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Zelda: Skyward Sword

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 11.19.2011 5:28pm


*reads 7.5 review*

While some of his complaints do sound silly, I'm glad at least some major review places aren't just giving Zelda a free pass anymore.

Also, Darksiders is the best Zelda game I've played in years.

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 11.19.2011 6:04pm


Mark Hamill is your fairy sidekick.  How can Darksiders not be better than recent Zelda games?

Honestly, the NPC interaction in Darksiders is virtually nonexistant and this makes it a rather lonely affair compared to some Zelda games (especially Majora's Mask).  But other than that, there's nothing not to recommend to Zelda fans.  It is actually a Zelda game with more visceral combat.  So again I gotta recommend it to all, as usual.  Get it!

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 11.19.2011 7:02pm

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

I am actually thinking of going to the midnight release for this tonight. Other than allowing more playtime tomorrow, it will give me a chance to do some people watching to find out what demographic the franchise speaks to today. Zelda used to be unfairly labeled a "kids game" just because it lacked violence, language, and sexual themes. And now, young gamers seem so hopelessly led astray by mindless online military shooters ( and similar bullshit games) that expect the typical customer to be like me (25 to 30 year olds who grew up with the series).

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 11.20.2011 8:11am


Bleh, Darksiders was average. Even more average than Twilight Princess. It felt awkward and heavy to play, and it had that whole EDGY EDGY EGDEEEEEY feel to it, so it ended up alienating me. Hopefully the second one will clear up any issues I had with it, because they were all easily fixed issues.

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 11.21.2011 2:01am

Crono can cross dimensions too!

Darksiders was VERY average to me and I hated the controls.  On topic though...

I finally started the game up since I knocked out two games today.  I'm digging the atmosphere and LOVING the music but the controls... Man, I just want to use a classic pro so bad.  I don't mind waggle for things like rolling but constantly swinging a sword around is going to get old real fast.  I'm also not great since I'm a lefty but can't steer well with my right hand... so there is that slight issue. 

Currently Playing: Dark Cloud 2: 3 hours.
Also Playing: CT, FF VI, Solatorobo, Secret of Mana, Halo 4.
Just Finished: Fable II: 7 hours.

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 11.21.2011 3:14am

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

I'm left handed and I'm not having any issues.

I'm personally loving the controls. I think it adds a different level of immersion and depth to the gameplay. There is just so much you can do with battle and action sequences that you just can't do with classic controls. It probably wouldn't work for most types of games, but for a Zelda game it just works.

It also opens the door for. Brand new types of puzzle designs that are infinitely more fun than lighting torches.

I spent most of the day playing it and got past the first two dungeons. Very impressed so far, with just about everything. Hope it keeps it up.

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 11.21.2011 4:26am

Vincent Valentine
Wannabe Red Mage

Can I shoot someone please?... royally screwed me...  I changed delivery speed and they don't warn you that you'll be pushed to the back of the pre-order queue.  I'm now in the group of poor suckers who won't be getting a copy of the collector's edition because Nintendo isn't making more.  I'm just glad I have enough extra to go buy it at my local Best Buy (they have a few bundles there).

Damn you  The phone support even blamed me for my misfortune... even though there's no notification that I'd be bumped.

Sorry for the rant.
On a side note, I can't wait to play this game... *sigh*

"I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it." - Vincent Valentine

Overdrive_Tidus from FFO Forums

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 11.21.2011 5:37am

So Sigh Ety

Crono, I"m waiting a month or so til somoene maps out a hack for homebrew that changes the controls to remove all waggle. and not be so aggravating like I"m hearing. Gonna enjoy this game without the bad controls the way I did DK Returns.

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 11.21.2011 6:06am

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

Trust me, it works. Don't base your opinion of these motion controls off of Twilight Princess.

Also, motion is woven into the fabric of this game so much, that I would advise against playing it another way even if you could.

