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Best Era for Final Fantasy

What was the best and most enjoyable overall era for Final Fantasy?

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 07.27.2012 1:16am

Deep Water Horizon

FFI: Okay on the NES, good in Origins

FFII: Don't know on the Famicom, very good in Origins

FFIII: Very good


FFIV: Awesome

FFV: Pretty bad

FFMQ: Pretty good

FFVI: Favorite game ever


FFVII: Awesome

FFTactics: Great

FFVIII: Very good

FFIX: Pretty good


FFX: Awesome

FFX-2: Very good

FF Dirge of Cerberus: Good

FFXII: Awesome



Currently playing: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Picross DS
Last played: Time Hollow (good)
Last watched: Agent Carter (very good)
Me on Favslist

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 07.27.2012 2:12am

The King's orders are absolute

FFI: A good first game for the series, but far from perfect. I cannot bring myself to replay the original NES release though, it's far too dated.

FFII: An attempt to do something different from FFI that fell over itself in so many ways. I do like the remakes and the soundtrack is good. It has my favorite villain of the NES era, granted that doesn't say much. A lot of today's big series did different things with their second entries on the NES with varying results, Zelda II and Super Mario Bros. 2 (US) come to mind alongside FFII.

FFIII: I played about halfway or so on the DS release but it played too slowly to keep me interested. Maybe if I hadn't played FFV before FFIII I would have enjoyed the FFIII job class system more.

FFIV: One of my overall favorites in the series, despite a lot of weaknesses in the story that became glaring for me in the DS version. I love the gameplay and the changing of party members each with their own specialities kept things from getting stale as the quest progressed. I love the soundtrack and the charm of the cast. I still haven't played The After Years yet despite getting the PSP collection around release time.

FFV: One of the most fun FFs to play, in no small part to the job system. The story is lacking and filled to the brim with coincidences at times, but the game is so fun that it is easy to forgive it just so you can keep on playing to the next location. Another great soundtrack with my favorite battle theme in the series, Clash on the Big Bridge. The cast is lovable and their interactions are entertaining. I'm currently replaying this game and loving it all over again.

FFVI: My all-time favorite entry in the series. It has my favorite overall cast, soundtrack, and villain in the series. Some aspects of the story feel like a stretch and probably wouldn't fly if the game had been done in 3D realistic-looking graphics (the second meeting with Ultros comes to mind). The SNES release has some bugs in the game as well, such as the evade stat being ineffective and having a high magic block stat could make a character practically invincible. Despite that, I love this game so so much.

FFVII: I haven't played this game in years so my memory is actually pretty hazy about it. I was entranced by it when it first came out, playing it at a friend's house since I did not have a PSone until around the time the PS2 was already on store shelves and outside my price range. There was a time when it was my second favorite FF next to VI, but now it's closer to my fourth or fifth favorite. It needs a better translation and improved audio quality. I do want to replay this game again someday, because I know I had fun with it.

FFVIII: This FF has my favorite world setting in the series. I've written quite a bit of fanfiction tied to this world over the years. The Balamb Garden cast of characters, as well as Laguna and co., were all interesting and were sorely lacking in development. I liked Rinoa well enough the first time I played the game, but she really did derail the story after she got involved. I could have spent the whole game doing SeeD missions acrossed the world, eventually learning that the assignments were all somehow tied into a much larger matter, but instead it became a heavy-handed attempt at a love story and the game gets harder to stick through after disc 2. I like it, but I wish it were better.

FFIX: My favorite of the Sony FFs. I liked the cast as a whole, though I could have gone without Quina. It has another great soundtrack in the series, even if a great deal of the tracks are alternate versions of the same theme (though that has been the case since FFIV, it was just particularly obvious to me in this game). I want to replay it like the other PSone titles, but the slow battle speed and my own lack of time keeps me from doing so.

FFX: I'm really not sure how to feel about FFX anymore. I liked the battle system and the story had some interesting depth to it, but the voice acting at the time hurt it so much that I was pretty anti-voice acting in video games for at least a year or two after I had played the game, I forget when I decided that voice work was ok, Growlanser Generations or Persona 3 at the latest. I want to replay this one too, just so I can give it an objective playthrough. The sidequests truly were horrendous though.

FFXII: I dropped this game after 12 hours, when I realized I was not enjoying myself in the least and had been making little to no progress in the story to compensate for it. Nothing more to say about it.

FFXIII: I own it but have not played it yet.

Let's Play Chrono Trigger
Let's Play The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past
Let's Play Final Fantasy VI

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 07.27.2012 3:27am

I've been there, hombre.

Kal said:

That's one thing I love about the SNES games, most, if not all, of the secret dungeons/weapons/quests are actually possible to find without a guide.

Maybe I'm mixing the NES games with the SNES ones, but more often than not, weren't half the secret places hidden behind random walls and tiles? I remember thinking I would've missed out on a lot of good stuff if I wasn't using a guide, and even then it was always a pain to figure out which wall they were talking about.

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 07.27.2012 3:48am

Night Star

That was the great thing about the 90s, discovering stuff! Even after the help of a usenet faq!


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 07.27.2012 5:49am

Not Even My Dad Hit Me

Most opaque of the SNES set was FFIV but, even then, it wasn't that bad.  Without a map to show you where you needed to go, it was much more likely you could stumble on the Summons/Sylph/Bahamut Caves.  The only thing that was really hidden was the whole 1/64 Rat's Tail stuff, and I was never bored nor particularly needy for anything like that.

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 08.20.2012 1:41am

Comes and goes like the wind...

I voted for the SNES era, but I actually believe the PS2 era should be getting way more cred becuase I feel X, XI, and XII were all fantastic releases.

