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Mass Effect 3 Ending Discussion (May Have Unmarked Spoilers)

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 06.26.2012 4:43pm


I heard there's a fourth "Go to hell Starchild!" ending added, but I'm not sure if it was serious or snarky reporting.

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 06.26.2012 5:01pm
Thread Creator (Edited on 06.26.2012 at 5:14pm)

Registered Member

There is.

New Ending:
Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.

If you reject the Star Child or shoot him, it walks away, and Shepard is left on the Crucible watching what's left of the fleet get destroyed.
It cuts to XX, 000 years later and one of Liara's beacons is found on a planet. The cycle was lost, but Liara hopes it will be broken some day. The normal epilogue scene on the alien planet with the grandfather and the child is somewhat different - the grandfather is no longer present, replaced by a woman who has read all of Liara's archives. She tells the child they are no longer threatened and are at peace.
The cycle is broken.

I liked the new endings; they are all pretty different, and catch most of the plot holes that were brought up. I'm satisfied. Control is a very sinister ending though.

There's also more content than just the endings, for example

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.

A scene directly before the beam shows Shepard helping the team evacuate to the Normandy. It's by far the biggest change pre-beam.
It also varies per team member - it's actually a very nice goodbye scene that I'm looking forward to seeing again with other team members. Immediately after Shepard goes into the beam there's a scene showing the Normandy rendezvousing with Hackett's ship.

They added a lot of Catalyst dialogue conversations too. The dialogue has been extended significantly, becoming one of the longest conversations in the series I think.

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.

The Catalyst explains it is an AI construct created millions of years ago as the embidoment of Reaper intelligence. It was created to establish a connection between organics and synthentics, but ultimately that connection failed. The Reapers are a synthetnic representation of the first species to create the Catalyst. Apparently, they did not wish to become a Reaper...

The Crucible is nothing but a power source, but in combined with the Relays it can send energy across the galaxy - crude, but effective. The Reapers were aware of the Crucible for cycles and had assumed they had destroyed all knowledge of it in a previous cycle. It was a surprise for the Reapers to see it built. The Catalyst tells Shepard all of this because the merger of the Citadel and the Crucible has changed its programming.

In explaining the Destroy choice, the Catalyst mentions that a lot of damage will be done by using the Crucible, but no more so than what has already been lost.

In explaining the Control choice, the Catalyst specifically mentions that Shepard's memories will remain intact, though he/she will no longer be human. The Reapers will be controlled. Shepard will replace the Catalyst - who isn't looking forward to it.

In explaining the Synthesis choice, the Catalyst explains that Shepard's organic energy will be broken down and dispersed throughout the entire galaxy. The Catalyst explains that this option could not have been done in the past - it was attempted but always failed. It is not something that can be forced, only by choice. The Catalyst goes further and explains that not only will synthenic and organic life merge, but the Reaper's preserved civilisations will also be linked to everyone else.

In explaining the Refuse ending, the Catalyst explains that Shepard has no choice - all of the fleets resources was used to get to this point and the cycle will continue. Shepard refuses to believe, but the Catalyst interrupts, stating that his/her belief is not required.

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 06.26.2012 5:17pm

Darth Howie

Did Synthesis.  It was a vast, vast improvement.  Thank God.  The fact that you can't challenge the Catalyst's logic is still incredibly stupid, but at least there are consequences and they dumped some of the dumber ideas.  Being stuck on that planet was stupid and destroying the mass relays was stupid.  I'm glad those are gone.  I'm also glad that they offered more explanation.  But again, not being able to argue with the Catalyst's logic is just infuriating.

Woe unto he who tries to be helpful, for upon him shall be lain the burdens of all.

- Squall 15:11

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 06.26.2012 5:47pm


Zub, your summary of the Control ending is pretty much exactly what I assumed about the Control ending from the start.  /vindicated

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 06.26.2012 5:58pm

Darth Howie

Here's the fourth ending:

Not QUITE as mean spirited as I feared, but still...

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 06.26.2012 8:39pm
 (Edited on 06.26.2012 at 9:36pm)

Just Giv'r

Hmmm, those all sound pretty decent. Kinda wish/still hope that the 4th ending had some sort of alternative where you did win if your GR was crazy high. Still, it's nice no know that they throw you a bone. Time to play tonight!

Crono said:

I watched the Destroy ending and wow.... so assuming you cut these up evenly that's about 600 mb for essentially 4 minutes of "new" footage that amounts to one person talking and then a short clip at the end.   Why did they even bother with this? 

Eh, they're actually a fair bit different for the last 10 mins. I just went back a page and watched the endings and little things in each cutscene, little acknowledgements for most things, different narrators for each ending, not too bad. Same basic theme of course and some parts are just slightly different but all in all not too bad. What it should have been from the start. (oh snap)

Didn't gaze too much at the starchild dialogue but can you bitch about the big loophole where you might have the geth fighting the reapers with you? Always an annoyance and it should definitely be part of my perfect "win right now tell starchild to fuck off" proposed ending.