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 11.21.2011 8:14am
 (Edited on 11.21.2011 at 8:21am)

So Sigh Ety

I'm still gonna wait awhile for the homebrew controls to surface, then I'll try the regular game with motion controls, and if I don't like 'em, hacked control config it is. But I"ll still try it first to see if I like it. I"ve yet to find a Wii game that I haven't been able to replace the motion controls with regular ones and not make it more relaxing and fun in the process besides Wii Sports and Metroid Prime 3.

And by motion controls what I should really say is waggle. I enjoy motion controls, (a la Wii Sports and MP3) what I really can't stand is waggle (All other Wii games that I've played so far) What category would everyone say SS fits into?  Both perhaps? It's one thing to have to use the wii mote pointer to aim and shoot with the hookshot and crossbow (very cool) but to have to shake the wiimote everytime I want to jump or something, not cool.

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 11.21.2011 12:29pm

Atma Weapon
I Am Pure Energy

SS isn't a waggle game. Most of the time, if you play like that you will get mauled.

Most enemies are programed to recognize waggling and just defend your attacks. Even some of the most basic enemies simple can't be defeated unless you aim your attacks precisely and time the slash only when they let their guards down. Once an enemy is off balance you can hack at it a couple of times, but aimed slices are still better.

Occasionally you can stagger the enemy too easily with spin attacks, but you can only do that a couple of times until your stamina runs out and you get torn to shreds.

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 11.21.2011 2:51pm
Thread Creator

Clowd Cole
Dangerous Zombie

Vincent Valentine said:

Can I shoot someone please?... royally screwed me...  I changed delivery speed and they don't warn you that you'll be pushed to the back of the pre-order queue.  I'm now in the group of poor suckers who won't be getting a copy of the collector's edition because Nintendo isn't making more.  I'm just glad I have enough extra to go buy it at my local Best Buy (they have a few bundles there).

Damn you  The phone support even blamed me for my misfortune... even though there's no notification that I'd be bumped.

Sorry for the rant.
On a side note, I can't wait to play this game... *sigh*

Im still waiting for mine too from amazon. This same thing happens for pretty much every Nintnedo release cause the jerks release on Sunday.

I have skyrim so it doesnt bother me, but for your issue with dropping in queue thats going to happen no matter where you order from. If you make a change in the shipping they have to reprocesses it which means taking it out of the queue and then chaning then you go back in the back of the line.

It would be like waiting in line at an amusment park ride and decided you want to put your sunglasses up in your locker. Once you get out of that line you are not getting back in that spot.

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

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 11.21.2011 3:00pm

Registered Member

Vincent Valentine said:

Can I shoot someone please?... royally screwed me...  I changed delivery speed and they don't warn you that you'll be pushed to the back of the pre-order queue.  I'm now in the group of poor suckers who won't be getting a copy of the collector's edition because Nintendo isn't making more.  I'm just glad I have enough extra to go buy it at my local Best Buy (they have a few bundles there).

Damn you  The phone support even blamed me for my misfortune... even though there's no notification that I'd be bumped.

Sorry for the rant.
On a side note, I can't wait to play this game... *sigh*

I didn't preorder - I was hoping my husband could get it for me at Best Buy yesterday since they had a deal this week where you get a $10 gift card with it.  But no Best Buys around me had the collecor's edition anymore (odd since they started that deal on it yesterday).  I think I'm still going to be getting the regular game and a Wiimote +, but I wanted the gold triforce one :(

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 11.21.2011 4:28pm

Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court

I guess I lucked out.  I did pre-order the special edition at my local Gamestop about three days before it's release, but I saw that they had a shit ton of copies available, including the special edition ones.

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 11.21.2011 6:08pm

Crono can cross dimensions too!

Spidey: DKCR waggle free controls surfaced in a day.  It's been something like 11 and there's still no codes out there.  Given how many different types of strokes there are and basing off where you start the swing as well... I'm really skeptical if we'll see adapted controls.  I'm hoping for it, but I doubt it.

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