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 08.10.2012 8:43am

I think I do...

I'm not quite done with college yet, but I'll finish March next year with a BS in Computer Science.

I'm really not likely to stay for a grad degree. Mostly because I'm now halfway through an internship at Microsoft and things are looking like a full-time offer.

Hopefully I'll be able to get some kind of game design something-or-other going on the side sooner rather than later, but the people I know really aren't willing to dedicate much to the cause...

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 08.10.2012 10:36am

Fuck Shit Stack.

I'm a freelance animator.

I've animated at studios such as Rhythm & Hues on the Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise, and the movie Hop.

I have also worked for Sony computer entertainment Animating Uncharted 3 and Infamous 2.

My last gig was at Blue Sky studios working on the 4th ice age movie.

Now I'm looking for my next big project to work on. Things are pretty slow at the moment.

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 08.10.2012 10:44am

Indiana Jerico
Sinfully Delicious v2

Currently working as a tech support for website builders. The nice thing is I'm doing all this from home since all I really need to do is provide tech support via mail or the Internet. None of that voice stuff. Been doing this since December of 2010 and I am raking in decent cash when compared with the standard of living where I am.

I am hopefully going to digitally self-publish a novel though. Hopefully, I make big bucks off that!


"Plans? What plans? I'm making this up as I go!"

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 08.10.2012 11:06am

Big Tall
Taller Than Tall

Some very accomplished people here indeed.

I'm a news reporter/anchor at a pair of radio stations. I love the job and it's as close to where I grew up as I can get, which makes it even better. Some things are coming down the pipe that could be troublesome, but overall it's a fantastic place to work. I've moved around the country a bit to a few radio stations, which is the nature of the business.

I'm also part-time at EB Games/Gamestop in town because radio pay sucks.

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 08.10.2012 1:02pm


Sandwich artist. Loathe the job, loathe the hours (I work overnights and it's killing me) but I'm young(er than almost everyone else on the forums :P) so it's no big deal.

Moonlighting as a comedian. Would love that shit to pick up.

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 08.10.2012 2:24pm

Southern Comfort
silently judging all of you

I was a journalist, page designer, and office manager for the Morton Tribune, located in Morton, TX (yeah, I don't give a shit if you people know who I am), until the job folded under me due to an incompetent owner.  Nowadays, I cashier overnight in one of the local convenience stores, and keep putting out those feelers in the hopes of landing another sweet newspaper gig and GTFO of here.  I also moonlight as the page designer and guy-who-keeps-the-publisher-sane of the Eagle Press in Fritch, TX, and I can only wish that that particular newspaper made enough in advertising to hire me full-time.

No schooling beyond high school and one wasted semester at the University of Oklahoma.  Entirely self-taught in the journalism and graphics design categories.  Would that I had a time machine to go back and fix that...

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 08.10.2012 2:35pm

Crono can cross dimensions too!

I'm a Math Professor at a local community college.  I've been working at the same college (albeit 3 different campuses with 4 different jobs) for ten years now (tutor->TA->adjunct->full time) and am going into my 5th year of FT.  I work 20-25 hours a week, I get about 10 weeks off a year (even working summer) and I get paid like I work 40 hours and 52 weeks.  Generally, I love my job but I've been teaching way too much developmental math lately and its getting boring; unfortunately, the advanced classes at my new campus have awkward hours.  I absolutely hate a major change that happened this year that any non STEM student requires significantly less math but hey, whatever. 

Currently Playing: Dark Cloud 2: 3 hours.
Also Playing: CT, FF VI, Solatorobo, Secret of Mana, Halo 4.
Just Finished: Fable II: 7 hours.

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 08.10.2012 5:36pm

Capital M before egz

I currently work as a tutor for a second chance education provider working with high school leavers (read: drop outs) and the unemployed trying to get them work or further study ready. It's rewarding but grueling as hell. 

I've a BA Psychology and am beginning the prerequisites for an MA Educational Psychology. Also do some private tutoring in the evenings and coach a secondary school hockey team.

Sugar. Short AND sweet.

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 08.10.2012 7:17pm
 (Edited on 08.11.2012 at 3:47am)

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

I work as tech support for a cell phone company and hate every fucking bit of it except the pay which I need at this point in my life. Once im out of debt Im getting the fuck out of there even if I have to work cashier at walmart.

I have 2 Associate degrees in business management. I wanted to go to go to a real college, but couldnt afford it even with loans.

