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"Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception"

 11.04.2011 2:48am

Formerly Kenshin

Took me around 9 hours to beat.

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 11.04.2011 2:50am

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

Thanks, that's good to hear. Not surprising the game is short, due to the intensity of the plot and the insane level of detail and production value.

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 11.04.2011 1:53pm

pew pew pew

Today's Penny-Arcade is pretty much exactly how I felt about that level. 

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 11.04.2011 2:51pm
 (Edited on 11.04.2011 at 3:45pm)

Old Guard

Damn, everyone keeps saying Among Thieves is the better Uncharted. :/

Is the multiplayer of Drake's Deception better, at least?

And as an aside, latency goes both ways, right? If someone were to shoot me as I ran around an outside corner and seemingly kill me through the wall, that's complaint-worthy obviously; but the reality is that the same nonsense happens to them if our situations were switched, right? (I.e. It may look to me as though I killed the other player before they rounded the corner, but to them, they successfully rounded the corner and -then- died and their kill-cam obviously does not have line-of-sight to me.)

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 11.04.2011 3:14pm
 (Edited on 11.06.2011 at 2:59am)

Registered Member

Atma Weapon said:

Thanks, that's good to hear. Not surprising the game is short, due to the intensity of the plot and the insane level of detail and production value.

As a general rule unless its an RPG, single player experiences really don't run longer than 10 hour.

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 11.04.2011 6:47pm

Exceptional narcissist

Seldomseen said:

Is the multiplayer of Drake's Deception better, at least?)

Imagine everything good about UC2's mutliplayer, add a couple of new moves and features (throwing back grenades, kickbacks, etc) and a few new maps and it's a much better experience.

Single player was absolutely fantastic. All three games have been nothing short of amazing.

Vyse512 on PSN if anyone wants to play multiplayer. No dipshits allowed.

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 11.04.2011 10:58pm
 (Edited on 11.04.2011 at 11:08pm)

Registered Member

IGN's top 5 moments in Uncharted 3(spoilers in case that wasn't clear):

Personally, I found number 5 and 1 to be pretty annoying. Number 1 was cool at first but went on for too long.

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 11.06.2011 2:13am

Not in the face!
The Alpha and the Omega

I think I'm about halfway through the game and despite the fact how fantastic it is, I'm pretty disappointed in the AI. Bad guys are dumb, pretty easy to kill, and your friends do JACK SHIT to help you out. I can't count how many times I'll have two or three suited henchmen kicking my ass while Sully, Cutter, and/or Chloe stand around and watch.

I'm surprised IGN gave this game a 10 since they aren't big fans of shitty AI.

I made this for you!

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 11.06.2011 2:49am

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

Maybe you have a buggy game. The enmies never had issues killing me... o.o

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

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 11.06.2011 3:46am


Yeah, I don't mind stupid enemy AI, as it balances out my shitty skills.

About 3/4 through the game.

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 11.06.2011 6:35pm
 (Edited on 11.07.2011 at 2:02am)

Old Guard

Dh said:
... I'm pretty disappointed in the AI. Bad guys are dumb, pretty easy to kill, and your friends do JACK SHIT to help you out. I can't count how many times I'll have two or three suited henchmen kicking my ass while Sully, Cutter, and/or Chloe stand around and watch.

Hey, Dh, what difficulty are you playing on? And if bad guys are so easy to kill, then why would you need your companions' help at all?

My problem is with the aiming of guns, but mostly only in Campaign mode. The targeting reticle stops in all the wrong places, and I find that it's easier to fine-tune my aiming if I just physically move Drake instead of micro-adjusting the reticle.

Finished the game last night. I found I liked Uncharted 2 better. I think Naughty Dog spoiled way too many of the setpieces with all the pre-release material they distributed, and as a result, I didn't feel the "wow" factor as much in this game. Also, I wish more time was spent in chapters 21 and 22; I dunno, I really felt like Shambhala from Uncharted 2 was a bigger place that I could explore and lose track of time in, unlike the veritable geographical corridor of this game's final areas.

And chapters 12 through 15 went on for far too long, especially considering what impact they had on the overarching plotline.

My favourite part of the game was the convoy. I just felt like such a badass.

Hip-firing the Pistole and Sawn-off Shotgun in multiplayer isn't as consistent as it was in Uncharted 2, which kinda irks me, but I'm sure is welcome news for would-be victims of these weapons.

Now, I'm off to Crush single-player. :)

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 11.06.2011 7:33pm

Not in the face!
The Alpha and the Omega

I'm playing on normal, but getting killed isn't the problem. I'm just saying it's stupid to be fighting three guys by yourself while getting shot by a half dozen more in the distance and your buddies either walk around in circles or smack themselves into walls and other surfaces. Your friends don't avail themselves of any weapons or ammo lying around, don't toss grenades back, and don't really make a concerted effort to engage enemies. Compared to other games I've played where a horde of enemies are continuously thrown your way, it's just really really bad. I don't recall the AI being this awful in Uncharted 2.

Other than that and the fact there seem to be a ridicously large amount of henchmen who I seriously doubt would stick their own necks out in such extremes to kill you (ie: hanging around in a burning building or sitting on tiny platforms perched super high without a shitter), I'm loving the game.

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 11.06.2011 7:39pm

Old Guard

Speaking of which, I was replaying Drake's Fortune last week, and was surprised at how helpful Elena was after fleeing from Roman's men at the U-boat. She killed, like, three guys for me. :)

Also, I fell asleep during the end credits of Drake's Deception (it was late and I was tired). Was there anything I missed at the end? Or do the credits transition straight to the title screen once they're over?

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 11.07.2011 1:30am

Registered Member

Hmm. One thing reviewers are being raged at by fanboys is for critiquing the familiarty of the game, but they may have a point.

For example I'm about five chapters in, and at one point you come across a door and a pipe next to it.

What's supposed to happy is that you're to walk over to the door and Sully will say "it's locked, we need to find another way in", at which point you shimmy up the pipe. But as soon as that pipe appeared on the screen I just ran up to it and climbed, and Sully just stood there. I can think of half a dozen moments like that since the game started and it's starting to pull me out of the story a little.

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 11.07.2011 1:30am

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

Straight to the title screen.

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