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This was unexpected (regarding Persona 4)

 06.12.2012 7:31pm

So Sigh Ety

I thought his original already was extremely high pitched and whiny. I guess I don't differentiate once I hate a voice.

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 06.14.2012 6:35pm
Thread Creator

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

Looks like Mitsuru is getting in on the tutorial fun.

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 06.19.2012 5:46pm

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

This actually looks pretty fun, and I typically hate 2d/3d fighters. Looks like the characters can call their Personas too. Wonder if you can fuse personas and shit to make new ones.

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 06.19.2012 9:15pm

Career GM

No, you can't fuse personae. It's strictly  a fighting game, so there's no elements like that - not to mention all of the insane extra sprite work that would require @_@. There is a story mode, but it's like storymode in most fighters - cutscenes interspared with occasional one on one fight segments.

On a related note, I got to spend a few hours chatting with Erin Fitzgerald, the woman who's taking over for Chie, the other night (she is seriously one of the nicest women ever, and has a genuine interest in gaming and has been playing for some time). She's admitting straight up that her Chie is probably going to be different from the one that people are used to and that she's doing someing different from what Tracy Rooney did, but she's also desperately trying to stay true to the character and that getting the role right is something that's she's literally lost sleep over, so at least she's dedicated to pleasing the fans, even though most of them will hate it just bcause it's not the original voice.

Didn't get to actually hear any samples, sadly. But I thought I'd share that for the folks who have been wondering about the changed voices in the series. It's hard to say what to expect, because it'll definitely be different, but it should still be the Chie we love at the same time.

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 06.26.2012 10:10pm
Thread Creator (Edited on 07.03.2012 at 10:22pm)

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

Hey, want some samples?  Here are some samples for you.

I can't help but hear a younger (ha), more hot bloded Parasoul in this one, but it certainly fits the character.

Here's a few more:






Epic brofist is epic

EDIT: We got some fo the Persona 3 cast showing off



She doesn't seem to have as many special moves as everybody else... and she's a character character, too.


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 07.07.2012 10:18am

Old Juan
filled with hate

Here's some interesting news regarding this title

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 07.07.2012 2:06pm

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

There is nothing cuter than an angry mob of rampaging fanboys.

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 08.05.2012 8:17pm

Career GM

Just a bit of an update - game comes out Tuesday. Been spending the last week playing it every chance I got, and it's fantastic. Anyone who likes Persona or fighting games should pick it up, it's a much better (and more user friendly) game than BlazBlue. M character of choice so far is Chie, but I'm going to work on Elizabeth too once I actually have my own copy of the game.

But 360 buyers beware - the netplay is bugged and basically unplayable for the time being. Atlus and ASW are working on a patch to fix it, but even if the patch is submitted by release day (supposedly it's in QA at ASW), because of Microsoft's certification process it won't be out for at least two more weeks, and that's if there's absolutely nothing wrong with the patch. Don't expect to be doing any netplay for at least a month.

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 08.05.2012 8:20pm
Thread Creator

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

I heart about that.  Which is weird because the netplay for Blazblue is stellar, so it makes you wonder where the screw up happened.

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 08.05.2012 8:28pm

Career GM

Probably just a bug or glitch in the coding. ASW is known for their godtier netcode, and apparently the PS3 version is just that, so it's got to be some small thing they fucked up in the XBL coding, particularly if it really is already in QA.

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 08.06.2012 8:40pm

Career GM

Delicious double post!

Two launch streams today. The first one starts in about an hour and twenty minutes from now (at 5EST/2PST) and will be streamed here: 

The second one is on UltraChenTV, a staple of the FGC stream shows, tonight at 11EST/8PST, and will be streamed here:

And then FinestKO is doing a 24 hour chartiy tournament/stream of P4A starting at midnight PST at

Wednesday, Wednesday Night Fights will be featuring P4A for the first time at 11 PM EST/8PM PST at

There will probably be more this weekend. I know my local group will be streaming our tournament on Friday, and tons of other major shows and streams have talked about doing it.

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 08.06.2012 9:28pm
Thread Creator

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

From the sounds of things, it's almost as if Street fighter V got released.

Wish I knew people locally and got a tournament going with them.  Maybe I can find some...

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 08.06.2012 10:00pm

Career GM

Yeah, the game is getting a huge push from pretty much every side - Atlus, the FGC, Persona fans, anime fighter fans, ASW/BB fans, sponors, even reps from MLG are posting at Mayonaka Midnight trying to gauge interest in adding Persona 4 Arena to the MLG circuit in some form. People are going in hard on this game, to the point where some stores are breaking street date over it. It doesn't hurt that pretty much every segment of the FGC seems to love the game, and it's doing a fair amount to attract new players.

As for finding people near you, I can't recommend SRK and Mayonaka Midnight's regional forums highly enough. SRK was how I found my local group, which ended up consisting of Renegade, sometimes RyRy, and Derezz from the SF/Marvel scene, and Psyken from the anime fighter scene. If you're willing to possibly have to drive up to an hour every week or two, depending on how often they do big gatherings, it's not that hard to find a good, consistant group to play with, though anime fighter players tend to be less common.

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 08.07.2012 2:34am
Thread Creator (Edited on 08.07.2012 at 2:40pm)

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

The sad part (for me, anyway) is that I'll only get four days of play time in, as I'll be going out of the country starting this Saturday and will be gone for a week.

Curse my terrible vacation timing!

Look, a glowing review of Persona 4: Arena.  Of course, it isn't Fat Bastard Jim Stirling making the review, but still, lots of love for it.

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 08.08.2012 6:31pm
 (Edited on 08.08.2012 at 9:04pm)

Career GM

In general Persona news, Famitsu's been doing interviews with well known Japanese devs over the last few months. This month they got to Atlus, who said
Team Persona's Katsura Hashino says that his staff is currently focused on the next numbered entry in the Persona series (that means Persona 5). Shigenori Soejima has submitted sketches, and the game is making progress.

So we knew P5 was a thing, and that it'd been in preproduction a while, but it looks like they're finally really moving forward on it! Yay! I'm really curious on if it'll be the same setting as P3/P4/P4A, if it'll continue from there (P4A ending spoiler)
Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
(P4A ends on a cliffhanger with the Investigation Team preparing to go to Tatsumi Port Island to continue the investigation of who kidnapped Labrys)
and if we'll see any more recurring characters, or if they'll start a new canon like they did with Persona 3 (which contains references to characters and plot elements from 1 and 2, but is supposedly not actually connected to them).

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