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 01.01.2018 1:38am

Terran Angel

Lexx said:

Now!  Questions for 2017 Lexx:

1.  You HAVE to have a new job by now.  Please don't let me down, future me.

2.  How was Tiny Hands' first year in office?

3.  Did you make any progress in your backlog of games and comics?

1.  Sort of?  The company eliminated my department nation wide, so I got shifted to another position.  I know, that's not what you meant, but it's the only vaguely-positive answer I have.  The new position is a lot less stressful, at least.  Also, fuck this question.  I'm freeing 2018 Lexx from having to answer it.

2.  Luckily, Tiny Hands is extraordinarily incompetent, so he hasn't managed to do all that much.  What he has done sucks ass, though.

3.  Against all odds, my backlog of games and comics has actually GROWN, not shrunken.  I know, I'm amazed too.

Lexx of 2018:

1.  Did your plan of expanding the number of movies you watch work out?

2.  Is Winds of Winter finally out?  If so, how was it?

3.  Did you get back on track with the healthy diet?

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 06.19.2018 5:32pm

Yes, what of it?

Plumbum said:

2017 Questions:

1) Are you still living in a home?

2)Still painting?

3)How is Mom?

4)Did you get to intern at that wood working place?

5)How is saving?

6)Are you macking on fine honeys yet?

7)Start that blog poor man..

1)Yes, Yay!
2)Been asked to do an 8 x 4 ft painting of the Last Supper... yeah.
3)Getting better
4)I did, and I'm still there.
5)Not making enough money younger me...
6)No. I cut my hair, and that is getting tabled until I like my appearance again.

2018 Questions

1)Are you still working on the last supper?

2)Have you bought a PS3 yet?

3)How is employment?

4)What is the most interesting thing you have done this year, or if we haven't done anything interesting, what was the best game you played?

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 11.06.2018 6:46am

Capital M before egz

It's that time of year!

So 2018 me: 

How's the new little one? 

He's not bad, just hitting 8 months more or less. Has yet to sleep through the night but it's got somewhat better than it was. He's had a little more illness than middle man in his first year but then we've been hit with a hail of sick throughout the year - pox, flu, gastro. He only got the flu so that's something.

How's the older little ones? 

Middle man has managed to go a year without any horrific injury so that's something! Old little man got a somewhat nasty concussion around June and kind of managed to get over that but still has the odd headache and he seems to have developed a vague dairy intolerance. On the plus side they're both pretty healthy otherwise, picking up new skills and knowledge quick smart. Hell, old little man has nearly finished FFX!.

How's the house, did you get a bog gnome, start any kind of renos? 

We did get a bog gnome. Middle man broke it. The bog was somewhat managed for a time, now we've drained the top off the spring it's leaching out lower down and causing new boggy bits. No renos have begun but we know now how simple it is to add to the mortgage if needs must, woohoo!

The house may need renos, the floor feels like it's getting less and less flush in parts of the house. Perhaps the next house will be a fresh build out of something less warpy than timber.

Is the job alright because at the moment while it's a good gig, it's not a great gig. 

You kicked ass at performance appraisal time and your wallet is suitably stuffed - so good on you. You're remunerated well and while you have to work with a comeplte fuck-knuckle you might find yourself managing that fuck-knuckle soonish. Well... that could end poorly for them. 

How's the country faring? The dollar dropped a little after Labour got in, and they're promising pretty big on spending on social issues. 

Country hasn't gone to the dogs, house prices are still sky-rocketing, petrol prices are through the roof (of the houses that can't be bought) but the devil's threesome are at least beginning to get shit done with the likes of Kiwibuild etc. the jury is still out. National have just gone full 2015/6/7 Labour party on us and skipped through a few leaders and now there is in-fighting and dipshittery galore with this Jami-Lee Ross malarky.

How's North Korea, still there, or a lake of fire? 

Situation Normal, All Fucked Up

So 2019 me, time for some talking points.

Oh fuck you're thirty. Oh God, Oh Man, Oh God, Oh Man. --- discuss.

How's the liver and the overall health - you've started running in the morning, is that still a thing?

Did you get that team leader role or did you need to go elsewhere?

Surely the little one is sleeping through the night now. Right? 

Sugar. Short AND sweet.

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 12.13.2018 4:06pm
 (Edited on 12.13.2018 at 4:22pm)


You've got this, 2018 Spoony!  Believe in the you who believes in yourself!--

Screenplay progress?
I've been fleshing out another feature idea, but it's really slow going.  I'm either having trouble staying motivated, or the idea really doesn't interest me as much as I want it to.  Also been coming up with a lot of smaller ideas that fade out.  Completing something; anything should be a resolution for 2019.

Filming progress?
I did film a big event for some friends, and am in the process of editing it.  It's going to be more than an hour long, so could I maybe, possibly, kind've consider it my first feature?  Nah.   But could this be the beginning of a lucrative side hustle?

