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Game pet peeves.

 11.22.2011 1:24pm

Genitals are Funny

probably not the biggest pet peeve, but the first one that came to mind wince i was just playing Skyrim.

Games that let you spend ages customising and tweeking you characters head and face to make it look exactly how you want it, then make you spend the entire game wearing a helmet over that head you spent so long making beautiful.

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 11.22.2011 3:50pm

Registered Member

Fincher said:

- Limited inventory.  Okay, I get it in a survival game like Resident Evil, but in RPG's like Oblivion, Dragon Age: Origins, Baldur's Gate II...not cool.  KotOR had the right idea.

YES!  I hate limited inventory space.  I'm fighting dragons, I'm not TOO worried about realism right now.  Let me carry as much as I want!!

My big thing is the DLC codes included with new games now to let you experience part of the game.  Like the Catwoman stuff in Batman - I'm sorry, that's not "extra," it's meant to be part of the game.  I can SORT of understand companies wanting to cut down on used game sales, but if I want to give or lend a copy of a game I bought to someone, they should be able to get the full game.

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 11.22.2011 4:41pm


Limited inventory is a holdover from a point in time where resource management was a critical part of RPG difficulty.

That said, RPG's are easier than ever (IMO, for the better), so it really makes no sense to have it unless it actually contributes to the challenge. Because nowadays it's just a nuisance.

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 11.22.2011 5:05pm

Registered Member

Atma Weapon said:

Yeah, small number of save spots for no reason. I'm playing Zelda now, and for some reason it still limits you to 3 files. Why? Because it's been that way for 25 by god years!!!

In a game being touted for it's innovation, Nintendo was inspired to auto-fill "Link" on the new quest screen, instead of making you type it in.

That's another one for me.  Not specific to Zelda but just a lack of innovation and keeping up with the times in general.  Things mentioned in this thread are good examples - limited inventory space, limited save slots in an era with hard drives, save points, random battles.  Zelda is pretty bad about lack of innovation.  Nintendo's been making the same game since Ocarina of Time, which itself was just Link to the Past in 3D.

Most of these things are just relics of an era before technology could handle anything better, yet a lot of games seem to keep them around because...  why?  Because it was always like that?  I find that Japanese games tend to be much more guilty of this kind of thing than western games, but they aren't blameless either.

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 11.22.2011 5:29pm

Cornbread, interrupted.

Fincher said:

- Limited inventory.

THIS! I don't care if you limit how much I can carry, what I DO care about is arbitrary stack numbers. Deus Ex: HR is a recent example of this villainy. 1 slot per grenade/mine/whatever? No, let me stack them to the fucking moon, God dammit! Let me get up to 999 ammo before you start adding additional stacks. Jesus Christ, I support immersion or reality or whatever, but on some level I'm playing a game, so there has to be some suspension of reality somewhere.

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 11.22.2011 5:32pm
Thread Creator

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Stealth missions in non-stealth games. 

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 11.22.2011 7:07pm
 (Edited on 11.22.2011 at 7:13pm)

So Sigh Ety

The thing with "realism" is that if games were truly realistic they would be no fun at all.  Some games definitely need to learn how to apply that suspension of realism when it makes things more fun, like carrying 999 items. In real life you could probably only carry 2 items, yet they let you carry 20. It's already unrealistic, so why not go to 999?!  I feel you one.gun!

I agree with what Onyx said about challenge. Most of the games that use limited inventory for the "challenge" are super easy anyway, so it doesn't do anything but piss you off.  Just because I can only carry 20 ressurection elixirs doesn't mean that the second I ran out, I teleport to a town and buy 20 more, then teleport back to where I was. There is no difficulty in this, just nuisance. If they want to limit it because they don't want me to be able to ressurection 20 times in battle, well then just limit how many times you can use an item in battle, wham, gain the challenge without the nuisance.

Sturm said:

Stealth missions in non-stealth games. 

OMG THIS!!!!! I always just power my way through. See FF7 Crisis Core. I like the concept of stealth missions, but they are always executed terribly, where you can't tell an enemies line of sight, ala Crisis Core.

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 11.22.2011 7:19pm

Registered Member

I agree with what Onyx said about challenge. Most of the games that use limited inventory for the "challenge" are super easy anyway, so it doesn't do anything but piss you off.  Just because I can only carry 20 ressurection elixirs doesn't mean that the second I ran out, I teleport to a town and buy 20 more, then teleport back to where I was. There is no difficulty in this, just nuisance. If they want to limit it because they don't want me to be able to ressurection 20 times in battle, well then just limit how many times you can use an item in battle, wham, gain the challenge without the nuisance.

But if they take out the nuisances, then how will they artificially pad the length of the game?

