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 06.03.2012 8:52pm
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Registered Member

Just back from a showing. Go see it - it's not perfect but if nothing else it's a beautiful movie and I did smile seeing a sci-fi epic done right visually. I feel the plot stumbles a bit, and I disliked the over-reliance on CG.

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The new Alien design is interesting though.

The only thing that I really hated was the sowing of seeds for a sequel. It's not as obvious as say, Iron Man and the Avengers, but it's there and you will notice certain things.

Oh, and stop linking Alien to Prometheus, your head will start to throb, especially in the last few minutes.

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 06.04.2012 2:12am

Genitals are Funny

From what i read a few days ago. The whole Alien Prometheus thing was scrapped from the movie. The original idea of the movie was for it to be a kinda of prequel to Alien, but in later versions of the script it was scrapped. Now it's just a seperate story based in the same universe.

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 06.05.2012 9:03pm


I thought it was pretty good. My only problem is that after a nice first hour of build-up the second half zooms by and all this stuff happens that could probably have done with a lot more build up so that it had more impact.

I'm sure there will be a director's cut and for once I might look forward to it.

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 06.05.2012 9:55pm
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Registered Member

Yeah. Hopefully it won't take Ridley Scott 20 years to get around to it though.

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 06.06.2012 11:21am


Apparently about half an hour got axed from the film. I'm sure, like with Kingdom of Heaven, it won't take long for a longer cut to be released.

Reminds me I still haven't seen the Assembly Cut of Alien 3. Must do so one day.

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 06.06.2012 5:43pm

pew pew pew

It's ridiculous how much better the Director's Cut of Kingdom of Heaven is over the original. 

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 06.07.2012 6:31am

Genitals are Funny

Just got back from seeing it.  Not really spoilers but i'll still hide it anyways just in case.
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After being told a while ago that all the Alien stuff had been removed, it seemed like it was all still there.  There's even an actual alien., though it looks a lil different There's a face hugger though it's the size of a large car, more a full body hugger. And the creatures have acidic blood.

The end did seem a bit rushed, and it clearly needed Lance Henriksen

Also, there's a director's cut of kingdom of heaven? i don't think i've ever seen that.

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 06.08.2012 8:40am
 (Edited on 06.08.2012 at 8:50am)

Sing for me, little bird

Just got back from a midnight showing and I loved it. My take on the ending:

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At the very end, the chest-burster that comes out of the Engineer is far bigger than usual because the Engineers are far bigger than humanity (not to mention the sheer size of that facehugger). In otherwords, I saw it as the birth of an infant Queen (not saying it's the Queen from Aliens) that will only get bigger.

The movie also seriously benefits from the Aliens being more of a subplot than the main focus throughout.

I didn't really find the ending rushed, personally. Slowing down the second half would only diminish the urgency of their situation.

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 06.08.2012 5:01pm
 (Edited on 06.08.2012 at 5:10pm)

Yikes and away!

Saw it last night. It's... alright. Visually stunning though.

Story full of plotholes, two dimensional characters I didn't give a shit about, and very predictable.

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The moment Weyland came on screen and absolutely no one questioned it, took me completely out of the movie and just went along for the ride.

Granted, the Captain completely stole the show for me.

Edit: I did see it in 3D IMAX and thought it looked fantastic. When a movie is purposely shot with 3D in mind it's a million times better than doing it in post. If you can see it in 3D I recommend it.

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 06.08.2012 7:15pm
 (Edited on 06.08.2012 at 7:22pm)

Sing for me, little bird

Idris Elba is pretty awesome as the captain. They actually adjusted the darker scenes in the 3D version to compensate for the glasses making the film darker. It made all the difference. Best 3D I've seen since Avatar.

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I kind of saw the Weyland thing coming. A guy like that wouldn't let himself die when his company is so close to a major discovery.

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 06.08.2012 7:28pm

Yikes and away!

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Yeah, I saw it too. It was just such a blah plot point.

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 06.08.2012 7:41pm

Not Even My Dad Hit Me

I was wondering why the 3D was so good.  I usually hate it.

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 06.08.2012 9:40pm

Darth Howie

I really liked it a lot.  Not so much as a movie about characters, but more for its atmosphere and ideas, however unexplained.  I can see why people wouldn't be all that impressed though.  If I were coming in expecting something more like the first Alien with its character-focused claustrophobic horror, I'd have been pretty disappointed.

Woe unto he who tries to be helpful, for upon him shall be lain the burdens of all.

- Squall 15:11

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 06.09.2012 1:11am

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

Didn't see it in 3D (big surprise there), but I was completely blown away. Great great GREAT movie. Saw it with a friend of mine who's also a horror fan. I was squirming around in my seat in more than a few scenes while she's sitting there all placid like, calm as a Hindu cow.

"Of Christ's twelve Apostles Judas alone proved to be traitor. But if he had acquired power, he would have represented the other eleven Apostles as traitors, and also all the lesser Apostles whom Luke numbers as seventy." - Leon Trotsky

I have a blog. This is its URL. You should read it. It's about education and skepticism and books and it has a lot of pictures of Batman and Robin in it:

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 06.09.2012 1:29am

I'm going to try SCIENCE!

It wasn't bad. I liked it (and it was really well done for 3D). I wish they'd given us a little more context for certain parts, but I've just thought up an interesting theory

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
So it occurred to me, in wondering why the Engineers would want us so very very dead, that what if we are to them what androids are to us? *cue opening music from BSG* Man was created by the Engineers. They rebelled. They evolved. We were initially meant to be servants/guinea pigs for them. What if the pictograms aren't showing us worshipping them but kicking them off the planet (either before or after they lost control of whatever experiment they were running on LV-266)? Then we show up with our own servant, and the Engineer they wake up sees either that the cycle of what they were doing is about to repeat (us dicking around with their bioweapons and losing control, potentially spreading it even further), or that we'd created our own servants in our own likeness and had thus usurped the power of creation. In either case, we needed to be stopped.

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