Love life?
Fairly quiet on that front.  An OkCupid date or two, but nothing worth bothering about.   There is a potential love interest, though.  Slightly tricky situation.  By next year's posting, whatever's going to happen with that will almost inevitably have happened, for good or ill.   So we'll see.

The job?
Smooth as silk.

Went on a marathon road trip,  Up to Niagara Falls, cut across Ontario to Chicago, down to Cincinnati, and back.  Added three new states and a country to the list of places you've briefly existed in.  Not too shabby.

Aight, 2019 Spoony.  You're thirty-five goddamned years old.  You'd better have something to show for it.
Any writing?
Love life?
How did the current thing pan out?
Still getting back into shape?
Do you live in a van down by the river?

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 12.15.2018 2:54am

Sysadmin of my brain

My brother and I did a run across Ontario earlier this century, from Detroit to Buffalo.  Spoony, how did you do it exactly?

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 12.15.2018 6:51pm


Fukiyama said:

My brother and I did a run across Ontario earlier this century, from Detroit to Buffalo.  Spoony, how did you do it exactly?

Probably the same thing you did, only the other direction.  I crossed over a bit further north, though, near Flint.  I took the Queen Elizabeth highway, mostly. 

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 12.16.2018 2:10am

Sysadmin of my brain

Spoony said:

Probably the same thing you did, only the other direction.  I crossed over a bit further north, though, near Flint.  I took the Queen Elizabeth highway, mostly. 

Yeah, same highway.  We had to pull off at one point to get gas.  There were no gas stations right there, so we started off across the Ontario countryside until we came to an intersection.  At one corner was a lone station manned by South Asians.  Later we got a little lost, not sure where to turn off to head towards Buffalo.  Signs were not very descriptive.

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 12.28.2018 8:42am
 (Edited on 12.28.2018 at 8:53am)

Time Travelling White Mage

Wow, this year has certainly flown by....

Update on transitioning?

More or less the same at the moment. Money has been extremely tight all year, but you started working at an Op Shop as part of WFTD and so has given you easier (and cheaper) access to clothes, so it's not all bad. You also have the details of some support groups which may help with the next phase, so your hopeful for next year. :)

Did Lily and Nic finally get married? Did you fly to Sydney and attend their wedding? (And if so, what did you wear? I want details! :D)

Yes they did, in April (and at Lithgow in all places). You did plan to fly there (and even took out a loan to cover airfares and accomodation in Sydney), and got to a hair's breath of booking the tickets, but Mum went and did the usual and leaned on you to borrow money from you to cover Cian's 21st. And you stupidly agreed, the obvious happened, she didn't pay you back, meaning you short changed and were unable to go. Lily understood though, but you were still disappointed. You had planned on wearing a fancy medieval style gown, but you didn't get to buy that either alas (although you are determined to at least get that and wear it when you next see her, sometime in the next few months probably when she comes here for her annual visit to Perth.)

Did you go back to TAFE like you had planned? If not, what are you doing then about your studies?

Nope, you couldn't afford it. You may do it part-time next year, but you'll have to see how your finances are before then.

How is the family? Did you move into your own place? Did Mum renew the lease on the house in Stott Close or is she living somewhere else? Are Tamyna and dickhead still at Brookdale driving Tim around the bend?

The family are... normal. You and Mum are still at Stott Close, although Cian moved out when the lease came up in July, so now things are even tighter than they were - you had to take out more loans to cover set-up costs for the internet which has stretched your already tight budget to breaking point. But you are finally starting to get your head above the surface, the loans will be finalized next month/early Feburary so things should start getting easier for you then. Tamyna and Dickhead are still at Brookdale, although she got a shortfall from Child Support that she is apparently putting aside to fund a new rental, and Tim has said that once she's gone and he has a chance to fix the house up a bit, you and Mum can move back there, so it's likely you'll be back at Brookdale this time next year. Keep me posted! :D

What's happening with G? Is he still up the coast with his parents?

Still the usual, he's stuck in his rut and won't budge from it. You've even offered to bring him down here to stay for a few days and he still makes excuses about why he can't. You're leaning on him though so, maybe he might come here in.. May/June?

Any news about the third FFXIV expansion? Are we going to Garlemald to bring down the evil Empire? How is Dissidia NT? Are you using Shantotto, Y'shtola and Terra as your dream team? :D FFVII Remake out yet? (Okay I'm just joking about that last one, but you never know! ;)).

Yes! FFXIV: Shadowbringers is it's name and.... Garlemald does play a part in it... but the teaser trailer... let's just say things are not going to go well for the story in this expansion. Not much is known about it though, so... let me know what happens next year! :D
Dissidia NT... is good, almost great... but the change to 3 characters the player controls instead of just one made things too confusing. And the summon fights have stupid gimmicks rather than simply tanking and spanking them for victory so you're stuck on the main story at Titan. Y'shtola is broken though: you just sit there spamming Holy over and over again, she is that overpowered. Shantotto is the same as she was in the earlier games, albeit her new voice actress annoys you to no end, and Terra sadly, is next to useless (they broke her abilities and now she is little more than a wet rag that throws a few spells). You're hopeful more FFXIV characters will be added as DLC though so... maybe Zenos or even Derplander may be added in the future! You broke your PS4's HDMI cable though so you haven't been able to play it for a few months now alas.
As for FFVII: Remake..... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh wow... seriously, who knows when that vapourware is due.... 2019? 2020? 3019? Never?

