one of the ones I've replayed the most, so I've taken the time to notice these things. Definitely overrated.

FFT: Definitely the runner-up for my favorite FF title. Steep learning curve for my second FF game, but I loved it to bits and I still do. Solid cast of characters (Agrias, Izlude and Zalbag in particular), AMAZING soundtrack, excellent maps, great battle system/strategy, dramatic story, memoriable dialog ("Blame yourself or God.")... I play this one over at least once a year.

FFVIII: I love this game! Tied for my favorite with a later entry, though it took a long time to grow on me. I detested the game at first. But now I have a soft spot for the sorceress/knight plot, I adore the music, I love all of the characters (Quistis and Squall mostly)... Edea was such a perfect villain for the first half of the game. The Rinoa = Ultimecia theory intrigued me for the longest. Amazing disc 4 sequences with Time Compression, the surprises in the Castle the first time I discovered I couldn't Draw/use GFs/etc, Squall's relationship with Rinoa (walking through FH and all the way to Esthar <3), and so many other memorable moments. Battle system became bearable after I learned the trick about how to get 100 Tornadoes and such at the beginning of the game. My discs stopped working a while back and I couldn't find a new copy for the life of me until the PSN port, so I haven't played this one over as many times as I would have liked.

FFIX: This one also had to grow on me after multiple playthroughs... Solid world and story, but I found the characters lacking and wished they hadn't made Beatrix end up with Steiner. Ugh. Beatrix reminds me of Celes and Agrias, so she's one of my favorites. It took me a while to understand why the final boss was the final boss instead of just Kuja. My fault, not the game's.

FFX: First title I actively paid attention to prior to release, scouting for news about game features, hoping the commercial would come on TV as much as possible. Great soundtrack and characters...I've played this one over the most out of all of the games currently out. But, like FFVII, because I've played it so much and it's not my favorite, I can go on and on with nitpicks. Good game, though.

FFX-2: lol

FFXI: So much love for this one. I played it for years, made some great friends. The gameplay was fantastic, if not difficult to get to grips with from the beginning. Excellent soundtrack, memorable storyline and settings, amazing art design and job system. This game also tipped my decision to vote for the PS2/GC era as the best for me.

FFCC: Oh, dear. I remember playing this was quite bad. I even bought a GC just to play it. Terrible decision.

FFXII: Again, this one also took a long time to grow on me. After I found that interesting leveling spot in the Stillshrine of Miriam with that undead NM, gameplay wasn't such a bore anymore since I could blaze through things with high-leveled characters. The game still presents a challenge with each subsequent playthrough, since I tend to forego much "strategy" on my own. Plays like an offline MMO, the world is a bit too expansive in some areas, and the story felt like it deflated at times, but I enjoy the setting and characters.

Dissidia: This game was...entertaining, addicting, but it felt very removed from the series as a whole. Perhaps it was the different character designer and music composer, but it just didn't feel like an FF game to me. Same for Dissidia 2. It felt like fan service. Nothing more.

Crisis Core: A good game that tried something new and pulled it off well. The gameplay and battle system were well thought out and executed appropriately. I enjoyed the music a lot. Already familiar with the characters, so it was a nice treat to see them fleshed out here. And even though I knew what was going to happen in the end, it still gutted me when I got to the final cutscenes.

FFXIII: Ah...where to begin... I didn't care much for the Japanese melodrama so early on in the game, given I hadn't understood why the l'Cie had to be hated so much. I recall turning my system off in the middle of Hope's breakdown in the Vestige in the beginning of the game on my first playthrough, and I didn't pick it up again for a few months. The music was hot and cold (Yaschas Massif, I'm looking at you), battle system was pretty good, I enjoyed some of the cast (Fang and Lightning), but the Crystarium system felt uninspired. It was a dumbed-down Sphere Grid. I didn't mind the game's linearity, though I wished we could have explored more of Gran Pulse. Getting platinum for this game was a nightmare. Never again.

FFXIII-2: Tied with VIII as my favorite, mostly because of the themes and "what could have been," not really the game itself. I'm glad they kept the Paradigm system. A good AU fanfiction of sorts to continue the franchise. Again, the music was sub-par at times and amazing at others. Mog was cute. I never read the Datalog for this game or XIII until a few weeks ago. A nice addition, though I'm uncertain as to why people feel XIII could only be understood by reading it. This one really felt like a game for the fans, addressing and improving many of FFXIII's shortcomings, and I appreciated that.

FFXIV: Not touching 1.0, as I haven't played it. I'll give 2.0 a shot.

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