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 11.22.2011 10:33pm

Just Giv'r

Don't get me wrong, I want to carry as much as I want too but I'm glad of the weight limit in the Elder Scrolls games, keeps the menus from being a clusterfuck. Makes me not take everything I see. I couldn't imagine neing able to haul around a town's worth of crap in my inventory. They've made it much more manageable  nowadays but my 900 limit dude in Oblivion was a goddamn nightmare to find weapons, potions and to get to my friggin repair hammers. Most games infinity items would be nice though.

Anywho, lots has been covered but:

Yes dark areas, especially in FPS cuz you know every asshat has his brightness maxed and knows every "strangely pitch black" corner that every map seems to be riddled with nowadays.

Infinite enemy respawns in games. Lately the COD games have been kings of this, particularly annoying when you're on verteran and you notice how poorly set up the levels are to advance in cover. MW3 had none of this idiocy so hopefully they'll kick the cat on this one.

Shitty respawns. Seriously, no FPS in the last ten years has figured this out. I know it's not easy but spawning in a player's line of sight facing away from them is not fun or fair for that matter.

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 11.22.2011 11:23pm
 (Edited on 11.23.2011 at 1:34am)

Deep Water Horizon

Onyx said:

Limited inventory is a holdover from a point in time where resource management was a critical part of RPG difficulty.

That said, RPG's are easier than ever (IMO, for the better), so it really makes no sense to have it unless it actually contributes to the challenge. Because nowadays it's just a nuisance.

Since so many WRPG's take their inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons, I propose they implement the bag of holding. You can put as much stuff as you want in the bag of holding, but you can't take anything out in the middle of battle. Or, if they prefer, you can't take anything out while in a dungeon/combat zone. Just don't make me backtrack every time my inventory gets filled up. The thing is, most of the worst offenders exist in a world of magic. It's not hard to explain why you can carry a lot of stuff.

Currently playing: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Picross DS
Last played: Time Hollow (good)
Last watched: Agent Carter (very good)
Me on Favslist

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 11.23.2011 1:09am

Registered Member

KOF13 just reminded me of a HUGE one.

Unlockable characters in fighting games.  Make all the characters available right out of the box.  Some of us would like to use them without going through a bunch of bullshit.  Thanks.

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 11.23.2011 3:54am

Registered Member

I often wish open-world RPGs had less carry weight. Even when I play low-strength characters, it still feels like I can carry way too much stuff. I like the feeling of searching for low-weight, high-value items to sell instead of just picking up every piece of junk in a dungeon and unloading it in a shop.

I do hate when inventory limit is determined simply by number of items instead of weight, though. It's pretty silly when a full set of plate armor takes up as much space as a ring.

One of my biggest pet peaves in gaming these days is item DLC, whether paid or as a pre-order bonus, that just dumps the stuff right into your inventory. Putting it as a reward for a quest or for sale at merchants for a fair price is fine by me, but I hate starting a new game and having a bunch of powerful items just dumped onto my character. It feels like using a cheat code that I can't really turn off. Bioware is especially bad about it. I finally went and deleted all of the DLC for Mass Effect 2 aside from the story-based ones because I hated getting ten emails at the beginning of every playthrough telling me about all of the awesome free stuff I had waiting in my cabin.

Also worth noting is bullet-sponge enemies in RPGs. Makes playing games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 practically unplayable without mods. What the hell was Bethesda thinking with the albino radscorpion? And playing the original Mass Effect on any difficutly where enemies use immunity is just tedious as hell.
Unlockable characters in fighting games.  Make all the characters available right out of the box.  Some of us would like to use them without going through a bunch of bullshit.  Thanks.
This applies to any game meant to be played in multiplayer. As much as I love Rock Band, I can't believe it took them three iterations to make them realize that unlocking songs is stupid. There's nothing quite as annoying as bringing a game to someone else's place and then realizing it's practically useless without save data that already has everything unlocked.

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 11.23.2011 4:13am


It's been a long, long time since I played either so I could be remembering wrong, but didn't Rock Band and Rock Band 2 have "Unlock All Songs" cheats available for the getgo? Of course, it disabled achievements and saving, but I only used it for parties where no one would care about those things anyway. Especially when alcohol's involved.

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 11.23.2011 4:36am

Crono can cross dimensions too!

Yes, they did. 

On stealth missions: One of the worst offenders I've seen was in FFXII: RW.  It must have taken me 10-12 tries to finally get passed that single mission.

Currently Playing: Dark Cloud 2: 3 hours.
Also Playing: CT, FF VI, Solatorobo, Secret of Mana, Halo 4.
Just Finished: Fable II: 7 hours.

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 11.23.2011 5:43pm

I'm Catbug!

Crono said:

OH! DLC in general. If I pay full price for a game I REALLY don't want to drop anymore to get the full game's experience. 

I'm with you on that one. That's why I hate the current trend of almost EVERY game having DLC. Hell, I saw an article on IGN that said that a game for the 360 based around Sesame Street has DLC now.

At least handheld games don't have that...for now...

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