Are the Libs still in power in Canberra? How is the world situation?

At the moment at least anyway, but their hold on power is very tenous indeed. Pathetic infighting is tearing the Coalition apart, and Scomo pulled a Praetorian Guard on Turnbull in August, yet the opinion polls keep showing Doomsday for them. So baring some Trump-level stuff-up, Bill Shorten will be in the Lodge this time next year.
World situation is.... uneasy. Trump continues to embarrass the US with everyone, Trump's puppetmaster rattles his saber at everyone, the UK and the EU are unravelling over Brexit, and North Korea is looking more and more like Garlemald with it's 'peace overtures' looking suspiciously like a ruse... but things are more or less the same.

Did you get that new 3310 like you planned or are you still using a shitty 'not-so-smart'phone?

Yup! Had no choice really, as the smartphone finally karked it in January so it was either use another one or get the 3310. You chose the later, and... it's just like the original, albiet with a colour screen and some minor bells and whistles. But the battery just keeps on going and going like the Energizer bunny and you've dropped it several times already, and the phone just made a hole in the floor without leaving a scratch on the phone itself! So yeah, very happy 3310 customer you are! ;)

Now, for Enki of 2019....

How's it feel being in the year Bladerunner was set in? ;)
Usual transitioning update?
Are you living back at Brookdale like you hoped, did you and Mum decide to renew the lease at Stott Close for a third year, or did you have to lease a place of your own? (And if so, where is it and what sort of dwelling is it?)
Usual family update?
Did you go volunteer at PWC in May? Did you start at VisAbility WA as well?
Update on finances? Cleared those loans yet?
Did you finally go for your 'L plates' yet?
Did Shorten and Labor get in? Have they started rolling back/altering the Centrelink/tax/industrial relations/NBN mess Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison left?
How is the rest of the world? Has the Orange Menace been indicted/impeached yet?
How is FFXIV Shadowbringers? Does the WoL indeed go full emo and become a darksider?
Anything more about 2019 you should know about?

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 11.02.2019 11:48am

Capital M before egz

It's about that time of year again.

Oh fuck you're thirty. Oh God, Oh Man, Oh God, Oh Man. --- discuss.

[font]Currently nothing to report. Hell - you're still not quite yet thirty. You have been thinking about things you could/should perhaps make a start on - a book; other online content but still nothing serious. [/font]

How's the liver and the overall health - you've started running in the morning, is that still a thing?

Liver - that is seemingly fine; no issues for quite some time. Same too with the migraines, they're suspiciously absent too. Instead 2019 has been the year of procedures. The cross-linking in your eye appears to have worked very well but still need to wait a few months before we get that looked at again to determine if we need some new glasses. We've also gone and done ourselves the snip, hopefully that has been successful, won't/can't know until January - so far so good though in terms of recovery.

The running stopped when it got really cold and the weeist of wee ones started waking early. It made it too dicey in the mornings to manage. The weight is down though, down to 93 - 94kg.

Did you get that team leader role or did you need to go elsewhere?

Nope. No team leader role. We've been taking on a heap of the responsibilities of a team leader - highlighted the positive performance of two members of the team and highlighted the poor performance of the others. We've tried bashing a few heads in with some hard and fast evidence and home truths but they continue to fall on deaf ears. That reminds us - have you got back into using KNIME/started using KNIME - it really could make some big differences at home and at work.

Speaking of work. Holy hell. Surprise reform batman! How's RoVE going? Are the WDCs set up yet? Have we capitalised on any one of the myriad opportunities that must have surely cropped up?

Surely the little one is sleeping through the night now. Right? 

They both were... so very temporarily it's been a couple of months since the last full night's sleep.

So 2020 us/me.

Does the new car still go? Please tell me this one didn't get written off within a year like the last one...
See above re: RoVE - are we winning? Have we snuck into the next pay band?
How's the eye and the ... member?
Made a start on any personal creative outlets?

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 12.27.2019 8:15am
 (Edited on 12.27.2019 at 8:48am)

Time Travelling White Mage

Amazing how much can change in 12 months...

Now, for Enki of 2019....

How's it feel being in the year Bladerunner was set in? ;)

Well, we don't have any replicants around... although they did get the obnoxious huge video billboards right. And, with the state of the world, the Offworld Colonies are looking mighty fine...

Usual transitioning update?

Holding pattern pretty much. But we'll see in a few months when your current loan is paid off to see about getting some funds to take the next step.

Are you living back at Brookdale like you hoped, did you and Mum decide to renew the lease at Stott Close for a third year, or did you have to lease a place of your own? (And if so, where is it and what sort of dwelling is it?)