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

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 08.10.2012 7:23pm

I'm Catbug!

I have a BA in French, and I work in a call centre for an accounting software. I hate it. But the benefits are so good, it's hard to leave it.

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 08.10.2012 10:33pm
 (Edited on 08.10.2012 at 10:41pm)

Registered Member

Software Developer, BSc in Computer Science in 2005 and a MSc in Software Development in 2011. I used to work too hard, but life's too short for 100 hour weeks...only 80 ones ;)

I'm the opposite of Amer though; the second I get moved into management is the second my career dies - I *love* coding. My next step career wise is setting myself up as a contractor, because I'm three years into a five year pay freeze and I'm not hanging around for the rest of it.

Personal career highlight: developing a payment processing system that handles â?¬100 million a year from scratch that's good enough to be listed on and as a secure payment system.

How do you guys feel about formal education? I know a lot of people that dropped out of college saying it was worthless, but these people don't seem to be doing much these days.

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 08.10.2012 11:28pm

The Joker
Infernal Spawn of Evil

I'm a software developer at a company that creates simulators for endovascular surgery. Very happy with it.
I'm the opposite of Amer though; the second I get moved into management is the second my career dies - I *love* coding.
This is me as well. I'll never go in that direction and become a "Powerpoint engineer" as I call it. Haha.

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 08.10.2012 11:44pm

Yikes and away!

Zubis said:
How do you guys feel about formal education? I know a lot of people that dropped out of college saying it was worthless, but these people don't seem to be doing much these days.

I can only speak for me personally, but it was worth it in my case. 3D has a bit of a learning curve, so to get to a pretty intermediate level user while still in school helped me out loads afterwards. had I not gone through the training, I wouldn't be where I am now. Not to mention many of my classmates are doing some fantastic things, and it's great having them as a resource.

I really refined my craft once I got into the real world, but getting the foundations at school truly helped me out. But again, I do more of a specialized thing, and I'm sure not the case with everyone.

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 08.11.2012 12:40am

Indiana Jerico
Sinfully Delicious v2

Zubis said:
I'm the opposite of Amer though; the second I get moved into management is the second my career dies - I *love* coding.

I got a degree in Computer Engineering and I can't code for shit hahaha. I love managing a team of people though. My last job before I went freelance was managing a team of 12 people for a Korean online game support and while it has its downsides (re: being called at ungodly hours in the evening when there's trouble in the game or servers), I get a rush when a problem gets solved by the team.


"Plans? What plans? I'm making this up as I go!"

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 08.11.2012 1:33am

pew pew pew

I can definitely understand being a code junkie. There is nothing like solving a tough problem or completing a project you know is going to be used by (hundreds of) thousands. It's just when I get home, I'm done. I'm not coming home from work and working on my own projects like a lot of coders. I just don't find it enjoyable. 

While a formal college education gave me a good foundation and opened doors to a career, I wouldn't say it was terribly awesome. Learning to code in C++ using things like VIM and stuff just seems ancient and stupid now. Thank god for my  2nd semester of Freshman year where we learned to use Visual Studio, but still - almost everything was local apps. There was nothing taught on web apps and how to build them. After freshman year I took one useful SQL class and everything else was theoretical algorithm bullshit and maths I never use. Then senior year we had a project class one semester with actual "customers" and had to build web based apps we were never taught how to do. Too much theory, not enough practice. And all of this was at an "Engineering/Technology" university. 

Most of learning programming is all self taught and trial and error and the problem is alot of the resources that you're supposed to use to teach yourself this stuff is either simple "hello world!" stuff or more complicated examples that are clear as mud. I think this is where my technological aversion comes from, but I'm trying to get better. My company uses VB.NET and Silverlight in the main application and I also work alot with ASP.NET web forms and javascript, but more "current" methods like jQuery are used very sparingly in certain situations by people who learned it on their own instead of spreading it out to the entire department. I've tried to learn a bit more about jQuery but honestly I don't' know enough/use CSS enough to take advantage. Things like ASP.NET MVC seem to be all the rage as well and the more I learn about it the more I wish we were using it right now in our company but we aren't. I hate going to .NET conferences and seeing tons of sessions on MVC or how great C# is and just getting depressed. I feel like I should be learning all this on my own but after a long day at work I get home and could just care less. I guess that's really where the managerial route preference comes from. 

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