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 09.07.2014 12:47am

Terran Angel

For Feast for Crows, maybe.  Absolutely not for Dance with Dragons.  Hooooly shit.  I tore through the first three books, and went pretty quickly through the fourth.  The fifth though, I've been on for months and I'm not even 1/4 through it.  I honestly prefer Brienne's chapters in AFFC to anything in Essos in ADWD.

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 09.07.2014 1:43am
 (Edited on 09.07.2014 at 1:51am)

World Warrior 21007

I really don't understand the hate for Tyrion's chapters in ADWD. Dany's are boring, yeah, that I'll give you, except for the last couple of them. I enjoyed the chapters in the North (both Jon/Stannis and Winterfell/Boltons), as well as Arya's in Braavos.

Is there a way that D&D could make certain parts of Books 4 and 5 more robust? Yeah. But reading about what they're doing to Dorne, coupled with the thousand small cuts of annoying changes to stuff in Season 2-4, I really have no faith the changes and additions they'll make will accomplish that.

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 09.25.2014 2:36am

Terran Angel

From the FFXV thread, of all places:

Rhaegar said:

Arianne is far more important to her locale's characterization and to the overall plot than the Greyjoys and Quentyn are to theirs, so, again, false equivalence.

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
The ship has sailed on Dorne's unique cultural characteristics.  During the dungeon cell scene between Oberyn and Tyrion, Oberyn told the story of when he met Tyrion for the first time.  Except in the t.v. show, he said that it was his father who brought them to Casterly Rock.  In the book, it was his MOTHER who brought he and Elia to meet Jaime and Cersei.  That's because his mother was the Princess of Dorne.  His father was just her husband.  I cringed when I heard the change, because I knew right then that they were going to largely ignore Dorne's Rhoynar heritage in terms of gender equality.

The reason I'm okay with Arianne getting cut is because:

1) I think she's a boring character.  The Sand Snakes are much more interesting.


2) The storyline of her attempting to crown Myrcella is ultimately unimportant.

Arianne's story is, I'm guessing here, going to end up being tied to Young Griff's.  I'm pretty sure Young Griff is being cut from the show entirely, so there's no real point in having Arianne anymore.  The only thing of importance, Myrcella being injured, can happen without her.  I'm guessing they're going to have Trystane try and get her crowned, leading to the injury.

Plus, really, Arianne is a poor example of Dornish women.  She had a harebrained scheme that failed, then she was locked in a tower by her dad, then she was sent off to hang out with Young Griff.  I'd rather the show focus on the Sand Snakes as an example of Dornish women than Arianne.

Quentyn is entirely irrelevant to the story and can be safely snipped.

As for Victarion and Euron (and Aeron), I think they can all be safely cut.

Euron - Have his invasion of The Reach be done by Balon.  No need for it to be Euron, especially if they're going to cut out whatever Euron's plan for Dany is, as I suspect.

Victarion - His only true purpose is to give Dany a fleet by which she can sail to Westeros.  In one of the episodes last season, Daario mentioned that he captured the Meereenese fleet for Dany's invasion.  Boom, no more Vicky.

Aeron - Entirely superfluous.

In the end, you're left with Balon causing the ruckus in the south, Asha/Yara can still be at Deepwood Motte, just now by order of Balon instead of hiding from Euron, and Theon is still going to be at Winterfell with the Boltons.

So, yeah.  Plenty of people can be cut away while having the overall plot remain in place.

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 09.25.2014 2:58am

World Warrior 21007

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Yes, I'm aware of the change in Oberyn's story to Tyrion from his father to his mother. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a harbinger of D&D's sexist reimagination of Dorne, but it really didn't have to be that way. Had Arianne actually remained in the show, the change to Oberyn's story could've pretty much been forgiven.

And, no, the Sand Snakes are not sufficient as representative of Dornish women without Arianne, because unlike Arianne, the Sand Snakes are not in the line of inheritance. The whole point of having Dorne was that women can inherit political power and rule, different from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. That was represented by Arianne being the oldest, and the heir to Doran. (Nor do I think she's boring; hell, her use of her sexual assets involving Aris Oakheart was about the most well-written sex scene in ASOIAF, and beats the crap out of the increasingly annoying and gratuitous sexploitation scenes D&D is so fond of.)