No, still at Stott Close, as Tamyna remains well and truly welded to Brookdale we just thought it was easier to renew the lease for a third year, and, a consolation at least is Ben the landlord actually reduced the rent after the rental company twisted his arm (they knew they wouldn't get anyone else in here in a hurry and were just desperate to keep us here).

Whether we'll stick around in six months when the lease comes back is another thing though, as the house i sstarting to fall down around us (air conditioner was leaking and thus caused water damage in the hallway ceiling which still needs repairing, and the pool has been a major money pit as normal. So, hopefully in six months Tamyna and Dickwad will be out and you and Mum can move back to Brookdale. Also, Nakeeta ended up moving in 'for a few months', but hopefully she'll be leaving soon as she's never actually here and just uses the house as a storage yard for all her junk. :(

Usual family update?

The usual, although Ashleigh and Jayce had another child, a little boy who despite being named Zack, looks more like Cloud with his little quiff of blonde hair and big blue eyes (the irony is not lost on Jayce at all ;)).

Did you go volunteer at PWC in May? Did you start at VisAbility WA as well?

Yeah... about that. Nien and nien.

You know that job you applied for early in December with Stellar Asia Pacific? You thought that as you didn't hear back from them by the end of January you were as usual not successful, until you suddenly received a reply on a Sunday evening in your inbox asking you to come in for an interview, which... you kind of messed up on (couldn't find the interview location due to construction work and made it with minutes to spare, your hoisery kept embarrsingly falling down due to a stretched waistband as you foolishly wore a dress not slacks that day, and you ran out of time on the psychological test that was part of the application... yet you must have made some impression on them because they called you a few weeks later saying you were succesful. And even then you had to wait a few more months while a background check was carried out (due to the sensitivity of the work - you were right that it was Centrelink that they were a contractor for).

Sadly though, it didn't work out although you did last three months there and did some good work with CCS processing - it was just your first day manning the phones that you froze up with anxiety, and you asked to leave, so you left with no ill will (they even said they were sad to see you leave and that you could return at any time if you wished). It was a learning experience though and it's taught you an important lesson: you can find work and full time work at that, and it showed also that you can do this while transitioning too.

So, you're going back to TAFE next year (application was accepted and enrolments are in January) to finally get that Business certificate, which will hopefully make finding work much easier. So, chin up! :D

Update on finances? Cleared those loans yet?

Ugghhh.... for every step forward you take five steps back. The loan only has three more repayments to go and then it's done. You finished the cash advance earlier in the year though, and finding work helped a lot. But then you got hit with a massive gas and power bill after you lost you job... on top of the rental company screwing up and misplacing two whole rental payments you and Mum did that they insist were never paid (so Tim had to help you and Mum out to avoid being evicted). It was clearly a bank problem though so you just have to find the right payment recipets to get the money refunded. It's just the principle of the matter.

And now, with another huge power bill you're stuggling to pay it off (and you just had to take out another advance as well), on top of your impending TAFE enrolment as well. You'll get through it though, you always do.

Did you finally go for your 'L plates' yet?

Nope, but you did finally get a Photo ID Card (the old 'Proof of Age Card') so you now at least finally have photographic identification. You really need to go for your permit though, so.... maybe next year?

Did Shorten and Labor get in? Have they started rolling back/altering the Centrelink/tax/industrial relations/NBN mess Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison left?

Hehehehehe... oh dear.... Lets just say, history has repeated itself, 2019 was just like it was in 2001 - incumbent two term Coalition government is on the nose, Labor is riding high in the opinion polls and everyone is tipping DOOMSDAY for the Libs... and then an international terroist attack occurs, suddennly the world is a very scary place and voters feel "better the devil you know", and stick with the incumbent. And just like 2001, just as it seemed Scott Morrison and his cronies were imploding and Bill Shorten was a shoein into The Lodge, a horrific terrorist attack occured against innocent Muslim worshippers in Christchurch. New Zealand (not only right on Australia's doorstep but it was commited by an Australian citizen to boot!), and like with 9/11 causing voters in 2001 re-electing John Howard, the same thing happened - the Lib/Nat Coalition was returned, although only with a single extra seat so it was hardly a landslide.

One good thing did come from it though - Tony Abbott was absolutely destroyed politically, so fed up were his own electorate that they overwhelmingly booted him out of office! And, things are not too rosy now for Scomo - he created a massive political shitstorm recently during massive bushfires, when, with most of the country ablaze and states begging the Feds for assistance.... Scomo up and flew off to Hawaii for a holiday, sending pictures to the Australian media of sunning himself on a beach even while Sydney was ringed by fire and choked by smoke (and while not only Anthony Albanese, who replaced Shorten as Labor leader, but Tony Abbott were all sincerely helping out volunteers manning rest and kitchen tents for the exhausted fireries).

Scomo did eventually belatedly return and start offering assistance, but, given he was for so long responding to requests for Commonwealth help with a dismissive "Not my problem", it's half-hearted at best. So, although a lot can happen still in the next few years, if he's still PM, let alone his government is still in power by the next election will be a miracle.

How is the rest of the world? Has the Orange Menace been indicted/impeached yet?

