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World of Warcraft: FFS Edition

 10.22.2011 5:27pm


Som said:

I'm glad i quit WoW, cause all that new pandaran stuff looks embarrassing.

I like the zones, but the new race and class REALLY don't interest me (other than a Panda Warrior, rocking full plate mail and Titan's Grip, but that's it), and the new features all seem silly, and the new talent system is just straight up dumb as hell.

And:  I'm already annoyed at how creepy the female model is going to be.  Worgen ladies are bad enough, Tauren aren't a lot better.

It's all good, I'm only in 'til December then it's off to a galaxy far, far away.

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 10.22.2011 5:41pm
Thread Creator


I wouldn't really judge the female models until the finished thing. The original Worgen female models that were previewed around the time Cata was announced looked HORRIBLE (they looked a lot more like cats than werewolves).

Also fun fact: Pandarens were the original Alliance race for TBC and they've been finding a way to get them into the game since.

Truth be told, now I like the idea of the Spacegoats being both factions since I think that fits the race's characteristics a lot more than being Alliance only. Especially with stuff like the Shattered Sun Offensive (which is one of my favorite factions in the game along with the Argent Crusade) and the friendship between the Draenei and Blood Elves that developed because of that and the restoration of the Sunwell, especially between Velen and Liadrin.

I really like the sounds of the new talent system, as I love customization and trying to eliminate the cookie cutter build. I just hope that this doesn't mean there's a lot of dead levels (basically, you level up and that's it, no talent points to spend or abilities to learn). I thought Cata WoW did a pretty good job of not having many dead levels since you at least got a talent point every odd level and then 80-85.

I'm not really sold on Pokecraft, but it doesn't sound like it's going to be mandatory or anything. I also like that Hunters are losing minimum range. Finally, those shotgun weapons will actually be used as intended!

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 10.22.2011 8:29pm

Insanity Mongoose

I'm really underwhelmed.  The other expansion trailers *REALLY* sold them, and made them feel awesome.  They psyched you up for the game.

They sold it.

This...didn't.  Chris Metzen's opening sounded fantastic.  He really made it sound like some awesome shit was going to happen, and that they were going to make the Alliance/Horde war this epic, amazing struggle that will consume the world and really change the game.

Then...pandas.  Pandaria.  The Monk. 

Absolutely nothing about war, or conflict, or PVP, or anything.  Some of the systems changes sound interesting, but everything else is so...bleh, that I think I may be done with WoW.

There was a leak a while back about what Mists of Pandaria might be, and it sounded a HELL of a lot better than this shit.

Maybe what they're going to do to the game will be great, but I am not remotely fond of the setting it's in.

We went from:

Burning Crusade: Outland! Demons!  The Burning Legion!  Blood Elves and Draenei!  Illidan!
Wrath of the Lich King: Northrend!  The Scourge!  Death Knights!  The Lich King!
Cataclysm: The whole world is shattered!  Destruction!  Chaos!  Goblins!  Worgen!  Deathwing!  The end of the world!

To: Pandas!  Pandaria!  Monks! 

I feel like the Benny Hill theme song should have been playing during the trailer.

I don't even mind pandas all that much, but the presentation of it has just been awful and uninteresting.  Thank God for Heart of the Swarm (which looks awesome, the new units look fantastic, creating the change SC2 should have made), and Diablo 3, which looks like it could be the most fun game to launch in a long while.

Oh well, had to go downhill sometime.

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 10.22.2011 11:47pm

Dr Squirrel
medicine woman

I just hope we're not skipping out on an Emerald Dream expansion to go play Pokemon with pandas.

trust me, i'm a doctor

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 10.24.2011 5:22am

Registered Member

Dr Squirrel said:

I just hope we're not skipping out on an Emerald Dream expansion to go play Pokemon with pandas.