The scheme to crown Myrcella is likely still going to happen, Arianne or not. Thing is, in the books, it made sense that Arianne would want Myrcella crowned and sees her as the rightful heir; since she's older than Tommen and thinks she should get preference regardless of her sex. The execution of her plot may have not been the best, but her reasoning is there.

But in the show? More than likely it's going to be love-struck, aged-up, whitey-ed-up Trystane Martell doing the honors with trying to crown Myrcella, which won't have nearly the impact or the relevance. Except make me despise Show|Trystane more than any other character in television history.

I don't feel nearly as strongly about Quentyn. (Hell, if Show|Trystane's punishment for his failed Myrcella plot is to be sent to die by dragons, i.e. Quentyn's book role, that'll be totally fine by me; I'll fucking cheer when he gets roasted.)

I don't really care about the Greyjoys, either, as I said, so I won't argue those.

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 09.25.2014 3:15am
Thread Creator


reido said:

Arianne is less important in terms of how good her chapters are (they are frequently boring) as she is in terms of what her character means to Dorne and, in turn, what Dorne means to greater Westeros.

Greater Westeros:  ruled by rich old white guys, overwhelmingly mysoginistic society.
Dorne:  ruled irregardless of gender, women have equal social and legal rights as men, not entirely populated by white people.

Dorne, from the viewer's perspective, with Trystane as the heir instead of Arianne:  ruled irregardless of gender, women have equal social and legal rights as men, not entirely populated by white people.

You can probably strike that last bit too, given the casting choices, and the fact that Show!Dorne is more Spain than the Middle East.

So basically the only thing that seperates Show!Dorne from the rest of Westeros is Latin accents, spicy food, and a general horniness.

This is what I said last time this came up, which was only a couple pages ago.  I'm'a just quote it wholesale instead of retyping it all out.  But to summarize:

Book Dorne is all about the ladies.
Show Dorne is all about the ladies being horny all the time.

(And also the dudes.  And also the quota non-cis characters.)

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 09.25.2014 3:33am

I'm going to try SCIENCE!

reido said:

This is what I said last time this came up, which was only a couple pages ago.  I'm'a just quote it wholesale instead of retyping it all out.  But to summarize:

Book Dorne is all about the ladies.
Show Dorne is all about the ladies being horny all the time.

(And also the dudes.  And also the quota non-cis characters.)

In fairness, we've only seen Dornish people in King's Landing, and as we all know by now the only thing to do in King's Landing is play the world's highest-stakes game of Fuck, Marry, Kill.

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 09.25.2014 3:50am

Terran Angel

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
You can still have Dorne's inheritance laws come into play without Arianne.  Trystane could talk about them as his reasoning for wanting to crown Myrcella.

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 09.25.2014 3:51am
Thread Creator


Jaran said:

In fairness, we've only seen Dornish people in King's Landing, and as we all know by now the only thing to do in King's Landing is play the world's highest-stakes game of Fuck, Marry, Kill.

This made me laugh harder than it should have.

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 09.25.2014 4:00am
 (Edited on 09.25.2014 at 4:06am)

World Warrior 21007

Lexx said:

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
You can still have Dorne's inheritance laws come into play without Arianne.  Trystane could talk about them as his reasoning for wanting to crown Myrcella.

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
It still wouldn't be the same. It's much more meaningful and believable for a woman who is heir to power in her own land to have motive to want to crown another woman for the whole Seven Kingdoms. Unfortunately, the show is most likely going to have Trystane enable the plot out of being lovestruck, knowing how D&D like to write such things. And any mention he'll make of Dorne's inheritance laws to "justify" it is going to come off as incredibly insincere.

Kinda like how in real life men who explicitly call themselves "feminists" and try to wave that flag around (and annoyingly talk over women in the movement) come off as insincere and desperate to get laid. That would be Trystane in your scenario.