Okay I guess but, to quote the (not) 'Chinese curse': "may you live in interesting times" indeed. The UK elected 'British Trump' Boris Johnson overwhellmingly after May couldn't get Brexit through, so the UK's divorce with Brussels will be legalized in January. Hong Kong is disintegrating, just as planned, China, Russia and North Korea continue to act like it's still the Cold War, and Trump... continues to act like a five year old in a classroom bullying kids he doesn't like and then crying to the teacher when said kids punch him in retaliaton.

Impeachment has begun... but it's not expected to actually get anywhere, given the Republicans control the US Senate and would rather stand behind that sinking ship of a 'president' than actually allow the risk of the Democrats gaining power again (despite the fact Mike Pence would become president in the interim until the next election). So I guess the worst case is the world has to suffer this circus for another four years until his two terms are finally up.

How is FFXIV Shadowbringers? Does the WoL indeed go full emo and become a darksider?

Hehehehhe... oh dear. Lets just say, that opening trailer... is a fib, a lie and a bald-faced whopper! Nothing in it is as it seems. But I will say this. Ignore the spoilers you're given early on - they have no context. Actually play through it, and when you get to the end... your mind will be blown and you will agree with the critics. This is the best FFXIV expansion yet. And one final word on the story: an old theory you had about the Ascians' true origins... is true.

And no, the WoL does not become a Darksider, that was just SE knowing their audience.. the 'darkest' thing you end up doing is bring the night sky back. The 'Warrior of Darkness' thing is just an alias the WoL has to use in the First due to Evil!Derplander and his friends being blamed for causing the fiasco (and so the Warrior of Light term has.. negative connotations there). Anyway, prepare to be shocked and amazed. :)

Anything more about 2019 you should know about?

Expect the unexpected. Nothing is as it seems. And when it seemed like nothing is going right, don't despair, you will find your way over the bump - just be prepared for a lot of bumps along the way! ;)

Enki of 2020

How is the family? It's now been ten years since Dad's passing. Did Mum do anything to mark it?
Transitioning update? Did you manage to go back to Serenity on South and get that referal?
Did you renew the lease at Stott Close for a fourth year? Or are you back in Brookdale? Or, a third option, did you move into a place of your own?
How did TAFE go? Did you pass it/complete it successfully? What did you do after? Go back to TAFE for Cert IV or did you find work?
How is your finanical situation? Did you take out that new loan? Finally pay off those bills?
How is FFVII Remake Ep I? Did they release 'classic' outfit skins for Aeris and Tifa as DLC as their new outfit designs look... stupid. Also, how is FFXIV SHB going? Any more info about Amaurot and... the mysterious 14th Convocation member who may or may not be Enki 12000 years in the past? ;)
Local political situation? Scomo still PM?
World situation? Did Brexit unravel the UK and Europe? The Orange Menace still wrecking the US or did he successfully get impeached? (I know the chances of that happening are almost nil but still).
Anything else I need to be aware of?

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 12.28.2019 3:03am


Aight, 2019 Spoony.  You're thirty-five goddamned years old.  You'd better have something to show for it.


Any writing?

I decided to shelve last year's idea and try another one.  I'm almost ready to start outlining.  Once this script is done, I can go back to the previous idea, or move onto another new one I've got chambered.  So if I plug away at it, I could have three new first drafts this year.  That'd be a nice step forward.


Been doing a lot of camera tests, just practicing filming and editing.  Going to any moderately interesting location (space center, historical park, Buddhist monastery) and filming whatever.  Next big step is going to be filming people.  Gotta work through that anxiety sooner or later!

Love life?

Definitely feeling more strongly about that 'possibility' mentioned in last year's post.  See next question.

How did the current thing pan out?

Well, I made a move, so she knows I'm interested to at least some degree, and doesn't seem to find that too objectionable.  She is going through a lot of tough stuff, though, so it's something to revisit down the road a bit.   There's no guarantees in life, but I think we've got a shot, here, 2018 Spoony.


Chill as ever.


I didn't get around to having an adventure this year.  Tossing around a few ideas for 2020.  Road trip to New England and a bit more of Canada, maybe?

Still getting back into shape?

As of last weigh-in, I was down to 177 (from 204).  So if I work at it, I could be down to the low 160s by late summer.

Do you live in a van down by the river?

What's that, 2018 Spoony?  You want to be a writer?  I can't see too good; is that Bill Shakespeare over there?  Well lah-dee-frickin' dah!

Ok 2020 Spoony, you fucking boomer:
Did you and sis get Mom's house sold off?
How did things go with the lady in question?
You gonna be ok?

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 12.27.2020 10:24am
 (Edited on 12.27.2020 at 1:57pm)

Time Travelling White Mage

Hard to believe it's this time already....

Late 2019 Enki, I'm hereby relieving myself of responding to the questions you left, as the past twelve months have been.... well.... interesting, to say the least. Apocalyptic would be closer to the mark. An absolute shitshow even more. But.... I can still play along... (if only to retain some sembelance of normalcy)

Enki of 2020

How is the family? It's now been ten years since Dad's passing. Did Mum do anything to mark it?

