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Stop Online Piracy Act.

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 11.21.2011 3:23am

Terran Angel

I used to be optimistic about these things not passing, but I've become much more cynical nowadays.  The bill has bipartisan support, and there is some major Big Business money pushing for it.  There's some money against it, but not nearly as much.  I guess we'll see what happens.

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 11.21.2011 4:58am

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

has anyone who's involved in the writing of this bill ever used the internet? They must not, because they have no idea what a legal nightmare this would be. So much of what goes on over the internet is going to be declared illegal if the bill passes that it might as well just shut down the 'net and be done with it.

I really do hope that the president, being relatively young, and more intelligent than at least eighty percent of the people in Washington, vetoes the fuck out of this bill for recognizing that it's not only an out and out assault on freedom of speech, but also because he knows that the ramifications will fuck everyone's shit up.

But even if it's passed? Good luck, boys. You've just made every single person who uses the internet a criminal in one way or another. Not only would this law be extremely hard to enforce, but it would be absolutely impossible to jail or charge everyone who breaks it. The genie's out of the bottle, folks. The sooner you realize that you can't re-bottle these things, the better off we'll all be.

"Of Christ's twelve Apostles Judas alone proved to be traitor. But if he had acquired power, he would have represented the other eleven Apostles as traitors, and also all the lesser Apostles whom Luke numbers as seventy." - Leon Trotsky

I have a blog. This is its URL. You should read it. It's about education and skepticism and books and it has a lot of pictures of Batman and Robin in it:

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 11.21.2011 5:16am


Lexx said:

I used to be optimistic about these things not passing, but I've become much more cynical nowadays.  The bill has bipartisan support, and there is some major Big Business money pushing for it.  There's some money against it, but not nearly as much.  I guess we'll see what happens.

Such bills in the past have also had big business and bipartisan support. And they've mostly failed. The last one I can remember that actually accomplished anything was the DMCA back in Ye Olde Clinton Years.

Another thing to remember is that bipartisan support doesn't really mean much as there's also bipartisan opposition.

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 11.21.2011 5:43am

World Warrior 21007

Looks like Congress, whom 91% of America hates, is preventing those opposed to the bill to testify at the hearings. Fucking bastards.

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 11.21.2011 3:47pm

another blue ribbon

judge_raz said:

The genie's out of the bottle, folks. The sooner you realize that you can't re-bottle these things, the better off we'll all be.
This is exactly it. The way things have progressed on the internet might not be the best for the entertainment business, but it's so ingrained into it at this point that the only way to stop it entirely would be to kill the internet whole. It just feels like copyright enforcers are kinda hoping that the internet, and the principles that underpin it, are a fad that's going to go away after a little while and we can all go back to how things used to be. It's not going to happen.

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 11.21.2011 7:37pm

So Sigh Ety

The government censoring the internet is about likely to happen as the government  blanket censoring movies and books. such a blaring violation of free speech that it's extremely unlikely to happen. Even if it passed I can see the supreme court easily striking it down.

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 11.24.2011 2:02am

Shortening His Posts

I would just like to say screw all of you.  You don't get how it works.  You stop internet piracy by making it against the rules.

And if every single person is guilty according to this law then great.  That means we will catch 100% of the pirates.  How else will jobs be created if the movie and music industries can't stop this stuff?  And seriously: I think we can all agree that the internet has contributed less to the economy and the human race in the last 15 years than the movie industry has.

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 11.24.2011 4:56am
Thread Creator

Fuck Shit Stack.

^Except this doesn't stop online piracy. While it will block website addresses to websites that contain piracy you will still be able to access them through their IP addresses. You think online pirates don't do or understand that already? Not only that it will make things worse on the internet for piracy and hackers because company websites will have access to everyone's ip address. All some hacker has to do is hack into some business and they are free to go.
What this bill will do is give more power to corporations to control the internet and make it illegal for someone to post a video of their child on youtube just because a certain song is playing in the background. With a banning of thier account and possible jail time if the corporations feel it is neccesary.
So yes 100 % of the pirates. That will be you and me and everyone else here because we are on a fan website for a franchise owned by a corporation using it's name, they'll have full power to shut this website down and every other forum out there. You probably like your nifty little avatar. Yeah that will be gone too since the image doesn't belong to you.

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 11.24.2011 4:57am

Crono can cross dimensions too!

The Smurfs movie made 500 million bucks this year.  In a world where the economy is drowning, and this type of shit happens... I just can't help but think the movie industry needs to go to shit anyways.  In an ironic twist to my point, I've never pirated a movie; strictly games and software.

Currently Playing: Dark Cloud 2: 3 hours.
Also Playing: CT, FF VI, Solatorobo, Secret of Mana, Halo 4.
Just Finished: Fable II: 7 hours.

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 11.24.2011 2:51pm


I only ever pirate TV and music, and I end up buying the stuff I like anyway. I would never have bothered with half of the pop I own if it weren't for piracy, never would have bought the TV shows I did, all that stuff. I was rather skeptical at first, and whilst it's true I have a finite amount of money, I am still becoming a patron through piracy. So, hey, I don't happen to think piracy is an entirely bad thing.

And if someone is profiting through piracy, it means that piracy is filling a marketing gap, a gap that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

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 11.24.2011 3:19pm

another blue ribbon

Crono said:

The Smurfs movie made 500 million bucks this year.  In a world where the economy is drowning, and this type of shit happens... I just can't help but think the movie industry needs to go to shit anyways.  In an ironic twist to my point, I've never pirated a movie; strictly games and software.
Piracy doesn't harm stuff like the Smurfs movie. Piracy harms all the movies they didn't make because it'd be more profitable for them to make a Smurfs movie (non-offensive, nostalgia, remake, kid's movie). Piracy is the reason for the Smurfs movie, and for Transformers, and for Jack and fucking Jill. If piracy didn't happen then studios would have more money to take risks on better (but less popular) films, and then maybe people besides Sundance and Cannes audiences would be able to see an indie film.

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 11.24.2011 5:34pm


Id82 said:

^Except this doesn't stop online piracy. While it will block website addresses to websites that contain piracy you will still be able to access them through their IP addresses. You think online pirates don't do or understand that already? Not only that it will make things worse on the internet for piracy and hackers because company websites will have access to everyone's ip address. All some hacker has to do is hack into some business and they are free to go.
What this bill will do is give more power to corporations to control the internet and make it illegal for someone to post a video of their child on youtube just because a certain song is playing in the background. With a banning of thier account and possible jail time if the corporations feel it is neccesary.
So yes 100 % of the pirates. That will be you and me and everyone else here because we are on a fan website for a franchise owned by a corporation using it's name, they'll have full power to shut this website down and every other forum out there. You probably like your nifty little avatar. Yeah that will be gone too since the image doesn't belong to you.

I'm pretty sure SuperSquall is being ultra-sarcastic with that post. At least I hope he is.

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 11.24.2011 6:49pm
Thread Creator

Fuck Shit Stack.

I hope so too.

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 11.25.2011 5:05am


Apparently, quite a lot of prominent opposition. I'd say the bill is unlikely to leave committee.

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 11.25.2011 6:38am


Another relevant link:

A number of prominent congressmen and senators on both sides of the aisle are opposed to SOPA and its slightly less extreme Senate counterpart, PROTECT IP.

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