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 09.25.2014 4:45am
 (Edited on 09.25.2014 at 5:07am)

Terran Angel

Rhaegar said:

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
It still wouldn't be the same. It's much more meaningful and believable for a woman who is heir to power in her own land to have motive to want to crown another woman for the whole Seven Kingdoms. Unfortunately, the show is most likely going to have Trystane enable the plot out of being lovestruck, knowing how D&D like to write such things. And any mention he'll make of Dorne's inheritance laws to "justify" it is going to come off as incredibly insincere.

Kinda like how in real life men who explicitly call themselves "feminists" and try to wave that flag around (and annoyingly talk over women in the movement) come off as insincere and desperate to get laid. That would be Trystane in your scenario.

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Most likely it would come across as Trystane having ulterior motives.  Just like Arianne did.  She wasn't crowning Myrcella out of the goodness of her heart or some shared sense of girlpower.  She did it because she knew it would cause a war with Tommen's supporters.  A war that all of Dorne wanted to avenge Oberyn and Elia.  A war that, should her side win, would leave her in power in Dorne with an ally on the Iron Throne.  All of which was so she could secure herself as the ruler of Dorne over Quentyn.

While you may be a fan of that storyline, it's by no means essential to the overall plot of A Song of Ice and Fire.  The world of the books is so huge that certain things are just going to have to be cut for Game of Thrones to have any sense of cohesion.  The larger plot of Dorne is, most likely, going to be cut.  The Ironbabbies are going to be cut.  Young Griff is, most likely, going to be cut.  Quentyn's travels across Essos is cut.

It sucks that a story you like is going to be severely reduced at best, and wholly eliminated at worst.  But it's a decision that I can understand being made.

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 09.25.2014 5:37am
 (Edited on 09.25.2014 at 5:58am)

World Warrior 21007

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Which still doesn't take away the fact that having Arianne enact the plot would be far more believable and consistent with Dorne's inheritance laws. Also, Arianne was aware of a plot by her father to put Quentyn on the throne ahead of her, despite Dorne as a whole recognizing her as the rightful heir. Her support for Myrcella was also meant to protect her own claim.

As I said, the Myrcella plot line is going to be in the show regardless. Why else would Myrcella be cast (and aged up no less!) if not for that plotline? It's obviously got some bearing on ASOIAF, contrary to what you claim, if it's going to be in the show. Problem is, it'll be fucking Show!Trystane enabling that plot instead of Arianne. Which just doesn't have the same impact, or relevance to Dornish culture as we know it from the book. (D&D's Show!Dorne is way the hell more shallow; in any event this will NOT be a change for the better.)

I repeat: THAT PLOT IS GOING TO BE IN THE SHOW. And since it's going to be in the show, I'd much rather they'd have done it with the right fucking characters. And not with Show!Trystane usurping Arianne's role in that plot because D&D are sexist as fuck.

Again, I don't care nearly as much about Quentyn or the Ironborn, and actually do understand their likely being cut or folded into other characters, so I dunno why you keep bringing them up.

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 09.25.2014 5:55am

Terran Angel

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
I keep bringing them up because it's part of my larger point about multiple storylines being cut, not just Arianne.  I don't care if you like them or not, but Euron is at least as important to the plot as Arianne.  Her being eliminated isn't some big sexist conspiracy as you make it out to be.  It's story consolidation.  That's it.  The aspect of her story that's remaining, Myrcella, is because of its impact on the Lannister storyline.  Specifically, Cersei.  They're also apparently sending Jaime down there, so it'll impact him, too.

Arianne and Quentyn were both cut not because of sexism, but because there's a limited amount of time to dedicate to yet another story in an already bloated show.

Of course, I'm biased, because I find the Dorne storyline to be dull as hell.  Whether I'm suffering through D&D's Trystane and Myrcella or through Gurm's Arianne and Arys, it's suffering all the same.

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 09.25.2014 6:06am
 (Edited on 09.25.2014 at 6:14am)

World Warrior 21007

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Nope, it is sexism. Straight up. Don't argue otherwise. D&D have a history of it. In the past I've let it slide, but when you're dealing with a whole new part of the Seven Kingdoms whose inheritance laws are different from the rest of Westeros and watering it down and whitewashing it, making it infinitely less interesting than the book version, then it's time to tell D&D to fuck off.