As good as can be. Gran had a nasty turn in January that weakened her heart, and she's gotten increasingly frail (she was given six months to live and has long passed that). Lets just say it will be a miracle if she survives the next month or two, let alone to this time next year. Liam and Sarah mk II however are having a baby though, so that's a bright spark of light in an otherwise dreadful year.

And no, we didn't really do anything to mark Dad's anniversary, other than a family get together at Jayce's place that was rather low-key.

Transitioning update? Did you manage to go back to Serenity on South and get that referal?

Yup, turns out the debt you owed was now so old they had long since written it off (with part of it discovered to have been issued in error anyway), so you had your appointment and Debra was overjoyed at how far you've come (she also commented favourably on your dress too which made you feel great) :D. She gave you a referal of sorts, but because she's not a doctor of psychology, she couldn't directly refer you, instead she gave you the details of the endicrinologist she reccomends and told you to go back to Dr Buxton and get him to refer you, as it needs to be made by a medical doctor not a psychologist. But the important thing is it's finally moving forward after so long! (And after this rotten year where everyone went backwards you need something to power you forward). You also have another appointment with Debra in late January so tell me how it goes! :D

Did you renew the lease at Stott Close for a fourth year? Or are you back in Brookdale? Or, a third option, did you move into a place of your own?

Nope. Finally moved out of that shithole. Early in the year Ash's grandmother died suddennly overseas and the two bedroom flat she was living in ended up being willed to both Ash's mother, and her grandfather Leighton, and they offered you and Mum a very attractive 'lease', which you both gratefully accepted! It's in Fifth Road just off Forest Road behind the shops (you know, the block of shops where you went to your first TAFE course back in '98, and that Jobclub thing before that). It's perfectly situated being a short walk to the train station and city centre and your room even has it's own splitcycle airconditioner (that you are gratefully using right now as you type this!). You're happy here, but it's possible when Tamyna moves out of Brookdale finally, you might end up moving back there to live with Tim, but that won't be for a long time yet. The important thing is, you're happy here.

How did TAFE go? Did you pass it/complete it successfully? What did you do after? Go back to TAFE for Cert IV or did you find work?

Started out okay, although one of your lecturers was... difficult. But what stopped you passing it was... a little thing called 'COVID-19' (when the pandemic hit and everything went into lockdown, your course went online only for a few months, which... you had massive technical troubles trying to access the online Blackboard for classes, to say nothing of your potato PC naturally not being able to run Office 365. Classes later went back in term 2 once WA eliminated the virus after a month and lockdown ended, but you'd fallen so far behind you decided to just accept defeat and see how things went by the end of year. Which has resulted in you enrolling in the much easier Cert II... alas, the only TAFE college that runs that particular course is frakking Mandurah, meaning you'll have a loooooong commute each day, although luckily it's only a two-day a week course so it's not like you'll have to get up early day after day like you were when you were working last year. So, now just waiting on class to begin in February! :D

How is your finanical situation? Did you take out that new loan? Finally pay off those bills?

Ironically, financially you actually ended up better than you were at the start of the year thanks to COVID - with lockdowns to control the virus's spread resulting in the economy being forced to go into deepfreeze for months, Scomo did the completely unthinkable, he actually increased Centrelink payments including for your Austudy and added special stimulus one-off payments as well, which allowed you to pay off those debts completely. So now your finanical position is much better than you thought it would be. The current loan you took out at the beginning of the year will soon be paid off anyway, but at this time it doesn't seem you will need to take out a new one (fingers crossed).

How is FFVII Remake Ep I? Did they release 'classic' outfit skins for Aeris and Tifa as DLC as their new outfit designs look... stupid. Also, how is FFXIV SHB going? Any more info about Amaurot and... the mysterious 14th Convocation member who may or may not be Enki 12000 years in the past? ;)

FFVII Remake: Ep 1 is...... omg, I can't even fangasm. Sitting playing it, even with the current gen graphics and action-based battle system, you suddenly found yourself back in 1997 when you first played the original. And, although it's not actually a direct retelling, there is a perfectly good reason for that! The ending is, well, controversial, but once it was actually explained to you you went, "Oh shit, I didn't think Nomura had it in him!" And lets just say, the implications of that ending.... like 2020 in general, mean nothing is for certain anymore. You know what I'm talking about. ;) No 'classic' outfit DLC yet sadly though - you did get the 'Deluxe' collector's edition later belatedly though which gave you a Cactuar summon, and you also got the Chocobo Chick summon DLC too, plus a ton of free accessories and gear. Hopefully SE will add those classic outfits back as DLC though! :D

As for FFXIV Shadowbringers, Amaurot has had some new info released, but that theory about the '14th Convocation' member -
Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
no the 14th is not Hydaelyn's summoner, that was a woman named 'Venat' - yes, that Venat from FFXII. The 14th member however, is the WoL, a person given the title of 'Azem' in the Convocation - yes, 'Azem' as in Azeyma, so basically Enki has been praying to herself all along! :P More revelations are coming but due to the pandemic the next expansion's reveal has been pushed back to Feburary so keep me posted!

