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ME3 (Where we discuss things other than the ending)

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 03.23.2012 4:19pm


resare said:

To most players, one person over three years probably qualifies as getting a lot of action.

Fixed for the truth.

And considering my own lack of action these days, a self-depreciating truth. :(

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 03.24.2012 1:16am

Indiana Jerico
Sinfully Delicious v2

The one thing that I like about the whole series is that all the choices and actions I did from ME1 up to now has created to give me the "perfect" ending, all in one playthrough. I basically had 7k+ points at the end, and that's without multiplayer. The only non-perfect thing I can think of is that

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
I failed to save Kelly Chambers

and I wasn't able to get the last information for the Eden Prime resistance. Also, the ending, because fuck it if I

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
want to destroy the geth and all synthetic allies.

I had to become the controller of all Reapers for all eternity. That is why I hope the Indoctrination Theory is not true.


"Plans? What plans? I'm making this up as I go!"

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 03.24.2012 2:00am

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

So, I'm doing the assult on Sol.

It is such an impressive scene, seeing all of those forces enter in behind the Normandy.  I was in awe for quite a while.

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 03.24.2012 2:24am

Registered Member

Does that scene change on your EMS level? I tried seeing if there was a version on YT that showed your fleets getting obliterated but couldn't find it.

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 03.24.2012 3:43am

Exceptional narcissist

I don't think that FMV specifically, but EMS plays into how Hammer and Shield do; how many enemies you'll fight in the final push, maybe how many Makos get through?

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 03.24.2012 4:28am
 (Edited on 03.24.2012 at 6:06am)

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

So I just finished the game and will be heading over to the ending thread, but as for the ending... I need to give it some more thought.

EDIT: And I know this is Wrev likely being Wrev, but it seems like Bioware made a reference to a certain song about how awesome Shepard is.

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 03.24.2012 11:03am

Big Tall
Taller Than Tall

^ Yeah, Gavin Dunne (ie - Miracle of Sound guy) said on the Twit-machine yesterday he'd been told by Bioware they were going to work it into the game.

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 03.25.2012 6:26pm
 (Edited on 03.26.2012 at 5:30am)

Old Guard

I think somebody mentioned taking Javik with you to Thessia results in more than a few eye-openers for Liara, and having followed that advice, I can say that the experience for me was pretty cool (if a little buggy); But what's there even talked about if you were to take someone like, say, James? I can't imagine there would be much in the way of revelation in that situation.

After that mission, by the way, the Reapers and especially Cerberus are really pissing me off. Man, I thought Cerberus had, like, 3 major cells (who, I might add, supposedly never talked to each other)? Now, in this game, they have enough personnel and firepower to notably hinder the Alliance's efforts at almost every step? WTH?

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 03.25.2012 10:47pm

Just Giv'r

Huh, definitely some things I missed like Kelly Chambers and Liara's dad (watched youtube, classic convo) but happy to see I didn't miss out too much. Didn't get the last Eden Prime intel either, not sure how I'm thorough to a fault usually.

Kai Leng was an oddity in the game, he just looked lame with his get-up and attitude but I guess it worked in that I wanted to put him in his place especially after his lame email chirp after Thessia. What a goof!

Anywho I dabbled in MP for a bit before and rather enjoyed it so if people are down lemme know, I'd like to try Gold now that I can do okay on most Silver setups. I wanna unlock a Turian dammit.

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 03.25.2012 10:52pm

Registered Member

Seldomseen said:

After that mission, by the way, the Reapers and especially Cerberus are really pissing me off. Man, I thought Cerberus had, like, 3 major cells (who, I might add, supposedly never talked to each other)? Now, in this game, they have enough personnel and manpower to notably hinder the Alliance's efforts at almost every step? WTH?

They do explain near the end of the game.

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.

Cerberus kidnapped thousands of cilviians and indoctrinated them. Most of who you fight in the game are essentially cannon fodder.

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 03.26.2012 4:44am

Dr. Fantabulous

Onyx said:

resare said:

To most players, one person over three years probably qualifies as getting a lot of action.

Fixed for the truth.

And considering my own lack of action these days, a self-depreciating truth. :(

Is this one person with consistent action or not?  Consistent is the key word.  

Cause if you're consistently hooking up with Liara or something, that's still a lot of action.  Just not a lot of variety.  Unless she pulls some crazy Asari stuff out (which I wouldn't put it past her).

"Well, your brain seems to work a little bit." -- Rune Walsh, Phantasy Star IV.

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 03.26.2012 4:47am


My Paragon Shep

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 03.28.2012 3:04pm

Registered Member

So...did they change the paragon/renegade trigger buttons from ME2?  I'm playing on PS3, and for the first few I kept trying to hit L2 and nothing was happening.  Finally I saw that the little icon said L1 (really hard to read) and it worked.  But I could swear it was L2 before.  Just pisses me off cause I really can't see myself going back to see what those triggers did.

Also pissed off because I just found out James isn't romancable - he was my plan.  And I already let Liara down easy since I knew my Shep was going gay this game.  Since Kaidan died on my maleShep run, Cortes is my only option, and I'm not that interested so far!  Sigh...

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 03.28.2012 3:10pm


I dunno about the PS3 version, but it's still and has always been the triggers on the 360 version.

I went in assuming they were going the DA2 route of "everyone doable's doable by everyone", and was going to have my FemShep hook up with Ash, buuuuuut instead they just tossed in a couple token homosexuals and a token bisexual and left everyone else the same.  So I turned down Traynor's hot, hot ass* in hopes of eventually getting Ash out of that armor but alas! 

This led to a hilarious scene where she came up to "play chess" and Shepard offered up her shower.  Traynor went to get clean (in her bra and panties, for whatever reason), and Shepard sat at the chess board with her hands clasped, staring at the wall... but then balked instead of joining Traynor in there. Having Youtubed the scene itself the actual shower scene is embarrassingly awkward; there's a lot of not-touching and touching and not-kissing, and for some reason Shep gets in the shower in whatever clothes she has on at the time, in this case her formal uniform.

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 03.29.2012 4:24am

Old Guard

Wait, so I can invite Traynor up and nothing has to happen?!! Frig, I left her hanging the whole game, 'cause I was afraid I'd get ninjamanced. Who knows who else I could have invited up there? Gah! I mean, my Shepard liked her, but she didn't like her.

Holy crap, Hackett's line, "Stand fast. Stand strong. Stand together. Hack it out," had me feeling so pumped. I mean, like, even more so than my own Shepard's rallying speech.

The final missile waves were absolutely nuts. I was relieved that I never had to use medi-gel packs again, 'cause that part had me down to 2 (Ironically enough, up until that point, I must have used only 2 or 3 throughout the entire game-- That's how crazy it was for me, and I was only playing on Hardcore).

Colinp42: Yeah, they moved the Interrupt buttons to L1 and R1 on the PS3. I missed the first interrupt because of that. Whatevs, I wasn't that pissed at James at the time.

Dammit, I think I will restart my Insanity run: My Shepard really needs to have a mustache this time around.

"Hack it out!"

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