This is the thing that confuses me the most.  The Emerald Dream is a goldmine of interesting and new content, and instead they went with something that was a small side joke in Warcraft 3.  The entire thing makes it seem like Blizzard is just straight running out of good ideas.  When a major selling point is just Pokemon, it seems like something went haywire along the way.  I've read through all the MoP info and none of it is really original.   The Talent system chanegs just vastly over simplify things and Challenges and Scenarios have been done already.  Its not at all uncommon for Blizz to take idea and make them better, and this is fine, but when every major selling and talking point for an expasion isn't a unique or creative idea, it makes me lose faith.   They didn't even mention the tanking changes they have talked up so much even.

There is a lot of time left to go until launch, and things could change, but as of now I'm just glad GW2 will be out before MoP so I can move on WoW for good (no really, I mean it this time....)

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 10.24.2011 9:03am

Dr Squirrel
medicine woman

I pictured scenarios being Battle for the Undercity style things, phased solo/small number of people encounters that show major events for people who don't have time to raid.  Instead they seem to be just phased ordinary quests.

The Talent system seems just a copy of Diablo 3 skill trees.  I LIKE the idea of essentially making every spec a hybrid spec and I LIKE the idea of true individualism (until the first cookie cutter spreadsheets come out).  I just don't like having to wait 15 levels to upgrade a character. 

One thing that seriously bugged me about Cata leveling was getting nothing for leveling up.

The entire expansion just seems very experimental, which isn't something that should be done as far into the history of the game WoW is.  Timed dungeons, minigame style PvP and Pokemon?  This is stuff you do when you run out of ideas, and given what they have yet to cover in WoW they should not even be close to that point.  This is stuff you throw in after the game is done to try and milk one more half assed expansion out of it.  And WoW is nowhere near done. 

This is also the point where it's inexcusable to fix things that have been plaguing the game forever.  No updated character models?  Gnomes and Tauren have had essentially no plot development since the game began, is that going to change?  Alterac Valley is STILL this horribly broken?

I think there's a lot of promise going into this, too, though.  I like that the main focus story wise of this expansion is the war between the Horde and the Alliance and that apparently the conflicts we've seen in Cata are nothing compared to what we'll get.

I like that there's no central bad guy to do increasingly extravagant things that are completely overshadowed by the fact that we'll inevitably kill him and the world will go on without a shrug.  Apparently the only thing that happens when you kill Deathwing, who literally was about to actually destroy the world is that Thrall says "well that's that.  here's some loot."  I used to try to avoid spoilers about raids on PTRs and thought that maybe the Sunwell raid meant that WoW wouldn't just be one big shooting gallery for Warcraft villains, but now I know that even Sargeras is going to be killed by Joe Night Elf and nine of his friends with the Titans' role only to be to cheer Joe on and maybe give him a mana regen buff.

This is kind of going off on a tangent but I think the biggest thing hurting WoW's story is the fact that the game's an MMO.  I think it would be better story-wise if Warcraft was a single player game like the Elder Scrolls games.  For me it got to the point that the only reason I kept playing the game was because of the story, and I quit for good during the pre-Cata Elemental Invasion when this horrifying event that threatened to completely wipe all major cities off the planet was a handful of elementals that could be taken care of by random NPC guards. 

Sure it would be pretty damaging for the game if all major cities were actually destroyed, but the way it turned out was not compelling storytelling.  You'd never have something in WoW like the Horde being pushed back through the Dark Portal at the end of Warcraft 2 or the Scourge wiping out 90% of humanity like in Warcraft 3.

I stopped reading comic books for the same reason.  No matter how much they hype up whatever the villain's doing, you know by the fact that Captain America #3452 is going on sale next week that nothing bad will happen.

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 10.24.2011 6:06pm
Thread Creator


They're actually working on updated character models for the classic races and said as much at BlizzCon. This is just something that takes a ton of time and work, moreso than anyone in the peanut gallery realizes. They're also trying to make sure they update the models without people complaining about how different their characters look. No one wants to log on to a stranger.