Local political situation? Scomo still PM?

Unfortunately, Scomo is still PM, although you have to hand it to 'Scotty From Marketing' that he has handled the pandemic crisis rather well. The real surprise though is local politics. Mark Mcgowan, a guy whom you already admired and respected, completely went above and beyond any of the other premiers and has made decisions that saved WA - in the darkest days of the pandemic, he locked down the state border hard and put the state into a temporary lockdown that was nowhere near as harsh as the rest of the country.

But it paid off, the chain of infection was broken and the virus soon died out with virtually no one allowed in both internationally and domestically, restrictions were soon mostly eased or removed (other than some minor social distancing remaining that is not directly enforced). To the point the state has gone over 9 months without a new case of community infection, a remarkable achievment, something other countries are asking for information about how it was accomplished. So now 'Mark' as he likes everyone to call him, is now 'Mr 91%' - his popularity is sky high and things aren't looking too good for the Libs at the election in March.

World situation? Did Brexit unravel the UK and Europe? The Orange Menace still wrecking the US or did he successfully get impeached? (I know the chances of that happening are almost nil but still).

Brexit has been a monumental frakup that has only just been sorted out (sort of) right at the eleventh hour. Impeachment naturally went nowhere, but.... unthinkably he was defeated in the election to Joe Biden, despite Trump and his yesmen refusing to accept defeat even when the vote was certified. So now he's basically flailing around like a spoiled brat in a sandpit, sadly burning down the house around him as he leaves. But that wasn't the main thing. No, the thing that defined 2020 forever more, was a little thing, as I mentioned, called 'COVID-19', also called SARS CoV-2.

Remember that footnote article Mum mentioned in early December about a mysterious illness appearing in a Chinese city that was causing pneumonia and other things? Lets just say, it explodes early in the year and soon spreads like wildfire to every country and continent on Earth. All those scifi films and stories about highly infectious viruses that are also asymptomatic while infectious came true with this nasty little viral particle, although the fatality rate was double that of the flu, the skyrocketing infection rate blew out fatalities beyond all records. And before you knew it, you were being assailed by buzzwords and phrases that quickly entered everyday use. 'Lockdown', 'spike-protein', 'deep-cleaning', 'coronavirus', 'social-distancing', 'new-normal', 'self-isolation', 'hotel-quarantine', 'hard-border', "we're all in this together"...

Australia was not even spared - forcing the country into lockdown at the end of March throughout April. WA improved quickly but other states were not so lucky. Victoria had a second wave hit that resulted in the whole state and especially Melbourne going into a strict second lockdown in August for four months, and they've only just came out of it (but still have many limitations and restrictions on everyday life, like mask wearing).

Then in November, Adelaide had a brief outbreak that they only just managed to keep the lid on, and Sydney has just now had an outbreak spread over Christmas and are in partial lockdown as well. So things are pretty dire, but we're better off still anyway compared to places like the US and the UK which it's completely out of control. Don't feel despair though, vaccines have been quickly developed and are starting to be rolled out around the world, with Australia planned getting them in March. So there is light at the end of that dark tunnel (and, as virologists have been quick to point out, pandemics do end. It will just take time. And given how well Western Australia has weathered this storm, things will get better.

Oh, and Beirut exploded (ammonium nitrate stored improperly in a port).

Anything else I need to be aware of?

Things may be dire, but keep holding on! Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn, but the dawn is on it's way!

Enki of 2021

How is the pandemic going? Vaccines successfully rolled out? How is the intection rate worldwide? You did get vaccinated yourself right?
How are things socially? WA still under 'phase 5' restrictions? Did the High Court finally throw out Palmer's stupid legal challenges?
Transitioning update?
How is the family? Tamyna still at Brookdale? Did Tim do anything more on old 486 (the bus)?
How is FFXIV going? Was the next expansion revealed and released? Did we finally end up going to Garlemald?
Any more info about FFXVI? Any info announced about FFVII Remake: Ep II?
Did Mark get a second term? Is Scomo still in power in Canberra?
How did Biden's innarguaration go? Trump still cultivating his zealots despite not being in power anymore and claiming "it was rigged?"
Anything more worth mentioning?

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 01.01.2021 1:25am


Heh, I was wondering if we were all gonna take a do-over for this year.  But I think this thread has helped me a lot though, so I'll throw in.
Props to Enkidoh for kicking things off.

Ok 2020 Spoony, you fucking boomer:

Get off my lawn, 2019 Spoony, you smarmy little millennial twatwaffle!  And take that pre-pandemic innocence with you!


Eh, I got most of the way to the end of my current script, before realizing that I moved to the scripting phase WAY too soon, and the whole thing was undercooked.  So back to brainstorming it was.  Seems to be taking shape in a better way.  Gotta get on this.  It's now been six whole years since I finished a new feature script.  Need to show I've still got it!