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 08.21.2012 12:19am

Shortening His Posts

To me the only comparables are the SNES and PS1 generation, but even then FFT really swings things in favor of PS1.

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 08.21.2012 1:13am

Dark Adonis

Voted PS1 era because I really liked FF9, FF7 and the latter part of FF8 (in that order); because I think as a package, it's the strongest overall.

This is despite the fact that FF6 is my favourite numbered final fantasy, and FF:CC on the Gamecube is one of my most favourite things ever: one of the best offline-multiplayer experiences and still probably one of the most beautifully rendered and scored games I've ever played.

Nicely done PS1 era, it was not an easy victory!

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 08.23.2012 3:32pm

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

For all you guys down on FFV just remember. 

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

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 08.23.2012 4:46pm

The guy with the girly avatar

^WTF?! I would kill to get together with Boobs... I mean Tita... TIFA!!

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 08.23.2012 5:16pm

I'm Catbug!

Clowd Cole said:

For all you guys down on FFV just remember.


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 08.23.2012 7:24pm

Deep Water Horizon

Bartz was a dumbass who saw Faris naked, was turned on by it, and was still shocked later on when he found out she was a girl.  He was also shocked when he discovered that his chocobo had had babies with a female chocobo.  I can only assume that no one ever explained the birds and the bees to him.  As far as the three "hot bitches" go: the loli part is just creepy, and I suppose Faris was hot the 1% of the time she wasn't deliberately making herself look like a dude.  Reina could go either way.  Take your pick: in the sprites Faris was gross looking even for a "guy", in the FMV's Reina was plain at best, and in the Amano art Bartz was second only to Kuja in looking like a girl.  Dude wore a bra.

If I were going to talk up an RPG character for getting action, if that was the sort of thing I did, it would have to be Geralt from The Witcher.  That guy banged hot chicks like he was collecting Pokemon.  Literally, not just in fan imaginations.  The guy was onscreen, screwing and then collecting nudie cards of the women he screwed.  Amnesia, monsters, kingdom under attack?  Whatever, he'll deal with all that once he's done having his way with every hottie in the Tri-State area.  He was the Wilt Chamberlain of the RPG world.

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 08.23.2012 9:16pm

Not in the face!
The Alpha and the Omega

I chose PS1, but my vote wasn't based solely on the titles for that platform. During that "era," Square was doing very well, the popularity of the franchise had exploded, and Final Fantasy news was pouring out on an almost daily basis. Those days didn't exist for the SNES since Al Gore hadn't finished creating the Internet. The euphoria for Final Fantasy actually faded pretty quickly after X came out and people were skeptical at the idea of XI being an MMO.

Keep in mind that V didn't exist for us US folks during the SNES days, so that era really only consisted of IV and VI. Both were great games (and VI remains my favorite), but Final Fantasy really shined on the original Playstation. Square was kicking out a new game every year, Final Fantasy sites (especially FFO) were really in their prime, and we the fans were gobbling it all up.

My fondest memories of playing the older titles were simply the robust sense of adventure. Other than brief tutorials on using skills or magic and what not, these games didn't feel the need to hold your hand. Nowadays, Final Fantasy games are not only too linear, but they don't trust the player to go out, explore, and discover the world and its history on their own. You're guided mostly in one direction and you're spoonfed way too much story up front.

Obviously, I no longer have any interest in Final Fantasy, but if Square were to return to their roots and pop out an old school Final Fantasy game that was a good, solid RPG without the "J," I could probably be convinced to give it a try.

I made this for you!

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 08.23.2012 10:59pm

Registered Member

Dh said:
..., but if Square were to return to their roots and pop out an old school Final Fantasy game that was a good, solid RPG without the "J," I could probably be convinced to give it a try.
If When Final Fantasy Type-0 reaches the West, give it a try. I will be campaigning this game to help it succeed as much as possible.

Mature storyline, appealing characters, good soundtrack... It's what we've been waiting for a long time.

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 08.24.2012 8:18am

Registered Member

Dh said:
Keep in mind that V didn't exist for us US folks during the SNES days, so that era really only consisted of IV and VI. Both were great games (and VI remains my favorite), but Final Fantasy really shined on the original Playstation. Square was kicking out a new game every year, Final Fantasy sites (especially FFO) were really in their prime, and we the fans were gobbling it all up.


When people try to breakdown each era's games they have to realize that the early generations most of these games weren't even releasted in English. I'm pretty sure most us saw things in the Western Perspective which either means stateside or, even worse, Europe whose only FF before 7, I believe, was Mystic Quest.

So looking at actual releases here's what we got in terms of games  (feel free to add things I mised)

3rd Generation
FF Adventure
FF Legend I, II, and III

4th Generation
FF: Mystic Quest

5th Generation
FF Anthology (FFV and FFVI)
FF Chronicles (FFIV + Chrono Trigger)
FF Origins (Wonderswan Remake of FFI and II + improvements)
FF Tactics
That 3D Fightning with FFVII characters

6th Generation
FFXI (+ expansions)
FF Crystial Chronicles 
FF Tactics Advanced
GBA Ports of FFV, FFVI, and FFVII
I also believe there was a Chocobo Racing or Snowboarding game

7th Generation
Soon to be FFXIII Ligtning Saga or Whatever
Heroes of Light
That FF IOS game
Dissidia 1
Dissidia 2
FFXIV 2.0 A Relm Reborn
FFIV: The After Years
FFIV (PSN Remake)
FFIV (DS Remake)
FFIII (DS Remake)
FFI (PSN Remake)
Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers
FFII (PSN Remake)
FFXI Expansions
FFXII: Revenant Wings
FF Tactics: War of the Lions

Looking at the list ... the current generation actually has the most FF Titles available to the US Market.

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