Updating the models alone would probably be its own major content patch. Especially when you consider the amount of NPC's that'd have to be replaced.

I think MoP's going to be a sort of transition expansion, especially if Blizzard keeps to its word and wants to get expansions out at a faster pace. Something of a breather between Cataclysm and the next epic expansion. The Emerald Dream, if it ever gets its own expansion, I can see being the last one. They've been setting up N'Zoth, the last Old God in Azeroth, as the ultimate big bad. My guess is the Mantids (aka, Chinese Qiraji) are connected to him. He's also ultimately responsible for the Emerald Nightmare.

And remember, before Cataclysm, Thrall was just some guy sitting around in Orgrimmar. I'm sure the other races will get their due. Heck, the Tauren stuff with the Grimtotem and the transition from Cairne and Baine I thought was pretty interesting on their part. As are the Southern Barrens quests.  Pretty much everything in Kalimdor south of the N. Barrens is very Tauren-centric if you play Horde.

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 10.24.2011 7:41pm

Amnesia Vertigo

I like what they're doing with the talents and class structure, but to be honest, this whole new expansion sounds like a steaming pile. I won't be resubbing. Just give me the new MMO, thanks.

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 10.25.2011 7:40am

Insanity Mongoose

FYI: N'Zoth isn't necessarily the last Old God on Azeroth (also, note the name of Azeroth; basically a derivative of Azathoth).  Depending on how much Blizzard decides to stick to or change their lore, there's 3-5 Old Gods.

Also, they don't die.  C'thun has been, "killed," at least twice.

I think you're right about Mists of Pandaria being sort of a break between expansions.  Honestly, the stakes were getting so high with each expansion, I wondered where they would go next.

A lot of people say The Emerald Nightmare was, "resolved," in a book, but if Blizzard has any idea what they're doing, they'll milk the Emerald Dream for all it's worth; it's a creative goldmine.  They could do whatever they want with it, and I hope they go all-out.

I'm hoping they're holding out because they want to do it right.

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 10.25.2011 1:43pm


I still hold that they need something along the lines of Ashes of Argus, a portal-hopping galaxy-spanning Legion-focused expansion that would give us literally any environment they want, and expand on the sorely, sorely neglected Draenei race.

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 10.25.2011 5:07pm
Thread Creator


Should've rephrased it as the last old god active on Azeroth since C'Thun is dead for now and Yogg-Saron is at least out of the picture. Also seems like Blizzard's sticking with C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, and N'Zoth being the only Old Gods imprisoned by the Titans in Azeroth. Though that isn't to say there aren't other Old Gods floating around out there in the Great Dark Beyond or Twisting Nether.

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 10.25.2011 7:49pm

Terran Angel

Apparently, Theramore is going to be destroyed by the Horde in the pre-MoP event.  So far people think that'll be the catalyst that makes Jaina jump off the neutrality wagon and onto the "I'm going to roast Orgrimmar for dinner" one.  So that's some lasting lore changes, at least.

And holy shit would I LOVE a planet-hopping expansion that brings us to Argus.  Even at least a Caverns of Time that brings us to pre-Legion Argus, back when it was a magical utopia.  But I fear it won't happen due to Metzen saying at Blizzcon that while he likes the Titans and Legion story, other people in the company tell him it's too sci-fi and not enough fantasy.

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 10.26.2011 3:02am
Thread Creator


If Theramore gets destroyed (which means Alliance Mages are going to need a new teleport spell), I'm guessing Hellscream stays as Warchief. No way in hell would Thrall allow that.

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 10.26.2011 4:26am

Insanity Mongoose

God I hope so.  Garrosh is the best thing to happen to this game in a long time.

I appreciate Thrall's whole Jesus think, but peaceful Orcs are goddamn boring.

I don't like Mists of Pandaria, but I completely supporting bringing the WAR back to Warcraft.

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 10.26.2011 4:50am
Thread Creator


As much as I'm a Hordie, fuck Garrosh.

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