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Easiest Final Fantasy Game

Which FF game do you think was the easiest?

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 04.02.2013 6:28pm


For first time playthroughs, probably IX.  Susequentl playthroughs, VI and VIII are quite easy to abuse.

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 04.02.2013 6:28pm


Onyx said:

FFX wasn't too difficult outside of the optional stuff, but I found it very satisfactory in terms of challenge. It made me think and use strategies I otherwise ignored in the PS1 FF's.
On the other hand, FFX has the most stupidly easy final battles. Even if you don't count the auto-life battles, what's-his-face before those was a complete joke, even compared to Jenova Absolute...

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 04.02.2013 7:12pm

So Sigh Ety

Why isn't FF13 on this list?  Things don't get much easier than having a continue option. My second choice is FF8

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 04.02.2013 7:27pm
Thread Creator

It all ends with beginnings...

Sorry Spidey, the poll only has max 10 choices.

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 04.02.2013 8:24pm
 (Edited on 04.02.2013 at 10:27pm)

Deep Water Horizon

The first time I played Final Fantasy VIII, I played through it mostly depending on level raising and drawing from the enemies I came across (and any draw points that were conveniently nearby). I'm not much of a strategist in general, and I didn't worry about mastering the finer points because what I was doing was working. Then I reached a point where I saved, and immediately after the save was a battle against Adel. I couldn't leave and prepare; I had to fight Adel. Which would have been fine if that was all there was to it, but I couldn't kill her fast enough before Rinoa died and I got a game over. I didn't know the trick where you spam Squall's limit breaks. I didn't know any tricks. I didn't know about GameFaqs at the time, and even if I had, you can't judge how easy a game is by looking stuff up online. Based on what I'd learned from years of playing RPGs, the problem was that I hadn't leveled up enough. If you run into an enemy you can't beat, you grind some more.

So I started over. This time I leveled up a whole bunch, and as I now know, leveling up in FFVIII is counterproductive. Fortunately, I'd also picked up a fair amount of Ultima for junctioning by returning to a draw point multiple times, because otherwise I might have gotten stuck at the same point all over again. Adel's HP goes up depending on level, after all.

If I were judging the easiest Mega Man game, I wouldn't go by the one with the fastest recorded speed runs. I'd go by the one least likely for people to fail to finish it. By that reasoning, I can't say that FFVIII is the easiest. It's a trap. It's like if there were a Mario game that gives you invincibility stars, but they don't actually make you invincible. I'm facing Bowser, on my last life before a game over, but I've got a star now, so all I have to do is walk up and touch him nope I'm dead. Levels were my oldest, most reliable friend, and they fucking stabbed me in the back. Now how about a game where equipping armor makes you weaker?

If easiest versions of games count, I'd have to go with the Final Fantasy Origins version of FFI. That game was a cakewalk even if you're a completionist. Not much to learn, not a single boss I'd call hard, and there was even a journal so you would know if you've gotten all the treasure in a dungeon. That game was like having a picnic in a Monet painting.

Currently playing: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Picross DS
Last played: Time Hollow (good)
Last watched: Agent Carter (very good)
Me on Favslist

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 04.02.2013 9:24pm

World Warrior 21007

Kal said:

On the other hand, FFX has the most stupidly easy final battles. Even if you don't count the auto-life battles, what's-his-face before those was a complete joke, even compared to Jenova Absolute...

Only if you spent some extra time on leveling and getting break damage/ultimate weapons. If you didn't that fight could actually get pretty tough.

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 04.02.2013 10:10pm

Night Star


To show the game to my husband while eating I ate with one hand and spammed/held down the O button with the other.

We're like deep into the game now rofl!


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 04.02.2013 10:34pm


Rhaegar said:

Only if you spent some extra time on leveling and getting break damage/ultimate weapons. If you didn't that fight could actually get pretty tough.
I don't remember spending much time grinding actually... Granted, I had most ultimate weapons and whatnot though. I just remember giving a few hits and going "what already?!" when he died. You're probably right though.

The secret bosses in X were definitely the hardest and no amount of grinding helped: one does not simply defeat the Dark Aeons.

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 04.03.2013 12:53am

So Sigh Ety

Yeah I've done some low level playthroughs of FFX and it's actually one of the tougher last bosses on lower least for me.

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 04.03.2013 3:15am

Shortening His Posts

Catastrophe said:


As for VIII, you try surviving The Island Closest to Heaven or The Island Closest to Hell when you're not lvl 100. And hell, even then.
1.) Bring Quistis.
2.) Put her in Critical HP status (perhaps by raising her max HP a ton)
3.) Use Degenerator.  It always hits every enemy there, and always instant kills, no matter what.
5.) Profit.

I voted FFX on the grounds that being careful is really the only requisite to staying alive.  Flux Seymour (I think that's his name) killed me the first time, but that's because I was very bad and wasn't using Protect and Shell like a good boy, and he one shotted the entire party.

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 04.03.2013 4:41am

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

Rhaegar said:

FFVIII, definitely. Junctions are straight-up broken from the very start.

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 04.03.2013 4:46am

Dr Squirrel
medicine woman

The game's broken enough just through limit breaks.  I'm not arguing that Junction's not both completely broken and a huge waste of potential but it's just crazy how BROKEN FFVIII is.  

trust me, i'm a doctor

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 04.03.2013 4:46am

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

Sam Biscuits said:

VIII I think. Quistis card modded gives you enough triples to break the game before even reaching Dollet. I've just completed a play through including all side quests in under 30 hours. I will be doing challenges such as low level play through's in future I think.
That's not exactly a challenge.  A bit time consuming yes.  But you haven't seen a broken game until you have level 7 enemies hitting a maxed out character for 0 damage.  That isn't hard to do in FFVIII if you avoid all unnecessary XP.

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 04.03.2013 2:10pm

The King's orders are absolute

I don't think I can make a good call on what the easiest Final Fantasy game is. The more you understand a game's system and the in's and out's of the enemy weaknesses, bugs in the game code, etc., the easier the game gets for you, while people who don't fully grasp the game mechanics or know all the right strategies will have a harder time. And for just about all my first times playing Final Fantasy games, I had some kind of player's guide helping me along so I had an easier time with the games anyway. If I had to guess a certain range of the generally easier games (that I've played), it would probably be from FFVI up to FFX. One of those would be the easiest, but I can't say which one it should be, it's been too long since I played most of them.

Let's Play Chrono Trigger
Let's Play The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past
Let's Play Final Fantasy VI

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 04.03.2013 5:02pm
 (Edited on 04.03.2013 at 5:15pm)

Comes and goes like the wind...

See back in the day, I actually found FFVIII to be the hardest to understand, but this actually makes me want to replay it to see if I can break it and make it easy. What are the suggestions aside from getting all the GF's? do you just need to go to all the invisible fountains stock up magic and junction 99 to health? damage? whats the trick?

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