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 06.09.2012 5:59am

I've been there, hombre.

I think the biggest question I had walking out of this movie is why they bothered applying ridiculous amounts of makeup/CG to Guy Pearce instead of getting an actual old person to play Weyland.

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 06.09.2012 11:29am
Thread Creator (Edited on 06.09.2012 at 1:43pm)

Registered Member

Because they wanted him to do this?

EDIT: Some of the theories going around about this movie are awesomely insane.

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Opinions on the Jesus Christ thing, anyone?

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 06.09.2012 4:42pm

I've been there, hombre.

And I'd seen that viral video of him a couple of weeks ago, so the whole time I was watching the movie, I was expecting Weyland to somehow get magically younger. When he didn't, I was baffled. He looked fake and out of place.

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 06.09.2012 6:09pm
 (Edited on 06.09.2012 at 6:19pm)

Registered Member

This was really cool and I enjoyed this a lot, it's nice to see Hollywood to return R-Rated Blockbusters even if its just this one movie. I feel that most Blockbusters these days are just too scared in making their movies graphic (looking at Hunger Games).

I love the mystery surround things and some of the horror stuff worked really well also. Especailly

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
the Cesarean Scene

I love the ideas of this movies questions the origins of man and whether it matters where we came from.

I didn't like the last act though, it went all action with no intriuge and  I just wasn't buying this movie as

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
an Alien prequel ... just didn't work for me

Also regarding a death scene of a certain character

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Is it  just me or the movie ran out of ideas in how to kill of people. Charlize Theron's death was really stupid.

RE: Jaran

I had the similar assumptions regarding on the purpose of the humans

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On the core I believe the Humans were created as guinea pigs to test the creators biological experients on Earth since it seems that Humans' DNA are the same as the creators  so I am also expecting the flora and fauna have such similarities. And sicne the Humans were like 3 times smaller and 10 times weaker than the creators there's no way they were being used anything but that.

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 06.10.2012 12:07am

I'm going to try SCIENCE!

^See, that's one of the biggest things that annoyed me as a scientist

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How the hell is our DNA a 100% match for theirs? THEY ARE 8 FEET TALL AND MADE OF RUBBER. Their genome would have more in common with the michelin man

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 06.10.2012 1:12am

I've been there, hombre.

^Well, a lot of the science in this movie was a tad wonky. A magical surgical machine with the precision of a claw toy game? 

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 06.10.2012 4:02am

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

I noticed a lot of shit in the movie that really doesn't match up with what we know scientifically, one of them being the qualms raised, but I just pushed it out of my head. You all should do the same. Don't let the inaccuracies get in the way of a great movie.

Oh, and one thing that was pointed out by another forum that I visit. The planet is called LV223. Leviticus 22:3 reads, "Say to them, ??If any one of all your offspring throughout your generations approaches the holy things that the people of Israel dedicate to the LORD, while he has an uncleanness, that person shall be cut off from my presence: I am the LORD.'"

"Of Christ's twelve Apostles Judas alone proved to be traitor. But if he had acquired power, he would have represented the other eleven Apostles as traitors, and also all the lesser Apostles whom Luke numbers as seventy." - Leon Trotsky

I have a blog. This is its URL. You should read it. It's about education and skepticism and books and it has a lot of pictures of Batman and Robin in it:

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 06.10.2012 4:31am


When it comes to sci-fi, just apply the MST3k Mantra. Not just for Prometheus, but ANY sci-fi movie/show/whatever. Even faster than light travel is physically impossible according to modern science.

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 06.11.2012 1:33am

Somebody loves ya.

I liked it a lot. I see it as a very Lost-ian philosphy to storytelling, which is to only show the tip of the iceberg of the total story and pose more questions than answers; it isn't surprising that a lot of people aren't satisfied with this.

For me the key to this movie is that we truly see it from the point of view of the protagonists. They land on an alien planet, a bunch of crazy stuff happens that they don't understand, and then it ends. We don't get the backstory and the plot resolutions and the proper scientific explanations because neither do they. It all just happens.

I think what I liked most is that: There's no scene where they come upon the ancient scroll/amateur video footage/holographic recording that explains exactly where they are and what happened all those years ago and by the way here are the instructions to kill the monser that's chasing you. That scene is in every movie of this type and it's so lazy and cheap, and it takes real balls to not include it.

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 06.11.2012 1:43am

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

Mole said:

For me the key to this movie is that we truly see it from the point of view of the protagonists. They land on an alien planet, a bunch of crazy stuff happens that they don't understand, and then it ends. We don't get the backstory and the plot resolutions and the proper scientific explanations because neither do they. It all just happens.