Not too much, given Covid and whatnot.  Niece 2 asked you to help her film some scenes for her acting demo reel, though.  So you got to work with an actor, do synchronized sound, etc etc.  Tons of fun and learned a lot.  Need to try to find some simple ideas to shoot later in 2021 when things start to return to normal.

Did you and sis get Mom's house sold off?

Yes, thank freaking Yevon.  While it's a bummer to not be able to ever go there again, it's a load off the mind, and the money is an extremely welcome cushion in a year where you end up furloughed from work for months at a time.

How did things go with the lady in question?

Things are still going well.  The situation hasn't changed much.  She's still going through too much stuff to really date anybody, and the Covid sitch ain't helping.  So it seems the ball has simply been kicked further down the field.  And while you had a few nice dates with somebody else before lockdowns squashed things, you know where your heart is.  I think there's still a shot, but we'll see.  I suspect she's worth the wait.

You gonna be ok?

Either way, yes.  Not my first time to the rodeo.  Not that I've ever actually been to a rodeo.


Totally stalled out in the 170s.  With little to no structure in your routine, it's hard to stay motivated to do things properly.


I mean, you still have a job, even if you've spent very little time there.  Take that as the blessing it is.  



ATTN: 2021 Spoony
RE: Life Post-Apocalypse

Is the world shifting back to a degree of normalcy?
Romantic developments?

I'm noticing that I shift between first and second person pretty liberally in these entries.  Guess it's a weird side effect of talking to one's past and future selves.

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 12.17.2021 7:30pm
 (Edited on 12.22.2021 at 4:01pm)


That time of year again, I suppose. Man, I wish my past self could actually read this and act on it.

Is the world shifting back to a degree of normalcy?
Fuuuck no. New variants, people refusing to get vaccinated out of sheer stupidity, more and more streaming services pulling shows away from Netflix... The future is madness.

You've just started going over some of your older scripts to fix them up a bit, in hopes that'll get the creative juices flowing again. It's now seven years since you finished a new feature script, and you need to get something properly going.

You hadn't really done much, but you've started messing around with your camera again in recent weeks. Who knows if you'll be able to do anything substantial anytime soon, with the pandemic still going and whatnot.

Romantic developments?
Ugh. Okay, first of all, let's address this:
And while you had a few nice dates with somebody else before lockdowns squashed things, you know where your heart is.

Yeah, you didn't know shit. The woman you've been talking about the last few posts? You're very good friends, and that's as far as the connection goes. Meanwhile, the "few nice dates" woman? You end up back in touch with her less than twenty-four hours after making that post, leading to a whirlwind romance. You have some of the best months ever, until she abruptly dumps you in August. It is not okay.

Eh. you only just started hitting the gym again after four months away, because, well, who are you even trying to look good for? We'll see if you stick with it.

The job thing isn't entirely disconnected from the breakup thing, so yeah. What you used to see as a chill, low-stress way to make money, you now see for the dead end it is. You're 37, still doing the job you took at 21 to pay for college, and it finally caught up with you. You can't keep doing this forever. You need and want out. You got a resume together, and started applying to other, more adult jobs, but your degree and job history probably aren't the most appealing to a recruiter. We'll see, I guess.

Lots of adventures around Orlando during the good times over the summer, and a trip to Boston with the fam over Thanksgiving. That meets the quota, I think.

Hey, 2022 Spoony... how's it goin', buddy? You still with us over there?
Are you still... not ok?
Did you escape your quicksand pit of a job?
Back pain any better?
Er... adventure? Maybe? Fuck.

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 12.24.2021 4:01am

Yes, what of it?

Plumbum said:

2018 Questions

1)Are you still working on the last supper?

2)Have you bought a PS3 yet?

3)How is employment?

4)What is the most interesting thing you have done this year, or if we haven't done anything interesting, what was the best game you played?

2021 Answers

1) Yes. The world went to crap with a virus that spread all over the world. We lost time in 2020, but are getting back to it in 2021. The goal is to be done by Easter.

2) Yes, and it is awesome. Surprisingly, I got a PSP and 3DS too. There is a backlog now.

3)It sucks. The two cashiers that became a rock for me are likely leaving, and the replacements stress you out. Your pet peeves of having to work dairy has reared its ugly head again, and it is wearing on you.

There is an air of "I don't give a crap," in the store, and it is trickling down from the top.

4)I was given a truck, and I'm very happy about it. Also, There is a game called Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, and it is one of your favorite games of all time. You get to make yourself look like you did when you felt you looked your best. You get to create a sidekick, and adventure. The storyline is terrible, but just adventuring around with your group is so much fun. Oddly enough though, you are tiring of playing games these days...

Questions for future Plumbum:

1)There is a scheduled move to another house set up in spring. Did it implode your life for the worst as you expected?

2)Were you able to get a new job? How is it?

3) How's Buppy? Is our fur Son still kicking?

4)Are you driving? Did you get to go to the Forge and learn some metalworking?

5) Did you finish the Last Supper?

6) Does life still feel like a hopeless mess?

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