There is no other reason to cut out Arianne and give Show!Trystane her stuff for the sake of a fluffy love story with Myrcella. That's not cutting bloat; that's rearranging the plot entirely for God knows what reason and what audience.

That plotline is all but guaranteed to be in the show, for the last time. The right characters aren't. And without the right characters involved, the Dorne plot turns into just another deal indistinguishable from the rest of Westeros. That is NOT a change for the better, no matter how you slice it. Or how much and for what arbitrary reason you find it "boring."

Arianne and Arys was not suffering at all. For a lot of other people, it wasn't suffering. But I'm pretty sure Show!Trystane and Myrcella will be.

Also, comparing Arianne's significance to Euron's is highly disingenuous, and it's leading me to believe that you are arguing from a position of unrepentant sexism. Euron being subsumed by Balon isn't going to have nearly the same negative impact because they're both old men, and neither of whom were all that interesting in the books in the first place. AFAIC, they're well enough interchangeable without affecting much.

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 09.25.2014 6:30am

Terran Angel

Rhaegar said:

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Nope, it is sexism. Straight up. Don't argue otherwise. D&D have a history of it. In the past I've let it slide, but when you're dealing with a whole new part of the Seven Kingdoms whose inheritance laws are different from the rest of Westeros and watering it down and whitewashing it, making it infinitely less interesting than the book version, then it's time to tell D&D to fuck off.

There is no other reason to cut out Arianne and give Show!Trystane her stuff for the sake of a fluffy love story with Myrcella. That's not cutting bloat; that's rearranging the plot entirely for God knows what reason and what audience.

That plotline is all but guaranteed to be in the show, for the last time. The right characters aren't. And without the right characters involved, the Dorne plot turns into just another deal indistinguishable from the rest of Westeros. That is NOT a change for the better, no matter how you slice it. Or how much and for what arbitrary reason you find it "boring."

Arianne and Arys was not suffering at all. For a lot of other people, it wasn't suffering. But I'm pretty sure Show!Trystane and Myrcella will be.

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
I'm not in D&D's head so, unlike you, I won't assign personal motives to them.  If I were to warrant a guess about why Arianne was removed, I'd think it's a matter of laziness and time.  It's far easier to have Trystane and Myrcella be young idiots who run off and cause disastrous consequences, much like your namesake and Lyanna Stark, than to have Arianne's story of misunderstanding Doran's plan involving her and Viserys, and also having to establish her distant relationship to a younger sibling that she doesn't know or trust.

It's easier to do it this way.  Which is A) lazy, and B) saves time.  You seem to enjoy projecting nefarious motives onto people you don't know, so by all means continue to do so, but I hope you can at least understand the intellectual concept of other options existing besides the one you've latched onto.

For me, Arianne and Arys was suffering.  For a lot of other people, it was suffering.  I'm pretty sure Show!Trystane and Myrcella will be, too.

Also, comparing Arianne's significance to Euron's is highly disingenuous, and it's leading me to believe that you are arguing from a position of unrepentant sexism.

Aaaaand I stopped reading there.  I'm now an unrepentant! sexist for comparing Euron's role in the plot to Arianne's.  You are ridiculous, Rhaegar.  A complete and utter parody.

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 09.25.2014 6:39am

World Warrior 21007

D&D's sexism is apparent to anyone who's seen all four seasons, especially 2-4. And I'm hardly the first to note it, on here or otherwise. In fact, other posters on here were even more unforgiving about it than me a few pages back in this thread.

You made a completely disingenuous comparison and false equivalency. Too bad you didn't read the rest of that, or you would've known how those weren't comparable. And when you make such a comparison without thinking it through, then, yes, I expect the worst out of you. Because you haven't shown any better this entire "debate." Or the debate over FFXV, for that matter. I know it sucks to be told you're wrong, but man up on it when you're called out on it, thanks.

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