I watched it this morning and loved it mostly for this reason right here.

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

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 06.11.2012 3:53pm


What a frustratingly disappointing movie. Full of exposition, too many underdeveloped cast members, character idiocy, plot threads and thematic ideas that go nowhere, guh. So many things kept happening in the movie that were poor directorial decisions and it just pissed me off. 

You can have a movie that's crafted solidly and still full of unanswered questions- example, Ridley Scott's film from 1979, Alien. In that movie, only one person acts like an idiot and it dooms the rest of the crew, and nobody really knows what the hell happened or what they found. In this movie, everyone acts like an idiot and it dooms crew of scientists and one guy has a theory about what was happening on the planet and has no evidence to back it up, it's just out of his ass and that's our explanation. 

Alien is a brilliant, tight, expertly crafted movie. Promethus is painfully amateur and I hate that Scott's lost it as bad as he has, even when he was essentially retreading a lot of the same stuff from that older movie here.

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 06.11.2012 6:15pm

I'm Catbug!

I wasn't expecting Alien, and I didn't get Alien. Which is fine. I enjoyed what I got, which is essentially a prequel twice removed. Obviously there's still gaps between what happened in Alien and what happened in Prometheus, but you know what? I'm not sure want to see that, because the closer they get to Alien the worse they'll probably screw it up; hence why Lindelof has said that if they make a sequel to Prometheus that it will depart even further from the Alien mythology (but still follow what Prometheus showed).

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 06.11.2012 8:28pm


I only used Alien as an example of a well-crafed movie- I hardly care that Prometheus isn't Alien, but I do care that it's not a very well-made film.

The whole time I was watching it I was rewriting it to be more compelling, and thinking about what I would have done differently to make this a tense, mysterious, terrifying movie; and make no mistake, Prometheus WANTS to be all of these things. 

The first sign of trouble was when
Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal.
Vickers pulls aside the two scientists and flat out says she has a different agenda than they do around 20 minutes into the movie. The film cuts away when an intelligent person (read: Elizabeth and her hunk) would have spoke up and asked her, okay, so what are we REALLY doing here? But they don't, it cuts away, leaves everyone hanging and that's that, onto the next scene with everyone still in idiot mode. This isn't good storytelling, this is *cheap* storytelling. As an example, when the alterior motive subplot was developed in precursor films like Alien, it was kept in the background, motivations weren't revealed until later in the movie. Prometheus ruined its suspense right away by giving it up that Vickers and David aren't team players. Ash's betrayal in Alien was compelling because you didn't really know what he was up to the whole time.

The film makes matters worse by having the crew act like idiots all over the place (we should be extra strict and careful about quarantine except for when we're out on the planet's surface inside an alien structure walking around without helmets, or the disposable characters getting killed by doing a complete character 180 from being scared shitless at the whole situation then attempting to become best buddies with a horrific alien snake thing). The film also spreads its characterisation budget across too many people, and the result is a ton of people you hardly care about, totally undeveloped. It would have been vastly more compelling if they had cut the cast in half, and merged a ton of characters together. The worst thing about this is that not only do not care about the secondary characters, but it bogs down the primary characters, leading you to care less about them because too much screen time is spent on narratively useless people. 

Then there's the problem of exposition. This is a movie all about mystery, and they killed it by trying to give the audience answers by just saying it out loud. I'm talking about the Captain making his claim that they were developing bioweapons and that they're at a military installation. This explanation is A) incredibly boring, and B) based on no actual evidence the characters have scrounged up. It's speculation on his, but the rest of the film treats this explanation as truth. Yes, this is what's happening (and to people familiar with the Alien mythos and the space jockey lore, it's also the explanation Scott had intended), but a better movie would have left it truly unanswered. Characters tell their motivations and explanations to the audience, or they're left unsaid completely, without anything for the viewer to at least grasp on.

There were so many ways the film could have been restructured and rewritten that would have resulted in a tigther, scarier, and more mysterious movie while still being incredibly satisfying. But it's just lazy instead.

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 06.11.2012 9:13pm
Thread Creator

Registered Member

One theory was sort of confirmed:

Spoiler: Move your mouse over the container to reveal. We had heard it was scripted that the Engineers were targeting our planet for destruction because we had crucified one of their representatives, and that Jesus Christ might have been an alien. Was that ever considered?

Ridley Scott: We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose. But if you look at it as an ??our children are misbehaving down there? scenario, there are moments where it looks like we??ve gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, "Let's send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it." Guess what? They crucified him.[/b]

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 06.11.2012 9:22pm


You know what would have been cool? If that was actually something brought into discussion by the movie itself and not just left to conjecture.

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