The scenes they left from the original ending seem a bit out of place now. They loosely work I guess but eh probably didn't need to have the Normandy run away and crash anymore and and Stargazer, while confirmation that things kept going I guess, is pretty redundant now that we know what the fallout actually was. Stargazer works for the 4th ending though.

Now I kinda want to see all the alternate endings where people are missing (everyone but liara and james haha) or still there (mordin, reave, etc.).

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 06.26.2012 9:42pm
Thread Creator

Registered Member

Apparently there are *dozens* of epilogue pictures that vary depending on the choices you make.

For example

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.

If Wrex lives, then the Krogan work on rebuilding. If Wreav rules, they're arming themselves for a fight.
If Eve lives, then she plays with a young krogan with Wrex - or no-one if Wrex is dead.

Btw, Jennifer Hale's performance in the Control ending freaks me out.

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 06.26.2012 9:47pm

Just Giv'r

Nice, yeah those endings all showed the same Eve pic it seemed and honestly I couldn't tell where Wrex was in most of those shots, don't remember if he snags that white armour or not, it's been awhile!

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 06.27.2012 12:41am

Yep, still gaming

I liked the endings; here's hoping someday they will do a Special Edition that includes them, as I cannot download them.
The new endings might be sappy, but they fall along the lines of what most of us wanted, anyway.

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 06.27.2012 12:54am


Apparently if you've got the PS3 version and you're in Europe you have to wait til July. That sucks. :(

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 06.27.2012 1:01am

Registered Member

The extended endings are all vast improvements and I'm very satisfied.  Sure, it doesn't fix all my problems with the Star Child's existence, but they weren't going to do that and to think they would is stupid.  They took the endings we got, make them better.  They feel like proper endings now.  So overall, fuck yeah.

The new ending is my favorite, though.  Troll or not, I fucking love it in the context of the story.

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 06.27.2012 1:58am

Deep Water Horizon

Urge to kill falling.

Okay then.  I mean, sure, there are ways it could have been better, but this I can work with.  No boycott, no buying the game used.

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
I like the fourth ending, not only because it provides a bad ending that's fundamentally different from the others, not only because it allows you to tell off the starchild, but also because it gives my extreme renegade Shepard an ending that isn't all sappy and "he died for us".  Either I'm surviving, or I'm taking you assholes down with me.  Blaze of glory, bitches.

Currently playing: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Picross DS
Last played: Time Hollow (good)
Last watched: Agent Carter (very good)
Me on Favslist

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 06.27.2012 4:11am
 (Edited on 06.27.2012 at 4:55am)

Jericholic V2.0

So I just had to restart the final "mission" on The Citadel because I wanted to give the StarChild the finger and didn't realize shooting him would give me another ending (my Shepard is Destroy all the way). 

Anyways, about to replay the last piece again and pick Destroy. I refuse to watch on youtube before I see it for myself. 

My only beef at this point is that if you choose to tell the StarChild off you should get an outcome based on your EMS in my opinion, but whatever. BioWare wants to troll its fans, I guess I can somewhat respect that, especially based on how people are on the BioWare forums. The option should have been there, and based on EMS in the first place. But I digress. 

Did anyone else notice that characters promoted from multiplayer were removed from War Assets? Or was that just me? I happened to notice that when I got back from the Cerberus base. 

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Okay, now that I've played through and destroyed the Reapers I am by and large satisfied. I'd like to have seen a bit more regarding details of what my squadmates did post war (like a text crawl), but if this had been the original ending to the game I would have been fine with it. I also would have liked to have seen Shepard have a reunion with at the very least his love interest if he survies (that breath scene is still in the ending).

I also have to ask - why did they even leave in the scene with Buzz Aldrin and the Child? It's not at all relevant witht he new endings? I also thought it was a nice touch/good PR move by BioWare to change the message at the end that was previously designed to sell downloadable content.

Personally speaking, I think we would have gotten even more if there wasn't a 2GB download limit for Xbox 360. Either way, I'm more or less content, and appreciative of BioWare for being willing to do this. 

On a related note - I thought I'd check out the BioWare forums and they are, for the most part, tame. People seem to be satisfied there which actually surpises me. 

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 06.27.2012 6:21am

Vegeta X
Registered Member

loved the new endings.  Hats off to Bioware.  While I didnt HATE the original endings, I did find them all very abrupt and far to similar.

All of these are now very unique and add much more clarity and closure.  Hale's performance in the 'Control' ending is haunting.  Love it.

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 06.27.2012 6:25am

Registered Member

Inquisitor said:

Personally speaking, I think we would have gotten even more if there wasn't a 2GB download limit for Xbox 360. Either way, I'm more or less content, and appreciative of BioWare for being willing to do this. 

On a related note - I thought I'd check out the BioWare forums and they are, for the most part, tame. People seem to be satisfied there which actually surpises me. 

I think if BioWare wanted couldn't they have done split it three downloads for 1 GB each. But I think what we got is enought a much better ending, extended cut scenes. Plus size wise it was quite an effort from BIoWare since most side mission DLC's are like 700 MB to 1 GB anyways.

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